11 使用 OKM 控制台

本章介绍了 OKM 控制台中的选项。

OKM 控制台是什么?

OKM 控制台是基于文本的终端界面,允许您配置 KMA 的基本功能。通过以下方式访问该控制台:将视频监视器和键盘物理连接到 KMA 或者通过 ELOM Web 浏览器界面中的“远程控制台”功能(请参见"通过服务处理器访问 KMA")。

KMA 引导时操作系统会自动启动 OKM 控制台并且用户无法将其终止。根据为用户分配的角色,OKM 控制台中的选项会有所不同。

必须先在 OKM Manager 中创建用户帐户,然后您才能登录 OKM 控制台。必须使用在 OKM 中进行验证所用的同一用户名/口令短语来登录 OKM 控制台。


启动 QuickStart 程序时仅创建第一个安全官帐户。

登录 KMA

在 KMA 引导后,将显示以下信息。

Copyright (c) 2007, 2013, Oracle and/or its affiliates. All rights reserved. 
Oracle Key Manager Version 3.0.0 (build2020) -- SO on Strathclyde 
Please enter your User ID: 
  1. 在提示下,键入您的用户名并按 <Enter> 键。

  2. Please enter your Passphrase: 提示下,键入您的口令短语并按 <Enter> 键。根据为用户分配的角色,OKM 控制台上的选项会有所不同。菜单显示 KMA 的版本以及登录用户。




Oracle Key Manager Version 3.0.0 (build2020) -- OP on Strathclyde
Please enter your User ID: OP 
Please enter your Passphrase: 

Oracle Key Manager Version 3.0.0 (build2020) -- SO on Strathclyde
Serial Number 1251BD0E48   

OpenBoot PROM Version OBP 4.34.3 2013/02/06 11:46
(1)  Reboot KMA 
(2)  Shutdown KMA 
(3)  Technical Support 
(4)  Primary Administrator 
(5)  Set Keyboard Layout 
(0)  Logout 
Please enter your choice:  



Oracle Key Manager Version 3.0.0 (build2020) -- SO on Strathclyde 
Please enter your User ID: SO 
Please enter your Passphrase: 

Oracle Key Manager Version 3.0.0 (build2020) -- SO on Strathclyde
Serial Number 1251BD0E48   

OpenBoot PROM Version OBP 4.34.3 2013/02/06 11:46
(1)     Log KMA Back into Cluster 
(2)     Set User's Passphrase 
(3)     Set KMA Management IP Addresses 
(4)     Set KMA Service IP Addresses 
(5)     Modify Gateway Settings 
(6)     Set DNS Settings 
(7)     Reset to Factory Default State 
(8)     Technical Support 
(9)     Primary Administrator 
(10)    Set Keyboard Layout 
(0)     Logout 
Please enter your choice:  


Oracle Key Manager Version 3.0.0 (build2020) -- SO on Strathclyde 
Please enter your User ID: SO 
Please enter your Passphrase: 

Oracle Key Manager Version 3.0.0 (build2020) -- SO on Strathclyde
Serial Number 1251BD0E48   

OpenBoot PROM Version OBP 4.34.3 2013/02/06 11:46
(1)     Log KMA Back into Cluster 
(2)     Set User's Passphrase 
(3)     Set KMA Management IP Addresses 
(4)     Set KMA Service IP Addresses 
(5)     Modify Gateway Settings 
(6)     Set DNS Settings 
(7)     Reset to Factory Default State 
(8)     Technical Support 
(9)     Primary Administrator 
(10)    Set Keyboard Layout 
(0)     Logout 
Please enter your choice:  


对于其他角色,即备份操作员、合规官、审计员和法定成员,将显示类似下面的菜单。可用的唯一选项是从 KMA 注销和设置键盘布局。

Oracle Key Manager Version 3.0.0 (build2020) -- SO on Strathclyde 
(1)  Set Keyboard Layout 
(0)  Logout 
Please enter your choice:  




Oracle Key Manager Version 3.0.0 (build2020) -- SO on Strathclyde 
Please enter your User ID: SO 
Please enter your Passphrase: 

Oracle Key Manager Version 3.0.0 (build2020) -- SO on Strathclyde
Serial Number 1251BD0E48   

OpenBoot PROM Version OBP 4.34.3 2013/02/06 11:46
(1)  Reboot KMA 
(2)  Shutdown KMA 
(3)  Technical Support 
(4)  Primary Administrator 
(5)  Set Keyboard Layout 
(0)  Logout 
Please enter your choice:  



重新引导 KMA

"Reboot KMA" 菜单选项允许操作员停止并重新启动 KMA 以及重新引导操作系统。此功能仅用于故障排除目的。

要重新引导 KMA:

  1. 在主菜单的 Please enter your choice: 提示下,键入 1 并按 <Enter> 键。将显示以下信息,指示支持帐户已启用。

    Reboot KMA 
    Press Ctrl-c to abort. 
    Are you sure that you want to reboot the KMA? [y/n]: y 
  2. 在提示下,键入 y 并按 <Enter> 键。当前 OKM 控制台会话终止,因为 KMA 开始重新引导。KMA 重新引导后,将显示 OKM 控制台登录提示。

关闭 KMA

使用此选项,可以终止(关闭)KAM 上的所有服务并物理地关闭 KMA 自身。


如果 KMA 已经关闭至少几个小时并且启用了 "Autonomous Unlock" 选项,则在重新引导 KMA 之前锁定 KMA。当前更新传播到了此 KMA 后(如 "KMA List" 面板中的 "Replication Lag Size" 所示),则解锁该 KMA。有关详细,请参阅以下主题:"Autonomous Unlock Option""Lock/Unlock KMA"""KMA List" 菜单"

要关闭 KMA:

  1. 在主菜单的 Please enter your choice: 提示下,键入 2 并按 <Enter> 键。将显示以下信息,指示支持帐户已启用。

    Shutdown KMA 
    Press Ctrl-c to abort 
    Are you sure that you want to shut down the KMA? [y/n]: y 
  2. 在提示下,键入 y 并按 <Enter> 键。将显示以下信息,指示系统正在关闭。

    Shutting down... 
  3. 将显示关闭序列。关闭完成时,将显示以下信息。

    Power down 
  4. 现在,KMA 已关闭。可以使用电源按钮或 ELOM 远程电源控制功能打开 KMA 电源。





  1. 在主菜单的 Please enter your choice: 提示下,键入 3 并按 <Enter> 键。将显示以下信息,指示支持帐户已启用。

    Technical Support 
    Press Ctrl-c to abort. 
    The support account is currently ENABLED. 
    Would you like to DISABLE the support account? [y/n]: y 
  2. 在提示下,键入 y 禁用帐户并按 <Enter> 键。

  3. 将显示以下信息,提示您确认更改。

    Are you sure that you want to DISABLE the support account?  
  4. 在提示下,键入 y 并按 <Enter> 键。SSH 服务会自动停止。


使用 "Primary Administrator" 菜单选项可以启用/禁用主管理员对 KMA 的访问。




  1. 要禁用主管理员访问权限:

    在主菜单的 Please enter your choice: 提示下,键入 4 并按 <Enter> 键。将显示以下信息,指示访问权限已启用。

    Primary Administrator 
    Press Ctrl-c to abort. 
    The Primary Administrator role is currently ENABLED. 
    Would you like to DISABLE Primary Administrator privileges for the support account? [y/n]: y 
    Are you sure that you want to DISABLE these privileges for the support account? [y/n]: y 
    Primary Administrator configuration changes have been completed. 
    Press Enter to continue: 
  2. 在提示下,键入 y 禁用帐户并按 <Enter> 键。

  3. 将显示以下信息,提示您确认更改。

    Are you sure that you want to DISABLE these privileges for the support account? [y/n]: 
  4. 在提示下,键入 y 并按 <Enter> 键。主管理员访问权限已禁用。




键盘布局应该设置为与 KMA 连接的键盘的布局相匹配,以便 KMA 可以正确解释按键操作。


  1. 在主菜单的 Please enter your choice: 提示下,键入 5 并按 <Enter> 键。将显示下面的键盘布局。

    Set Keyboard Layout 
    Press Ctrl-c to abort. 
    You may change the keyboard layout here. 
    Available keyboard layouts: 
    ( 1) Arabic             ( 2) Belgian           ( 3) Brazilian 
    ( 4) Canadian-Bilingual ( 5) Canadian-French   ( 6) Danish  
    ( 7) Dutch              ( 8) Dvorak            ( 9) Finnish 
    (10) French             (11) German            (12) Italian 
    (13) Japanese-type6     (14) Japanese          (15) Korean 
    (16) Latin-American     (17) Norwegian         (18) Portuguese 
    (19) Russian            (20) Spanish           (21) Swedish
    (22) Swiss-French       (23) Swiss-German      (24) Traditional-Chinese
    (25) TurkishQ           (26) UK-English        (27) US-English
    The current layout is US-English 
    Please enter the number for the keyboard layout [27] : 
    The keyboard layout has been applied successfully. 
    Press Enter to continue: 
  2. Please enter the number for the keyboard layout: 提示下,输入要将键盘布局更改为的编号。此时将应用新的键盘布局。

  3. 将显示以下信息。按 <Enter> 键继续。

要注销 OKM 控制台会话:

  1. 在主菜单的 Please enter your choice: 提示下,键入 0 并按 <Enter> 键。

  2. 当前会话终止并显示登录提示,允许用户重新进入 OKM 控制台。




Oracle Key Manager Version 3.0.0 (build2020) -- SO on Strathclyde 
Please enter your User ID: SO 
Please enter your Passphrase: 

Oracle Key Manager Version 3.0.0 (build2020) -- SO on Strathclyde
Serial Number 1251BD0E48   

OpenBoot PROM Version OBP 4.34.3 2013/02/06 11:46
(1)     Log KMA Back into Cluster 
(2)     Set User's Passphrase 
(3)     Set KMA Management IP Addresses 
(4)     Set KMA Service IP Addresses 
(5)     Modify Gateway Settings 
(6)     Set DNS Settings 
(7)     Reset to Factory Default State 
(8)     Technical Support 
(9)     Primary Administrator 
(10)    Set Keyboard Layout 
(0)     Logout 
Please enter your choice:  

KMA 重新登录到群集

通过此菜单选项,安全官可以在 KMA 的口令短语已经更改后将该 KMA 重新登录到群集。


如果 KMA 已经从群集注销至少几个小时,则在将该 KMA 重新登录到群集之前锁定该 KMA。当前更新传播到了此 KMA 后(如 "KMA List" 面板中的 "Replication Lag Size" 所示),则解锁该 KMA。有关详细信息,请参阅以下主题:"Lock/Unlock KMA"""KMA List" 菜单"


  1. 启动 OKM Manager。

  2. 以安全官身份登录现有 KMA。

  3. 导航到 "KMA List" 面板。

  4. 创建 KMA 条目。

    要将 KMA 登录到群集:

  5. 在主菜单的 Please enter your choice: 提示下,键入 1 并按 <Enter> 键。将显示以下信息。

    Log KMA Back into Cluster 
    Press Ctrl-c to abort. 
    Please enter the Management Network IP Address of an existing KMA in the cluster:  
    The KMA Passphrase is a Passphrase that you have previously configured for this KMA to join a Cluster. 
    Please enter this KMA’s Passphrase: 
  6. 以安全官身份登录现有 KMA。

  7. 在提示下,键入最初为该 KMA 配置的口令短语以加入群集,然后按 <Enter> 键。

    This command requires authorization by a quorum of Key  Split Users. 
    Enter sufficient Key Split credentials to form a quorum. 
    Enter a blank name to finish. 
    Press Ctrl-c to abort. 
    Please enter Key Split User Name #1: 
    Please enter Key Split Passphrase #1: 
    Press Enter to continue: 
  8. 在 OKM Manager 修改密钥拆分凭证功能(请参阅"修改密钥拆分配置")中为第一个 KMA 输入在 QuickStart 期间建立的第一个密钥拆分用户名。


    安全官需要知道要输入的密钥拆分用户数量,即密钥拆分阈值是什么。在此示例中,密钥拆分阈值为 2。
  9. 键入密钥拆分用户的口令短语,然后按 <Enter> 键。

    This command requires authorization by a quorum of Key  Split Users. 
    Enter sufficient Key Split credentials to form a quorum. 
    Enter a blank name to finish. 
    Press Ctrl-c to abort. 
    Please enter Key Split User Name #2: 
    Please enter Key Split Passphrase #2: 
    Press Enter to continue: 
  10. 输入第二个密钥拆分用户名。

  11. 键入密钥拆分用户的口令短语,然后按 <Enter> 键。

    This command requires authorization by a quorum of Key Split Users. 
    Enter sufficient Key Split credentials to form a quorum. 
    Enter a blank name to finish. 
    Press Ctrl-c to abort. 
    Please enter Key Split User Name #3: 
    Are you sure that you want to log the KMA back into the Cluster? 
    [y/n]: n 
    Press Enter to continue: 
  12. 在密钥拆分用户名 #3 旁边按 <Enter> 键以结束密钥拆分用户授权。

  13. 键入 n 并按 <Enter> 键。




  1. 在主菜单的 Please enter your choice: 提示下,键入 2 并按 <Enter> 键。将显示以下信息。

    Set User’s Passphrase 
    Press Ctrl-c to abort. 
    Please enter the User Name:  
  2. 在提示下,键入用户的名称并按 <Enter> 键。将显示以下信息。

    Passphrases must be at least 8 characters and at most 64 characters in length. 
    Passphrases must not contain the User’s User Name. 
    Passphrases must contain characters from 3 of 4 character classes (uppercase, lowercase, numeric, other). 
    Please enter the desired Passphrase:  
    Please re-enter the desired Passphrase:  
    Press Enter to continue: 
  3. 在提示下,键入口令短语并按 <Enter> 键。

  4. Please re-enter the desired Passphrase: 提示下,键入同一口令短语并按 <Enter> 键。将显示以下信息,指示已设置口令短语。

    按 Enter 键继续:


    This command requires authorization by a quorum of Key  
    Split Users. Enter sufficient Key Split credentials to form a quorum. Enter a blank name to finish. 
    Press Ctrl-c to abort. 
    Please enter Key Split User Name #1: 
  5. 输入第一个密钥拆分用户名并按 <Enter> 键。

    Please enter Key Split Passphrase #1: 
    Press Enter to continue: 
  6. 输入第一个密钥拆分口令短语并按 <Enter> 键。

  7. 重复步骤 5 和步骤 6,直到您输入了足够数量的密钥拆分用户名以形成法定信息。

  8. Key Split User Name 旁边按 <Enter> 键以结束密钥拆分用户授权。


    如果您没有输入足够法定数目的密钥拆分凭证,则设置用户的口令短语过程变为暂挂法定操作。有关更多信息,请参见""Pending Quorum Operation List" 菜单"
  9. 按 <Enter> 键以返回到主菜单。

设置 KMA 管理 IP 地址

此选项修改 KMA 的管理地址设置。最初,在 QuickStart 程序中设置此信息(请参见"指定网络配置"),然后可以在此处更改此信息。

在大型多站点群集中,磁带机仅能连接到群集中所有 KMA 的一部分。以下注意事项适用于磁带机可以连接到的 KMA 集合。


应谨慎使用此功能。如果更改一个 KMA 的信息,所有其他 KMA 将立即收到该更新(假定这些 KMA 都处于连接状态)。如果该 KMA 断开连接,则其能够重新连接时将更新其他 KMA。但是,如果您具有互相不连接的两个 KMA(网络故障)并且您更改这两个 IP 地址,则在网络修复时这两个 KMA 将无法重新连接。在这种情况下,必须在一个 KMA 上使用"将 KMA 重新登录到群集"的过程来将其与另一个 KMA 重新连接,并且必须首先更新口令短语。例如,如果 KMA A 和 B 断开连接,并且您更改这两个 IP 地址,则必须登录到 A 并更改 B 的口令短语。然后登录到 B 的控制台并使用"将 KMA 重新登录到群集"的过程将其重新连接到 A。处理磁带机时也必须谨慎。磁带机不自动接收更新的 IP 信息;仅当挂载磁带时这些磁带机才获取更新的 IP 信息。因此,如果您处于磁带作业仅在夜里运行的典型环境中并且您在白天更改所有 KMA 的 IP 地址,则磁带机将无法与任何 KMA 通信。如果发生这种情况,必须在 OKM 群集中重新注册磁带机。要避免这种情况,请一次更改一个 KMA IP 地址,等待所有磁带机接收更改,然后更改下一个地址。

要设置 KMA 管理 IP 地址:

  1. 在主菜单的 Please enter your choice: 提示下,键入 3 并按 <Enter> 键。

    此时将显示当前 KMA 管理 IP 地址设置。KMA 未配置为使用 IPv6 地址时,IPv6 地址字段为空。

    Set KMA Management IP Addresses 
    Press Ctrl-c to abort. 
    An IP Address configuration must be defined in order for the KMA to communicate with other KMAs or Users in your system. 
    Current settings: 
      Management Configuration : Static 
      Management IP Address    : 
      Management Subnet Mask   : 
      Management IPv6 Addresses: 2001:DB8::/32 
    Do you want to configure the Management Network interface to have an IPv6 address? [y/n]:  
    Do you want to use DHCP to configure the Management Network IPv4 interface? [y/n]:  
    Please enter the Management Network IP Address []: 
    Please enter the Management Network Subnet Mask []: 
    Are you sure that you want to commit these changes? [y/n]: y 
  2. Do you want to configure the Management Network interface to have an IPv6 address 提示下,键入 ny

  3. Do you want to use DHCP to configure the Management Network IPv4 interface 提示下,键入 ny。如果键入 n,则转至步骤 4。如果键入 n,则转至步骤 6

  4. 在提示下,键入管理网络 IP 地址并按 <Enter> 键。

  5. Please enter the Management Network Subnet Mask: 提示下,键入子网掩码地址(例如并按 <Enter> 键。

  6. Are you sure that you want to commit these changes? [y/n]: 提示下,键入 y

设置 KMA 服务 IP 地址

此选项修改 KMA 的服务地址设置。最初,在 QuickStart 程序中设置此信息(请参见"指定网络配置"),然后可以在此处更改此信息。

在大型多站点群集中,磁带机仅连接到群集中所有 KMA 的一部分。此注意事项适用于磁带机可以连接到的 KMA 集合。


应谨慎使用此功能。如果更改一个 KMA 的信息,所有其他 KMA 将立即收到该更新(假定这些 KMA 都处于连接状态)。如果该 KMA 断开连接,则其能够重新连接时将更新其他 KMA。但是,如果您具有互相不连接的两个 KMA(网络故障)并且您更改这两个 IP 地址,则在网络修复时这两个 KMA 将无法重新连接。在这种情况下,必须在一个 KMA 上使用"将 KMA 重新登录到群集"的过程来将其与另一个 KMA 重新连接,并且必须首先更新口令短语。例如,如果 KMA A 和 B 断开连接,并且您更改这两个 IP 地址,则必须登录到 A 并更改 B 的口令短语。然后登录到 B 的控制台并使用"将 KMA 重新登录到群集"的过程将其重新连接到 A。处理磁带机时也必须谨慎。磁带机不自动接收更新的 IP 信息;仅当挂载磁带时这些磁带机才获取更新的 IP 信息。因此,如果您处于磁带作业仅在夜里运行的典型环境中并且您在白天更改所有 KMA 的 IP 地址,则磁带机将无法与任何 KMA 通信。如果发生这种情况,必须在 OKM 群集中重新注册磁带机。要避免这种情况,请一次更改一个 KMA IP 地址,等待所有磁带机接收更改,然后更改下一个地址。

此时将显示当前 KMA 服务 IP 地址设置。KMA 未配置为使用 IPv6 地址时,IPv6 地址字段为空。

Set KMA Service IP Addresses 
Press Ctrl-c to abort. 
An IP Address configuration must be defined in order for the 
KMA to communicate with other Agents in your system. 
Current settings: 
  Service Configuration : Static 
  Service IP Address    : 
  Service Subnet Mask   : 
  Service IPv6 Addresses: 2001:DB8::/32 
Do you want to configure the Service Network interface to have an IPv6 address? 
Do you want to use DHCP to configure the Service Network IPv4 interface? [y/n]:  
Please enter the Service Network IP Address []: 
Please enter the Service Network Subnet Mask []: 
Are you sure that you want to commit these changes? [y/n]: y 
  1. 在主菜单的 Please enter your choice: 提示下,键入 4 并按 <Enter> 键。

  2. Do you want to configure the Service Network interface to have an IPv6 address 提示下,键入 ny

  3. Do you want to use DHCP to configure the Service Network IPv4 interface 提示下,键入 ny。如果键入 n,则转至步骤 4。如果键入 n,则转至步骤 6

  4. 在提示下,键入服务网络 IP 地址并按 <Enter> 键。

  5. Please enter the Service Network Subnet Mask: 提示下,键入子网掩码地址(例如并按 <Enter> 键。

  6. Are you sure that you want to commit these changes? [y/n]: 提示下,键入 y


此菜单选项显示管理 (M) 和服务 (S) 网络界面上的当前网关设置(一页五个网关),并要求用户添加网关、删除网关或接受当前网关配置。

Modify Gateway Settings 
Press Ctrl-c to abort. 
Gateways that are configured automatically are not modifiable, and are indicated with an asterisk (*). 
Management routes are indicated with an 'M', and service routes with an 'S'. 
   # Destination      Gateway          Netmask               IF 
---- ---------------- ---------------- --------------------- -- 
   1 default               M 
   2 default               M 
   3 default               S 
   4         M 
*  5         M 
Press Enter to continue: 
Modify Gateway Settings 
Press Ctrl-c to abort. 
Gateways that are configured automatically are not modifiable, and are indicated with an asterisk (*). 
Management routes are indicated with an 'M', and service routes with an 'S'. 
   # Destination      Gateway           Netmask             IF 
---- ---------------- ----------------- ------------------- -- 
*  6        S 
   7        M 
   8        M 
*  9        
* 10 fe80::           2001:db8::/32     10                   M 
(1) Continue 
(2) Back 
Modify Gateway Settings 
Press Ctrl-c to abort. 
Gateways that are configured automatically are not modifiable, and are 
indicated with an asterisk (*). Management routes are indicated with an 'M', 
and service routes with an 'S'. 
   # Destination                 Gateway                     Netmask         IF 
---- --------------------------- --------------------------- --------------- -- 
* 11 fe80::                      fe80::216:36ff:feca:15b9    10              S 
You can add a route, delete a route, or exit the gateway configuration. 
Please choose one of the following: 
(1)  Add a gateway 
(2)  Remove a configured gateway (only if modifiable) 
(3)  Exit gateway configuration 
(4)  Display again 
  1. 在主菜单的 Please enter your choice: 提示下,键入 5 并按 <Enter> 键。

  2. (1)Continue (2)Back 提示下,键入 1 可以显示后几个网关,键入 2 可以显示前几个网关。

  3. 显示最后一个网关时,在 Please choose one of the following: 提示下,键入 1234 并按 <Enter> 键。


    用户在任何时间按 Ctrl+c 组合键,都将不保存更改并且用户将返回到主菜单。

指定 DNS 设置

此菜单选项显示 DNS 设置,并提示用户提供新的 DNS 域(如果您希望配置一个域)和 DNS 服务器 IP 地址。

Set DNS Configuration 
Press Ctrl-c to abort. 
DNS configuration is optional, but necessary if this KMA 
will be configured using hostnames instead of IP addresses. 
Current DNS configuration: 
Domain: example.com 
Please enter the DNS Domain (blank to unconfigure DNS): example.com 
Up to 3 DNS Name Servers can be entered. Enter each name 
server separately, and enter a blank name to finish. 
Please enter DNS Server IP Address #1: 
Please enter DNS Server IP Address #2: 
  1. 在主菜单的 Please enter your choice: 提示下,键入 6 并按 <Enter> 键。

  2. Please enter the DNS Domain (blank to unconfigure DNS): 提示下输入 DNS 域名。

  3. Please enter DNS Server IP address 提示下输入 DNS 服务器 IP 地址。至多可以输入三个 IP 地址。

  4. <Enter> 键完成,而不指定 IP 地址。

KMA 重置为出厂默认值

使用此菜单选项,安全官可以将 KMA 重置为其出厂默认状态。


重置是不可恢复的;KMA 上的信息已不存在。


要将 KMA 重置为出厂默认值:

  1. 在主菜单的 Please enter your choice: 提示下,键入 7 并按 <Enter> 键。将显示以下信息。

    Reset to Factory Default State
    Press Ctrl-c to abort.
    All information stored on this KMA will be destroyed!
    Access to all protected data will be lost unless a backup
    of the Cluster data has been created or Cluster Peer KMAs
    are present.
    Please consult the OKM Administration Guide before proceeding
    with this operation.The system will be rebooted after the KMA is reset.
    Are you sure that you want to reset the KMA to the
    Factory Default State?
    Type RESET to confirm:
  2. Type RESET to confirm 提示下,键入 RESET 并按 <Enter> 键。将显示以下信息,指示正在重置 KMA。

  3. 一旦验证完成,您将返回到 QuickStart。请参见"运行 QuickStart 程序"


使用 "Technical Support" 菜单选项,操作员可以启用/禁用操作系统的支持帐户和对该帐户的 SSH 访问。默认情况下禁用技术支持帐户和 SSH 访问。因为操作员为支持帐户定义口令短语,所以启用支持帐户会授予 OKM 控制台用户对 KMA 的有限访问。

  1. 要启用技术支持帐户:

    在主菜单的 Please enter your choice: 提示下,键入 8 并按 <Enter> 键。将显示以下信息,指示支持帐户已禁用。

    Technical Support 
    Press Ctrl-c to abort. 
    The support account is currently DISABLED. 
    ************************* WARNING ********************* 
    Enabling the support account and SSH access is a SECURITY RISK. 
    These settings should not be left enabled unless required for 
    troubleshooting purposes. 
    Ensure that this account is disabled when not required. 
    Would you like to ENABLE the support account? [y/n]: y 
  2. Are you sure that you want to ENABLE the support account and assume this security risk? [y/n] 提示下,键入 y 以启用该帐户并按 <Enter> 键。通过启用 SSH 访问,技术支持可以远程诊断问题。

  3. 在提示下,键入 y 并按 <Enter> 键。将显示以下信息,指示 SSH 主机密钥的用途。

    When a Technical Support representative connects to the KMA using SSH, 
    SSH host keys must be verified via an alternative secure communication channel
    in order to detect a potential ”man-in-the-middle” attack. 
    Please record and store these SSH host keys securely. 
    SSH host keys are generated when SSH is enabled for the first time. 
    They may be subsequently regenerated to invalidate the existing SSH host keys. 

    以下屏幕要求您重新生成 SSH 密钥并为支持帐户提供口令短语。

    Ensure that this account is disabled when not required.
    Would you like to ENABLE the support account? [y/n]: y
    Are you sure that you want to ENABLE the support account andassume this security risk? [y/n]: y
    When someone connects to the KMA using SSH, the KMA verifies
    SSH host keys via an alternative secure communication channel
    in order to detect a potential "man-in-the-middle" attack.
    SSH host keys are generated the first time you enable the
    support account. They may be regenerated later in order to
    invalidate the existing SSH host keys.
    Would you like to regenerate the SSH host keys? [y/n]: y 
    A Passphrase for the support account must be at least 8characters and at most 64 characters in length.
    It must have at least 2 alphanumeric characters (1 upperand 1 lower) and at least 1 non-alphanumeric characters. 
    A Passphrase may contain white space.
    Passwords must be unique within the last 10 settings, and
    may not contain the account name (support).
    Please enter a Passphrase for the support account:  
    The maximum age of the Passphrase of the support account is the maximum number of days that this Passphrase is valid. 
    When this age has been reached, then the support account is disabled. 
    This number must be greater than 0 and no more than 7.
    Please enter the maximum age of this Passphrase: 2 
  4. Would you like to regenerate the SSH host keys? 提示下,键入 y 并按 <Enter> 键。

  5. Please enter a Passphrase for the support account: 提示下,输入口令短语。


    口令短语至少要与口令短语最小长度安全参数一样长。在 QuickStart 程序期间此值设置为 8,但是稍后您可以在 OKM Manager GUI 中更改该值。请参见"修改安全参数"
  6. 输入口令短语的最大有效天数。

  7. 按 <Enter> 键以返回到主菜单。

    Press Enter to continue: 





  1. 在主菜单的 Please enter your choice: 提示下,键入 8 并按 <Enter> 键。将显示以下信息,指示支持帐户已启用。

    Technical Support 
    Press Ctrl-c to abort. 
    The support account is currently ENABLED. 
    Would you like to DISABLE the support account? [y/n]: y 
  2. 在提示下,键入 y 禁用帐户并按 <Enter> 键。

  3. 将显示以下信息,提示您确认更改。

    Are you sure that you want to DISABLE the support account? [y/n]: 
  4. 在提示下,键入 y 并按 <Enter> 键。SSH 服务会自动停止。


使用 "Primary Administrator" 菜单选项可以启用/禁用主管理员对 KMA 的访问。

  • 要启用主管理员访问权限,必须首先启用技术支持(选项 8)。

  • 此任务仅可由安全官启用;可以由操作员或安全官禁用。


    使用主管理员功能,以技术支持身份登录的用户可以获得主管理员访问权限,等效于 root 访问权限。因为仅 Oracle 支持知道主管理员的口令短语,仅来自 Oracle 支持的用户可以获得主管理员访问权限。虽然危险,但是在某些情况下还是需要这种操作以便从问题中恢复系统,不过您可以需要得到后端支持或工程的直接指导。
  1. 要启用主管理员访问权限:

    在主菜单的 Please enter your choice: 提示下,键入 9 并按 <Enter> 键。将显示以下信息,指示访问权限已禁用。

    Primary Administrator 
    Press Ctrl-c to abort. 
    The Primary Administrator role is currently DISABLED. 
    ************************** WARNING ******************** 
    Providing the support account with Primary Administrator privileges is a
    SECURITY RISK.  This setting should not be left enabled unless required for
    troubleshooting purposes. 
    Ensure that these privileges are disabled when not required. 
    Would you like to ENABLE Primary Administrator privileges for the support account? [y/n]: y 
    Are you sure that you want to ENABLE these privileges for the support account, 
    assuming this security risk? [y/n]: y 
    Primary Administrator configuration changes have been completed. 
    Press Enter to continue: 
  2. 在提示下,键入 y 启用帐户并按 <Enter> 键。

  3. 将显示以下信息,提示您确认更改。

    Are you sure that you want to ENABLE these privileges for the support
    account, assuming this security risk? [y/n]:
  4. 在提示下,键入 y 并按 <Enter> 键。主管理员访问权限已启用。


使用 "Primary Administrator" 菜单选项可以启用/禁用主管理员对 KMA 的访问。




  1. 要禁用主管理员访问权限:

    在主菜单的 Please enter your choice: 提示下,键入 9 并按 <Enter> 键。将显示以下信息,指示访问权限已启用。

    Primary Administrator 
    Press Ctrl-c to abort. 
    The Primary Administrator role is currently ENABLED. 
    Would you like to DISABLE Primary Administrator privileges for the support account? [y/n]: y 
    Are you sure that you want to DISABLE these privileges for the support account? [y/n]: y 
    Primary Administrator configuration changes have been completed. 
    Press Enter to continue: 
  2. 在提示下,键入 y 禁用帐户并按 <Enter> 键。

  3. 将显示以下信息,提示您确认更改。

    Are you sure that you want to DISABLE these privileges for the support account? [y/n]: 
  4. 在提示下,键入 y 并按 <Enter> 键。主管理员访问权限已禁用。




键盘布局应该设置为与 KMA 连接的键盘的布局相匹配,以便 KMA 可以正确解释按键操作。


  1. 在主菜单的 Please enter your choice: 提示下,键入 7 并按 <Enter> 键。将显示下面的键盘布局。

    Set Keyboard Layout 
    Press Ctrl-c to abort. 
    You may change the keyboard layout here. 
    Available keyboard layouts: 
    ( 1) Arabic             ( 2) Belgian           ( 3) Brazilian 
    ( 4) Canadian-Bilingual ( 5) Canadian-French   ( 6) Danish  
    ( 7) Dutch              ( 8) Dvorak            ( 9) Finnish 
    (10) French             (11) German            (12) Italian 
    (13) Japanese-type6     (14) Japanese          (15) Korean 
    (16) Latin-American     (17) Norwegian         (18) Portuguese 
    (19) Russian            (20) Spanish           (21) Swedish
    (22) Swiss-French       (23) Swiss-German      (24) Traditional-Chinese
    (25) TurkishQ           (26) UK-English        (27) US-English
    The current layout is US-English 
    Please enter the number for the keyboard layout [27] : 
    The keyboard layout has been applied successfully. 
    Press Enter to continue: 
  2. Please enter the keyboard layout [US-English]: 提示下,输入要将键盘布局更改为的语言。

  3. 在提示下,键入 y 并按 <Enter> 键。将显示以下信息,指示已进行更改。按 <Enter> 键以返回到主菜单。

    The keyboard layout has been applied successfully. 
    Press Enter to continue: 

要注销 OKM 控制台会话:

  1. 在主菜单的 Please enter your choice: 提示下,键入 0 并按 <Enter> 键。

  2. 当前会话终止并显示登录提示,允许用户重新进入 OKM 控制台。



Oracle Key Manager Version 3.0.0 (build2020) -- SO on Strathclyde 
Serial Number 1251BD0E48 
OpenBoot PROM Version OBP 4.34.3 2013/02/06 11:46 
(1)  Set Keyboard Layout 
(0)  Logout 
Please enter your choice:  




键盘布局应该设置为与 KMA 连接的键盘的布局相匹配,以便 KMA 可以正确解释按键操作。


  1. 在主菜单的 Please enter your choice: 提示下,键入 1 并按 <Enter> 键。将显示下面的键盘布局。

    Set Keyboard Layout 
    Press Ctrl-c to abort. 
    You may change the keyboard layout here. 
    Available keyboard layouts: 
    ( 1) Arabic             ( 2) Belgian           ( 3) Brazilian 
    ( 4) Canadian-Bilingual ( 5) Canadian-French   ( 6) Danish  
    ( 7) Dutch              ( 8) Dvorak            ( 9) Finnish 
    (10) French             (11) German            (12) Italian 
    (13) Japanese-type6     (14) Japanese          (15) Korean 
    (16) Latin-American     (17) Norwegian         (18) Portuguese 
    (19) Russian            (20) Spanish           (21) Swedish
    (22) Swiss-French       (23) Swiss-German      (24) Traditional-Chinese
    (25) TurkishQ           (26) UK-English        (27) US-English
    The current layout is US-English 
    Please enter the number for the keyboard layout [27] : 
    The keyboard layout has been applied successfully. 
    Press Enter to continue: 
  2. Please enter the keyboard layout [US-English]: 提示下,输入要将键盘布局更改为的语言。

  3. 在提示下,键入 y 并按 <Enter> 键。将显示以下信息,指示已进行更改。按 <Enter> 键以返回到主菜单。

    The keyboard layout has been applied successfully. 
    Press Enter to continue: 

要注销 OKM 控制台会话:

  1. 在主菜单的 Please enter your choice: 提示下,键入 0 并按 <Enter> 键。

  2. 当前会话终止并显示登录提示,允许用户重新进入 OKM 控制台。