Cartridge Management View

Use the Cartridge Management view to deploy cartridges in the Design Studio workspace and undeploy them from run-time environments.

The Cartridge Management view lists all available cartridges in your workspace. A status column indicates which cartridges have been deployed and, if so, whether they are synchronized with the target environment. The Deployed Versions table lists which cartridge version and build combination is currently deployed in the target environment (for the selected cartridge). The last refresh time appears at the bottom of the table. Design Studio refreshes the table after cartridge queries, imports, deploys, and undeploys.

Field Use
Problem Marker column The first column of the Cartridges table displays an X if the cartridge contains problem markers. You must resolve all problem markers before you can deploy a cartridge to a run-time environment.
Status Displays an icon to represent the cartridge project status. Hover over the icon to reveal one of the following status descriptions:
  • The cartridge does not exist in the workspace, but exists in the run-time environment.

  • The cartridge exists in the workspace but does not exist in the run-time environment.

  • The cartridge exists in the workspace and in the run-time environment, but the versions are not synchronized (they are no longer identical due to changes to data in the workspace version).

  • The cartridge exists in the workspace and in the run-time environment, and the versions are identical.

Note: You must query the environment for state information before cartridge status is displayed. See "Testing Run-Time Environment Connectivity" for more information.

Cartridge Name Displays the name of all cartridges defined in the workspace.
Cartridge Display Name Displays the name defined for the Project entities in the Project editor Description field.
Type Indicates the type of Cartridge project. For example, this column indicates whether the cartridge is an OSM cartridge project, an ASAP cartridge project, a UIM cartridge project, and so forth.
Version Displays the cartridge version number currently saved in the Design Studio workspace.

The number of digits in the version number depends on the number of digits supported by the target environment for the project. Some target environments support five digits, and some support only three digits. Cartridges are synchronized when the version number and the name match.

Build Indicates which build of the cartridge data is used by the corresponding cartridge. If you have enabled the automatic build feature, Design Studio increases the build number automatically every time you save.

To enable the automatic build feature elect Project, then Build Automatically.

Operation Displays the operations that the workbench is currently performing against the cartridge.

This column does not display any operations initiated by other instances of Design Studio or by the Cartridge Management web service client tools.

Query Click to refresh the view of the listed cartridges.
Deploy Click to deploy the selected cartridges to a run-time environment.

When you select a cartridge in the Cartridge area, Design Studio populates the following fields for that cartridge in the Deployed Versions area:

Field Use
State Displays the state of the selected cartridge. For example, this field displays active if the selected cartridge has been deployed.
Version Displays the version number of the cartridge that was deployed to the run-time environment.
Build Displays the build number of the cartridge deployed to the run-time environment.
Deployed On Displays the date of the last deployment of the cartridge selected in the Cartridge area.
Provider Displays the cartridge provider, if available. For example, for cartridges that you obtained from the Oracle software delivery website, Oracle appears in this column.
Show Details Click to review copyright and license information for the cartridge selected in the Deployed Versions area. The dialog box that appears when you click Show Details also displays the name, type, version, and build number of the selected cartridge.

This button is not available for selected cartridges deployed to run-time environments older than 7.3.0, or when cartridges with multiple versions are selected.

Undeploy/Remove Select one or multiple cartridges in the Deployed Versions area and click Undeploy/Remove to undeploy those cartridges from a run-time environment. Additionally, you can select one or multiple cartridges in the Deployed Versions area and click Undeploy/Remove to remove from the run-time server those cartridges that failed to deploy successfully.

Note: This button is not available for all types of cartridges.

Import Click to import from the run-time environment the cartridge selected in the Deployed Versions area.

Note: This button is not available for all types of cartridges.