Configuring Network Integrity Actions

To configure a Network Integrity action:

  1. Open the Action editor Details tab.

  2. (Optional) In the Description field, enter a description.

  3. For discrepancy resolution actions, enter a name in the Resolution Action Label field.

    The resolution action label name is the label that appears in the Network Integrity Actions menu.

    For example, if you enter Correct in Inv in the Resolution Action Label field, the Network Integrity Actions menu will have a Correct in Inv option after the cartridge containing this action is deployed.

  4. (Optional) To configure the action as an abstract action, select the Abstract check box.

    Design Studio creates the action as an abstract class. An abstract action cannot be deployed to Network Integrity. It is extended by other actions. See "About Abstract Actions for Network Integrity" for more information.

    If the action is abstract, the rest of this procedure is optional.

  5. (Optional) For discovery actions, add an address handler.

    See "Adding Address Handlers to Network Integrity Actions" or more information.

  6. For assimilation, discovery, and import actions, add a result category.

    See "Adding Result Categories to Network Integrity Actions" for more information.

  7. (Optional) In the Documentation field, add information about the action.

  8. Add processors to the action. Do at least one of the following:

  9. (Optional) To create a For Each processor and add it to an action, see "Adding For Each Processors to Network Integrity Actions".

  10. (Optional) To organize the sequence of processors for the action, select a processor and click Move Up or Move Down.


    Configuring the sequence of processors is important. The processors in an action are run in the order they appear in the Action Processors area of the Action editor Processors tab.
  11. (Optional) For assimilation, discovery, and import actions, add scan parameter groups to the action.

    See "Adding Scan Parameter Groups to Network Integrity Actions" for more information.

  12. Add model collections to the action.

    See "Adding Model Collections to Network Integrity Actions" for more information.

  13. For discrepancy detection and discrepancy resolution actions, add a result source.

    See "Adding Result Sources to Network Integrity Actions" for more information.

  14. (Optional) Create conditions and apply them to processors:

    1. Create conditions.

      See "Creating Conditions for Network Integrity" for more information.

    2. Apply the conditions to processors.

      See "Applying Conditions to Network Integrity Processors" for more information.

  15. Save the action.

Related Topics

About Network Integrity Actions

Creating Network Integrity Actions

Network Integrity Action Editor

About Address Handlers for Network Integrity

Discovery actions use address handlers to validate the scope of discovery scans run from Network Integrity. Oracle Communications provides basic address handlers in the Address Handler cartridge provided with Network Integrity.

Address handlers cannot exist in the same cartridge project as actions. See Network Integrity Developer's Guide for information about building custom address handlers.

If you do not add an address handler, Network Integrity cannot validate scope addresses at run time. Addresses are treated individually and invalid addresses fail.

Related Topics

About Discovery Actions for Network Integrity

Creating Network Integrity Address Handlers

Adding Address Handlers to Network Integrity Actions

Configuring Network Integrity Actions

Address Handler Editor

Creating Network Integrity Address Handlers

To create an address handler:

  1. From the Studio menu, select New, then select Integrity, then select Address Handler.

    The Address Handler Wizard appears.

  2. From the Project list, select the cartridge project to include the address handler.

    Address handlers cannot exist in the same cartridge project as actions.

  3. In the Name field, enter a name for the address handler.

  4. (Optional) In the Folder field, select a location for the address handler.

    If you leave the Folder field blank, the address handler is created in the default workspace.

  5. Click Finish.

    Design Studio creates the address handler and displays the Address Handler editor.

Because address handlers and action cannot exist in the same cartridge project, you must make the project with actions dependent on the one containing address handlers. See "Managing Project Dependencies" for more information.

See Network Integrity Developer's Guide for more information about building and configuring address handlers.

Related Topics

About Discovery Actions for Network Integrity

Adding Address Handlers to Network Integrity Actions

Configuring Network Integrity Actions

Address Handler Editor

Adding Address Handlers to Network Integrity Actions

This procedure assumes you have a cartridge project with address handlers. Oracle Communications provides basic address handlers in the Address Handler cartridge provided with Network Integrity.

To add an address handler to a discovery action:

  1. On the Action editor Details tab, beside the Address Handler field, click Select.

    The Select Address Handler dialog box appears. The dialog box lists address handlers from dependent cartridge projects only. See "Managing Project Dependencies" for more information.

  2. From the Matching Items list, select an address handler.

    You can filter the Matching Items list by typing in the Select an item to open field.

  3. Click OK.

    The name of the address handler appears in the Address Handler field.

  4. Save the action.

Related Topics

About Address Handlers for Network Integrity

Configuring Network Integrity Actions

Address Handler Editor

Network Integrity Action Editor

About Result Categories for Network Integrity

A result category is the identifier for a result group. It is used to identify and save scan results to the corresponding result model.

The name of the result category must match the name of the result group in the Java implementation into which the scan results are saved. The result category name appears in the Network Integrity UI scan results.

Assimilation, discovery, and import actions must be configured with a valid result category.

Related Topics

Adding Result Categories to Network Integrity Actions

Configuring Network Integrity Actions

About Assimilation Actions for Network Integrity

About Discovery Actions for Network Integrity

About Import Actions for Network Integrity

Network Integrity Action Editor

Adding Result Categories to Network Integrity Actions

Assimilation, discovery, and import actions must have a valid result category.

To add a result category to an action:

  1. On the Action editor Details tab, in Result Categories area, click Add.

    The Create Results Categories dialog box appears.

  2. In the Name field, enter a name for the result category.


    The name of the result category must match the name of the result group in the Java implementation into which the scan results are saved. The result category name also appears in the Network Integrity UI scan results.
  3. (Optional) In the Description field, add information about the result category.

  4. Click OK.

  5. Save the action.

Related Topics

About Address Handlers for Network Integrity

Configuring Network Integrity Actions

About Assimilation Actions for Network Integrity

About Discovery Actions for Network Integrity

About Import Actions for Network Integrity

Address Handler Editor

Network Integrity Action Editor

Adding New Processors to Network Integrity Actions

You can create a new processor from the Action editor to add to your action.

To create a new processor and add it to an action:

  1. On the Action editor Processors tab, click Add.

    The Studio Model Entity Wizard appears.

  2. From the Project list, select the cartridge project that contains the action in which you are creating the processor.

  3. From the Type list, select the type of processor you want to create.

    The Type list contains different processor types depending on the action you are configuring.

  4. In the Name field, enter a name for the processor.

    The Implementation Prefix field takes the component name by default.

  5. (Optional) In the Folder field, select a location for the processor.

    If you leave the Folder field blank, the processor is created in the default workspace.

  6. Click Finish.

    Design Studio creates the processor and adds it to the Action Processors area.

  7. Save the action.

  8. Configure the processor.

    See "Configuring Network Integrity Processors" for more information.

Related Topics

Working with Network Integrity Processors

Creating Network Integrity Processors

Configuring Network Integrity Actions

Network Integrity Action Editor

Adding Existing Processors to Network Integrity Actions

This procedure assumes that you have already created and configured a processor for your action.

To add an existing processor to an action:

  1. On the Action editor Processors tab, click Select.

    The Select an Action or Processor to Add dialog box appears. The dialog box lists processors from the current cartridge project and actions from dependent cartridge projects. See "Managing Project Dependencies" for more information.

  2. From the Matching Items list, select a processor or action.

    You can filter the Matching Items list by typing in the Select an item to open field. Only valid entities for the action type appear in the Matching Items list.

  3. Click OK.

    Design Studio adds the processor to the action.

  4. Save the action.

Related Topics

Working with Network Integrity Processors

Creating Network Integrity Processors

Configuring Network Integrity Processors

Configuring Network Integrity Actions

Network Integrity Action Editor

About For Each Processors for Network Integrity

A For Each processor causes the processors it contains to run multiple times.

For example, when importing data, a For Each processor is typically used to read through a list of discovered devices, saving each device to the Network Integrity database.

Related Topics

Adding For Each Processors to Network Integrity Actions

Configuring Network Integrity Actions

Adding For Each Processors to Network Integrity Actions

To add a For Each processor to an action:

  1. On the Action editor Processors tab, click Add For Each.

    The Create For Each dialog box appears.

  2. From the Collection Name list, select the output parameter to which to associate the For Each processor.

  3. Click OK.

    Design Studio adds the For Each processor to the Action Processors area.

  4. Save the action.

Related Topics

About For Each Processors for Network Integrity

Configuring Network Integrity Actions

Network Integrity Action Editor

Adding Scan Parameter Groups to Network Integrity Actions

Scan parameter groups allow you customize the Network Integrity UI by adding input fields for configuring assimilation, discovery, and import scans.

This procedure assumes that you have already created scan parameter groups.

To add a scan parameter group to an action:

  1. On the Action editor Scan Parameter Group tab, click Select.

    The Add Entities dialog box appears. The dialog box lists scan parameter groups from the current cartridge project and from dependent cartridge projects. See "Managing Project Dependencies" for more information.

  2. From the Matching Items list, select a scan parameter group.

    You can filter the Matching Items list by typing in the Select an item to open field.

  3. Click OK.

    Design Studio adds the scan parameter group to the action.

  4. To organize the order of the scan parameter groups, select a scan parameter group and click Move Up or Move Down.

  5. Save the action.

Related Topics

About Network Integrity Scan Parameter Groups

Working with Network Integrity Scan Parameter Groups

Configuring Network Integrity Actions

Network Integrity Action Editor

About Model Collections for Network Integrity Actions

A model collection is a grouping of specifications from other cartridge projects.

Specifications created in a cartridge project are automatically related to all actions in the same cartridge project. You cannot add specifications to a model collection in the same cartridge project.

By default, when you create a Network Integrity cartridge project, Design Studio automatically creates a model collection for the cartridge project.

By default, when you create an action, all model collections in the same cartridge project are automatically added to the action. You should add only new model collections to an action.

Model collections allow Design Studio to generate specification helper classes for specifications from other cartridges to model data into the Oracle Communications Information Model.

Related Topics

Creating Network Integrity Model Collections

Adding Specifications to Network Integrity Model Collections

Adding Model Collections to Network Integrity Actions

Creating Network Integrity Model Collections

A model collection groups specifications from other dependent cartridge projects.

All Network Integrity cartridge projects have a default model collection. You can create additional model collections.

To create a model collection:

  1. From the Studio menu, select New, then select Integrity, and then select Model Collection.

    The Model Collection Wizard appears.

  2. From the Project list, select the name of the project in which to include the model collection.

  3. In the Name field, enter a name for the model collection.

  4. (Optional) In the Folder field, select a location for the new model collection.

    If you leave the Folder field blank, the model collection is created in the default workspace.

  5. Click Finish.

    Design Studio creates the model collection and displays its information in the Model Collection editor.

  6. Add specifications to the model collection.

    See "Adding Specifications to Network Integrity Model Collections" for more information.

  7. Add the model collection to an action.

    See "Adding Model Collections to Network Integrity Actions" for more information.

Related Topics

About Model Collections for Network Integrity Actions

Configuring Network Integrity Actions

Model Collection Editor

Adding Specifications to Network Integrity Model Collections

A model collection groups specifications from other dependent cartridge projects.

This procedure assumes that your current cartridge project has a model collection.

To add a specification to a model collection:

  1. On the Model Collection editor Model tab, click Select.

    The Open Resource dialog box appears. The dialog box lists specifications from dependent cartridge projects that are supported by Network Integrity. See "Managing Project Dependencies" for more information.

  2. From the Matching Items list, select the specifications.

    You can filter the Matching Items list by typing in the Select an item to open field. Only specifications from dependent cartridge projects appear in the Matching Items list.

  3. Click OK.

    Design Studio adds the specifications to the model collection.

  4. Save the model collection.

Related Topics

About Model Collections for Network Integrity Actions

Creating Network Integrity Model Collections

Adding Model Collections to Network Integrity Actions

Configuring Network Integrity Actions

Model Collection Editor

Adding Model Collections to Network Integrity Actions

Adding a model collection to an action allows the action to use the specifications contained in the model collection from other cartridge projects.

By default, when you create an action, all model collections in the same cartridge project are automatically added to the action. You should add only new model collections to an action.

To add a model collection to an action:

  1. On the Action editor Model tab, click Add.

    The Select the Model Collection to Add dialog box appears.

  2. From the Matching Items list, select the model collection.

    You can filter the Matching Items list by typing in the Select an item to open field.

  3. Click OK.

    Design Studio adds the model collection to the action.

  4. Save the action.

Related Topics

About Model Collections for Network Integrity Actions

Creating Network Integrity Model Collections

Adding Specifications to Network Integrity Model Collections

Configuring Network Integrity Actions

Network Integrity Action Editor

Adding Result Sources to Network Integrity Actions

Design Studio uses result sources to link results produced by assimilation, discovery, or import actions to discrepancy detection and discrepancy resolution actions.

Discrepancy detection and discrepancy resolution actions must have result sources.

To add a result source to an action:

  1. On the Action editor Result Source tab, click Add.

    The Select Result Source dialog box appears.

  2. Click Select.

    The Select Action dialog box appears, showing all assimilation, discovery, and import actions available as result sources.

  3. Select an action from the list and click OK.

    The Result Category list shows all result categories generated by the action.

  4. Select the check box beside each required category.

    Leave the check boxes empty to select all result categories.

  5. Click OK.

  6. Save the action.

Related Topics

Configuring Network Integrity Actions

Network Integrity Action Editor

About Conditions for Network Integrity

You can create conditions on an action and apply them to its processors to control if a processor is run during a run-time scan.

When you create a condition, Design Studio generates the Java class that implements the condition interface. You must complete the condition interface implementation.

The same condition can be set to different values on different processors. You can apply one or more conditions to a processor.

A processor is run only when all of its conditions are satisfied.

Related Topics

Creating Conditions for Network Integrity

Applying Conditions to Network Integrity Processors

Creating Conditions for Network Integrity

To create conditions:

  1. On the Action editor Conditions tab, click Add.

    The Create Condition dialog box appears.

  2. In the Name field, enter a name for the condition.

  3. (Optional) In the Description field, enter a description for the condition.

  4. Click OK.

  5. Implement the condition:

    1. In the Implementation Class field, select or create an implementation class.

      The condition is implemented in Java.

    2. (Optional) In the Input Parameters field, add the output parameters from preceding processors from which the condition needs information.

      This condition can be applied only the to processors that have access to this input parameter.

    3. Click OK.

  6. Save the action.

Related Topics

About Conditions for Network Integrity

Configuring Network Integrity Actions

Network Integrity Action Editor

Applying Conditions to Network Integrity Processors

You apply conditions to processors so that conditions control the flow of the processors inside the action.

To apply conditions to a processor:

  1. On the Action editor Processors tab, in the Action Processors area, select a processor.

    The Conditions area displays the name of the selected processor.

  2. In the Conditions area, click Select.

    The Condition Selection dialog box appears.

  3. From the Matching Items list, select the condition.

    You can filter the Matching Items list by typing in the Select an item to open field.

  4. Click OK.

  5. In the Conditions area, do one of the following:

    • To allow the processor to run when the condition returns true, set the Equals list to True.

    • To allow the processor to run when the condition returns false, set the Equals list to False.

  6. Save the action.

Related Topics

About Conditions for Network Integrity

Configuring Network Integrity Actions

Network Integrity Action Editor