Deployment API

The Deployment API is exposed by the Node Manager to manage Deployment Archives for groups of API Servers. Deployments of new Deployment Archives is done using the Deployment API in conjunction with the Configuration API which is exposed by each API Server instance.

The Deployment API provides the following methods:-

Client applications, e.g. Policy Studio, Vordel Manager and managedomain, will invoke this API on the Admin Node Manager. Client-based invocations may result in the Admin Node Manager calling the Deployment API in other Node Managers, or indeed a Node Manager that is not the Admin may call another Node Manager that may or may not be the Admin Node Manager. The API is built with the assumption that all Node Managers can call all other Node Managers. Some methods called by one Node Manager on another are for internal use only and are not included in the documentation.

Deployment Resources

Get deployment summary data.

Resource Description
GET /api/deployment/domain/deployments Get the deployment information of all API Servers in the domain.

Deployment Configuration Download Resources

Methods to download archives.

Resource Description
GET /api/deployment/archive/{groupID}/{archiveID} Download a Deployment Archive.
GET /api/deployment/archive/policy/{groupID}/{archiveID} Download a Policy Archive.
GET /api/deployment/archive/environment/{groupID}/{archiveID} Download an Environment Archive.
GET /api/deployment/archive/service/{serviceID} Download the Deployment Archive deployed to an API Server.
GET /api/deployment/archive/policy/service/{serviceID} Download the Policy Archive deployed to an API Server.
GET /api/deployment/archive/environment/service/{serviceID} Download the Environment Archive deployed to an API Server.

Deployment Configuration Upload Resources

Methods to upload archives and replicate across hosts, these methods are used in the initial stages of deployment of a new configuration to a group of API Servers.

Resource Description
POST /api/deployment/group/configuration/{groupID} Upload a configuration (Deployment Archive) for a group of API Servers.
POST /api/deployment/group/configuration/file/{groupID} Upload a configuration (Deployment Archive) file as multipart/form-data for a group of API Servers.
POST /api/deployment/group/configuration/file/policy/{groupID} Upload a Policy Archive as multipart/form-data for a group of API Servers.
POST /api/deployment/group/configuration/file/environment/{groupID} Upload an Environment Archive as multipart/form-data for a group of API Servers. This is merged with a related Policy Archive to create a Deployment Archive.

Deployment Archive Manifest Properties Resources

Methods relating to the archive manifest properties.

Resource Description
POST /api/deployment/archive/{groupID}/{archiveID}/properties/{type} Update Deployment Archive manifest properties.

Environment Settings Resources

Methods relating to environmentalized settings used when promoting configuration from one environment to the next, e.g. development to staging.

Resource Description
GET /api/deployment/envsettings/{groupID}/{archiveID} Get the environmentalized settings for a Deployment Archive.
GET /api/deployment/envsettings/service/{serviceID} Get the environmentalized settings for an API Server.

Passphrase Resources

Methods to update configuration passphrases.

Resource Description
PUT /api/deployment/passphrase/group/{groupID} Update the passphrase for a group's Deployment Archives.
PUT /api/deployment/passphrase/nodemanager/{serviceID} Update the passphrase for a Node Manager's configuration.