Working with Product Specifications


Product specifications are included in Design Studio for Inventory only for backward compatibility with customized solutions that require mapping services to corresponding products.

See UIM Concepts for more information about using Products in UIM.

See Design Studio Concepts for more information about using Products in a conceptual model.

Product specifications can represent any or all of the following items in your inventory:

  • A service to which a customer or subscriber subscribes, such as Broadband Internet access

  • A service that a service provider performs for a customer, such as equipment installation

  • A piece of hardware that a customer purchases or leases

You are not required to create products in UIM. You can create services without the service being associated to a product. You can create products as a way to map to other systems that can send product information to UIM.

Product specifications can also be related to other Product specifications to constrain what products can be hierarchically related in UIM. A Product specification can be related to one or more Service specifications which constrains which services can be related to a product in UIM.

When working with Product specifications, see the following:

Defining Product Specifications


Product specifications are included in Design Studio for Inventory only for backward compatibility with customized solutions that require mapping services to corresponding products.

See UIM Concepts for more information about using Products in UIM.

See Design Studio Concepts for more information about using Products in a conceptual model.

When you create Product specifications, you define which Service specifications are included in the product. For example, if you create a product called MPLS VPN, you can specify that only instances of the MPLS VPN Service specifications can be included in the product. You can also relate child product specifications to a product specification.

In Oracle Communications Design Studio, you define the list of valid Service specifications in the Product Specification editor. You can select from existing Service specifications or create new ones. If you do not specify particular Service specifications, then the product can include any service in the inventory.

To define Product specifications:

  1. Create a new Product specification or navigate to the editor of an existing one.

    See "Creating New Specifications" for more information.

  2. Click the Related Specifications tab.

  3. Click Select.

    The Selection Dialog dialog box opens.

  4. In the Selection Dialog dialog box, do one of the following:

    • Select a specification from the list and click OK to add an existing Service specification to the Product specification.

    • Click New to create and add a new Service specification to the Product specification. See "Creating New Specifications" for more information.

    In both scenarios, the Service specification appears in the Related Specification tab.

  5. (Optional) Double-click a Service specification in the table.

    The appropriate specification editor opens. For example, after creating a new Service specification, you can double-click the new row in the table to configure the specification.

  6. (Optional) Select a Service specification in the table and click Modify.

    The Relationship Properties dialog appears, where you can view or change information about the relationship between the Service and Product specifications.

    See "Specification Editor Related Specifications Tab" for more information about the fields on the Relationship Properties dialog box.

  7. (Optional) Select a Service specification in the table and click Remove.

    The relationship between the Service specification and Product specification is deleted.

  8. From the File menu, select Save.

Related Topics

Product Specification Editor

Product Specification Editor


Product specifications are included in Design Studio for Inventory only for backward compatibility with customized solutions that require mapping services to corresponding products.

See UIM Concepts for more information about using Products in UIM.

See Design Studio Concepts for more information about using Products in a conceptual model.

Use the Product Specification editor to define Product specifications. When working with Product specifications, see the following topics:

Configuring Backward Compatibility for Product Specifications

Product specifications are included in Design Studio for Inventory for backward compatibility with customized solutions that require mapping services to corresponding products.

See UIM Concepts for more information about using Products in UIM.

See Design Studio Concepts for more information about using Products in a conceptual model.

If you require Design Studio for Inventory Product specifications for backward compatibility, see the following topics:

Copying Existing Product Specifications into an Inventory Project

Product specifications are included in Design Studio for Inventory for backward compatibility with customized solutions that require mapping services to corresponding products.

If you require Design Studio for Inventory Product specifications for backward compatibility, and if you have existing Product specifications in your workspace that you want to continue to use, you can copy the existing Product specification to a new Inventory project.

To copy existing Product specifications to a new Inventory project:

  1. In the Solution view, locate the existing Inventory Product specification in your workspace.

  2. Right-click the Product specification and select Copy.

  3. Right-click the target Inventory project and select Paste.

  4. Click Save.

Creating New Product Specifications Entities Using the Java Perspective

Product specifications are included in Design Studio for Inventory for backward compatibility with customized solutions that require mapping services to corresponding products.

If you require Design Studio for Inventory Product specifications for backward compatibility, and to create new Product specifications in your workspace, you can create the .product Design Studio entity in the Java perspective.

To create new Product specifications using the Java perspective:

  1. From the Java perspective, click the Package Explorer tab.

    The Package Explorer view appears.

  2. Navigate to the Inventory project where you want to create a new Product specification, and select the model folder.

  3. Right-click the model folder, then select New, and then select File.

    The New File dialog box appears.

  4. In the File Name field, enter a name for the file and include the .product extension.

    For example, name the file SampleProduct.product.

    The new file appears in the model folder in the Package Explorer view.

  5. Right-click the new file, select Open With, and then select Text Editor.

    The file opens in the Design Studio default text editor.

  6. Copy the following XML fragment into the file:

    <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
      <data:dataElementNode virtual="true">
        <data:displayName lang="[default]">SampleProduct</data:displayName>
      <data:dataElementDetails xsi:type="data:dataElementCommonDetail">
  7. Click Save.

  8. Switch to the Studio Design perspective.

  9. Click the Studio Projects tab.

    The Studio Projects view appears.

  10. Expand your Inventory project, then expand the Product Specifications folder.

    The Product specification that represents the new .product entity appears in the folder.

  11. Right-click the new Product specification, then select Copy.

  12. Right-click the Inventory project and then select Paste.

    The Set Name of Copy dialog box appears.

  13. Rename the copy of the Product specification to the desired name.

  14. Delete the original Product specification that you created in the Java perspective.

  15. Click Save.