About Network Integrity Processors

Processors perform the sub-tasks of actions. By adding processors to an action, the action performs several complex functions.

For example, a processor is included in an action to discover network devices, another processor is included to model the data from a network device, and another processor is added to save the modeled data to the database. Combined, these processors make up a discovery action.

Processors are of different types:

  • Discovery processor: discovers network data through various technologies and protocols (such as TL1 or CORBA).

  • Import processor: imports data from an inventory system.

  • Assimilation processor: processes discovered data.

  • Discrepancy detection processor: discovers discrepancies between imported and discovered data.

  • Discrepancy resolution processor: resolves discrepancies between imported and discovered data.

  • SNMP processor: discovers simple network management protocol (SNMP)-enabled network devices using SNMP. See "About the Network Integrity SNMP Processor" for more information.

  • File transfer processor: transfers files from a remote location to an Oracle Communications Network Integrity file system. See "About the Network Integrity File Transfer Processor" for more information.

  • File parser processor: used to parse XML and ASCII files and rewrite them in a Java implementation. See "About the Network Integrity File Parser Processor" for more information.

Related Topics

Creating Network Integrity Processors

Configuring Network Integrity Processors

Adding Existing Processors to Network Integrity Actions

Network Integrity Processor Editor