1 Getting Started with Design Studio for ASAP SRT

As part of a customer solution, solution designers and systems integrators can create Activation Service Request Translation (SRT) cartridges to translate service request data sent to Oracle Communications ASAP from customer relationship management (CRM), provisioning control, or other upstream systems. The Activation SRT cartridge contains translation information that enables the SRT to map the contents of orders sent from upstream systems to a format that is recognizable and usable by ASAP.

Activation SRT cartridges (which you can use only with the SRT component of ASAP) are most commonly used when operation support systems (OSS) require a much higher level of data abstraction at the interface point into ASAP, or have significant data customization requirements at the interface point, such as data messaging or lookup requirements.

Related Topics

Understanding ASAP SRT Users and Tasks

Modeling Activation SRT Cartridges