Stress test with send request (sr)


Oracle API Gateway Explorer ships with the send request stress testing tool (sr command), which is available in the API Gateway Explorer root installation directory.

[Important] Important

On Linux, the LD_LIBRARY_PATH environment variable must be set to the directory from which you are running the sr tool. On Linux and Solaris, you must use the vrun sr command. For example:

vrun sr http://testhost:8080/stockquote

Basic sr examples

The following are some basic examples of using the sr command:


sr http://testhost:8080/stockquote

POST file contents (content-type inferred from file extension):

sr -f StockQuoteRequest.xml http://testhost:8080/stockquote

Send XML file with SOAP Action 10 times:

sr -c 10 -f StockQuoteRequest.xml http://testhost:8080/stockquote

Send XML file with SOAP Action 10 times in 3 parallel clients:

sr -c 10 -p 3 -f StockQuoteRequest.xml http://testhost:8080/stockquote

Send the same request quietly:

sr -c 10 -p 3 -qq -f StockQuoteRequest.xml http://testhost:8080/stockquote

Run test for 10 seconds:

sr -d 10 -qq -f StockQuoteRequest.xml http://testhost:8080/stockquote

POST file contents with SOAP Action:

sr -f StockQuoteRequest.xml -A SOAPAction:getPrice http://testhost:8080/stockquote

Advanced sr examples

The following are some advanced examples of using the sr command:

Send form.xml to split at 171 character size, and trickle 200 millisecond delay between each send with a 200 Content-Length header:

sr -h -s 8080 -u /healthcheck -b 171 -t 200 -f form.xml 
-a "Content-Type:application/x-www-form-urlenprogramlistingd" -a "Content-Length:200"

Send a multipart message to, 2 XML docs are attached to message:

sr -h -s 8080 -u /test -{ -a Content-Type:text/xml -f soap.txt 
-a Content-Type:text/xml -f attachment.xml -a Content-Type:text/xml -} -A c-timestamp:1234

Send only headers using a GET over one-way SSL running 10 parallel threads for 86400 seconds (1 day) using super quiet mode:

sr -h -C -s 8443 -u /nextgen -f test_req.xml -a givenName:SHViZXJ0 
-a sn:RmFuc3dvcnRo -v GET -p10 -d86400 -qq

Send query string over mutual SSL presenting client certificate and key doing a GET running 10 parallel threads for 86400 seconds (1 day) using super quiet mode:

sr -h -C -s 8443 -X client.pem -K client.key 
-u "https://localhost:8443/idp?TargetResource=" -f test_req.xml 
-v GET -p10 -d86400 -qq

Send zip file in users home directory to testhost on port 8080 with /zip URI, save the resulting response content into the file, and do this silently:

sr -f ~/ -h testhost -s 8080 -u /zip -a Content-Type:application/zip 
-J -qq

sr arguments

The main arguments to the sr command include the following:

Argument Description
--help List all arguments
-a attribute:value Set the HTTP request header (for example, -a Content-Type:text/xml)
-c [request-count] Number of requests to send per process
-d [seconds] Duration to run test for
-f [content-filename] File to send as the request
-h [host] Name of destination host
-i [filename] Destination of statistics data
-l [file] Destination of diagnostic logging
-m Recycle SSL sessions (use multiple times)
-n Enable nagle algorithm for transmission
-o [output] Output statistics information every [milliseconds] (only with -d)
-p [connections] Number of parallel client connections (threads) to simulate
-q , -qq, -qqq Quiet modes (quiet, very quiet, very very quiet)
-r Do not send HTTP Request line
-s [service] Port or service name of destination (default is 8080)
-t [milliseconds] Trickle: delay between sending each character
-u [uri] Target URI to place in request
-v [verb] Set the HTTP verb to use in the request (default is POST)
-w [milliseconds] Wait for [milliseconds] between each request
-x [chunksize] Chunk-encode output
-y [cipherlist] SSL ciphers to use (see OpenSSL manpage ciphers(1))
-z Randomize chunk sizes up to limit set by -x
-A attribute:value Set the HTTP request header (for example, -a Content-Type:text/xml) in the outermost attachment
-B Buckets for response-time samples
-C enCrypt (use SSL protocol)
-I [filename] File for Input (received) data (- = stdout)
-K RSA Private Key
-L Line-buffer stdout and stderr
-M Multiplier for response-time samples
-N origiN for response-time samples
-O [filename] File for Output (sent) data (- = stdout)
-S [part-id] Start-part for multipart message
-U [count] reUse each connection for count requests
-V [version] Sets the HTTP version (1.0, 1.1)
-X X.509 client certificate
-Y [cipherlist] Show expanded form of [cipherlist]
[-{/-} Create multipart body (nestable: use -f for leaves)

Further information

For a listing of all arguments, enter sr --help. For more information, and details on advanced use, see the srmanpage.pdf file in your sr installation directory.