Chapter 17: Setting Up Accounts Receivable Values

Purpose: The Accounts Receivable section of the System Control file defines parameters that control:

• Column headings for Accounts Receivable screens and reports

• Aging categories

• Invoice processing

• Statement processing

For more information: For instructions and screen samples on how to create, change, delete, and copy a system control value, see Chapter 12: System Control File Components.

Section note: This section requires you to enter the column headings that appear on A/R screens and reports, the number of days duration for each A/R aging bucket, and whether the credit check process will evaluate an aging category. Although you are not required to complete values for all six aging categories, you must complete the values for each aging category you use, and for each corresponding value.

For example, if you complete A/R Aging 1 Column Heading (A93) through A/R Aging 4 Column Heading (A96), you must complete A/R Aging 1 Days (A99) through A/R Aging 4 Days (B03), and A/R Aging 1 Credit Check (B06) through A/R Aging 4 Credit Check (B09).

Quick Reference of Accounts Receivable System Control Values

This table describes briefly each system control value for the Accounts Receivable application area and lists the control value, a short definition, other control values to which you should refer in this section, if necessary, and a column where you can indicate the value that you assigned for your company.

If you are working with multiple companies, make a copy of this table for each company on your system.

Company: ______________________________

System Control Value


Your Value

A/R Aging 1 Column Heading (A93)

Defines the column heading for the first aging bucket.


A/R Aging 2 Column Heading (A94)

Defines the column heading for the second aging bucket.


A/R Aging 3 Column Heading (A95)

Defines the column heading for the third aging bucket.


A/R Aging 4 Column Heading (A96)

Defines the column heading for the fourth aging bucket.


A/R Aging 5 Column Heading (A97)

Defines the column heading for the fifth aging bucket.


A/R Aging 6 Column Heading (A98)

Defines the column heading for the sixth aging bucket.


A/R Aging 1 Days (A99)

Defines the number of days duration of the first aging bucket.


A/R Aging 2 Days (B01)

Defines the number of days duration of the second aging bucket.


A/R Aging 3 Days (B02)

Defines the number of days duration of the third aging bucket.


A/R Aging 4 Days (B03)

Defines the number of days duration of the fourth aging bucket.


A/R Aging 5 Days (B04)

Defines the number of days duration of the fifth aging bucket.


A/R Aging 6 Days (B05)

Defines the number of days duration of the sixth aging bucket.


A/R Aging 1 Credit Check (B06)

Defines if the credit check process will evaluate the first aging bucket.


A/R Aging 2 Credit Check (B07)

Defines if the credit check process will evaluate the second aging bucket.


A/R Aging 3 Credit Check (B08)

Defines if the credit check process will evaluate the third aging bucket.


A/R Aging 4 Credit Check (B09)

Defines if the credit check process will evaluate the fourth aging bucket.


A/R Aging 5 Credit Check (B10)

Defines if the credit check process will evaluate the fifth aging bucket.


A/R Aging 6 Credit Check (B11)

Defines if the credit check process will evaluate the sixth aging bucket.


Accounting Values (B71, B72, B73): Umbrella system control value allows you to set up the previous account year and current accounting year.

Previous Accounting Year (B71)

Defines the accounting year for last year.


Current Accounting Year (B72)

Defines the accounting year for the present year.


Invoice Processing Program (B82)

Defines the program that processes A/R invoices.


Invoice Print Program (B83)

Defines the program that prints A/R invoices.


Statement Processing Program (B84)

Defines the program that processes A/R statements.


Statement Print Program (B85)

Defines the name of the program that prints A/R statements.


Invoice Age to Start Generating A/R Statement (B86)

Defines the number of days from the invoice date or due date that an A/R statement is generated.


Invoice Age to Stop Generating A/R Statement (B87)

Defines the number of days from the invoice date or due date that statements are no longer generated.


Statement Interval (B88)

Defines the number of days from a statement's date before the next statement is generated.


Default Debit Open Item Type (B91)

Defines the open item type that defaults when creating a debit invoice.


Age by Date Type (C02)

Defines whether you will age open items by due date or invoice date.


Open Item Purge Days (C10)

Defines the number of days after the open item is closed that it is purged from the system.


Default Credit Open Item Type (C12)

Defines the open item type that defaults when creating a credit invoice.


Default Deferred Liability Open Item Type (C13)

Defines the open item type that defaults when creating a deferred liability invoice.


Deferred Liability Cash Post Method (C48)

Defines whether the system will post cash directly to Cash Receipts or on a per-order basis.


Default Cash Customer (C49)

Defines the Bill To Customer number to which all cash receipts will post if posting directly to Cash Receipts.


Default Deferred Liability General Ledger Account # (C63)

Defines the default General Ledger Account Number for posting deferred liability


Include All Payment Types on Printed Invoice (D28)

Defines whether to print invoices for all forms of payment or just for orders paid on-account (Accounts Receivable)


Default Credit Limit for A/R Customers (D82)

Defines the credit limit to assign to new bill-to customers you create through Order Entry, Order Maintenance or Work with Bill-to Customers.


Default A/R Payment Terms (D83)

Defines the terms code to assign to new bill-to customers you create through Order Entry, Order Maintenance or Work with Bill-to Customers


Allow Order for New Bill-to Without Order Hold (D84)

Defines whether the system automatically places orders associated with a new bill-to customer on hold


Net A/R Credits in Each Age ’Bucket’ When Aging A/R Items (E14)

Defines whether to "age" A/R credits by including them in the appropriate age bucket based on creation date.


Process A/R Credits Immediately (E80)

Defines whether accounts receivable refunds are processing automatically by the system.


Allow A/R Credits as Payments (E81)

Defines whether you can allocate A/R credits as payment against new orders.


Default Check Credit Open Item Type (E82)

Defines the open item type for the system to use when flagging a credit open item to produce a refund check.


Default Credit Card Credit Open Item Type (E83)

Defines the open item type for the system to use when flagging a credit open item to produce a credit card credit.


Salesrep Number to Use in P.O.S. Download File (F82)

Defines the salesman number the system uses to load invoice information to the P.O.S. Download file.


Display A/R Balance in OEOM (H98)

Defines whether to display the customer’s total A/R balance, less any unavailable credit open items, in order entry.


Retain A/R Batch Errors After Processing (I33)

Specifies whether to retain A/R batch payment records that are in error after processing, or to delete them automatically.


Display Additional Fields in A/R Batch Processing (I42)

Specifies whether to display the Sold to # and Pick ctr # when working with A/R batch payment.


Allow Underpayment in A/R Batch Processing (I44)

Specifies whether to apply A/R batch payments that are less than the invoice amount.


Process A/R Batch Automatically after Creation through IJCT (I95)

Specifies whether to automatically process A/R batches received through the ARBATCH_IN job upon, or retain them for review.


Automatic A/R Write-off Values (K58)

Umbrella system control value to set up the system control values related to the Automatic A/R Open Item Write-off Process.

Dollar Limit for Automatic A/R Write-offs (K59)

Defines the dollar amount that the Balance for an A/R open item must be equal to or less than in order to qualify for the automatic A/R open item write-off process.

Dollar amount:

Number of Days Past Invoice Date for A/R Write-offs (K60)

Defines the number of days that the Due date for the A/R open item in the A/R Open Item file must be older than the Invoice date (the Open item date in the A/R Open Item file) in order to qualify for the automatic A/R open item process.


G/L Account to Offset Automatic A/R Write-offs (K61)

Defines the general ledger account number the system uses to post the debit transaction for A/R open items that are automatically posted as write-offs during the automatic A/R open item process.


Default Division (K62)

Defines the division code the system uses to post the credit transaction for A/R open items that are automatically posted as write-offs during the automatic A/R open item process.


Default Bank (K63)

Defines the bank the system uses when posting the A/R open item write-off to the general ledger.


A/R Aging 1 Column Heading (A93)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the column heading for the first aging bucket, which will print on screens and reports.

MSR0051 CHANGE Change System Control Value 11/17/99 16:02:58

Description . : A/R Aging 1 Column Heading

Code . . . . . CURRENT

Narrative . . .

Application . : A/R

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 50

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Code field: Enter the column heading for the first aging category, which will print on screen and reports. This column heading represents the number of days that an A/R account is past due for the first aging category. This is a 10-position, alphanumeric field.

If you enter a heading in this field, make sure you complete the system control values: A/R Aging 1 Days (A99) and A/R Aging 1 Credit Check (B06).

For more information: See Accounts Receivable Chapter 11: Printing the A/R Aging Summary Reports (MPAR), and Chapter 12: Printing the A/R Control Report (PARC) for samples of reports.

A/R Aging 2 Column Heading (A94)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the column heading for the second aging bucket, which will print on screens and reports.

MSR0051 CHANGE Change System Control Value 11/17/99 16:07:08

Description . : A/R Aging 2 Column Heading

Code . . . . . 31-90

Narrative . . .

Application . : A/R

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 1

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Code field: Enter the column heading for the second aging bucket, which will print on screens and reports. This column heading represents the number of days that an A/R account is past due for the second aging category. This is a 10-position, alphanumeric field.

If you enter a heading in this field, make sure you complete the system control values: A/R Aging 2 Days (B01) and A/R Aging 2 Credit Check (B07).

For more information: See Accounts Receivable Chapter 11: Printing the A/R Aging Summary Reports (MPAR), and Chapter 12: Printing the A/R Control Report (PARC) for samples of reports.

A/R Aging 3 Column Heading (A95)

Purpose: Use this screen to define column heading for the third aging bucket, which will print on screens and reports.

MSR0051 CHANGE Change System Control Value 11/17/99 16:08:38

Description . : A/R Aging 3 Column Heading

Code . . . . . 91-150

Narrative . . .

Application . : A/R

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 1

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Code field: Enter the column heading for the third aging bucket, which will print on screens and reports. This column heading represents the number of days since the invoice date that an A/R account is past due for the third aging category. This is a 10-position, alphanumeric field.

If you enter a heading in this field, make sure you complete the system control values: A/R Aging 3 Days (B02) and A/R Aging 3 Credit Check (B08).

For more information: See Accounts Receivable Chapter 11: Printing the A/R Aging Summary Reports (MPAR), and Chapter 12: Printing the A/R Control Report (PARC) for samples of reports.

A/R Aging 4 Column Heading (A96)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the column heading for the fourth aging bucket, which will print on screens and reports.

MSR0051 CHANGE Change System Control Value 11/17/99 16:11:47

Description . : A/R Aging 4 Column Heading

Code . . . . . 151-210

Narrative . . .

Application . : A/R

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 1

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Code field: Enter the column heading for the fourth aging bucket, which will print on screens and reports. This column heading represents the number of days that an A/R account is past due for the fourth aging category. This is a 10-position, alphanumeric field.

If you enter a heading in this field, make sure you complete the system control values: A/R Aging 4 Days (B03) and A/R Aging 4 Credit Check (B09).

For more information: See Accounts Receivable Chapter 11: Printing the A/R Aging Summary Reports (MPAR), and Chapter 12: Printing the A/R Control Report (PARC) for samples of reports.

A/R Aging 5 Column Heading (A97)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the column heading for the fifth aging bucket, which will print on screens and reports.

MSR0051 CHANGE Change System Control Value 11/17/99 16:14:52

Description . : A/R Aging 5 Column Heading

Code . . . . . 211-270

Narrative . . .

Application . : A/R

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 1

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Code field: Enter the column heading for the fifth aging bucket, which will print on screens and reports. This column heading represents the number of days that an A/R account is past due for the fifth aging category. This is a 10-position, alphanumeric field.

If you enter a heading in this field, make sure you complete the system control values: A/R Aging 5 Days (B04) and A/R Aging 5 Credit Check (B10).

For more information: See Accounts Receivable Chapter 11: Printing the A/R Aging Summary Reports (MPAR), and Chapter 12: Printing the A/R Control Report (PARC) for samples of reports.

A/R Aging 6 Column Heading (A98)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the column heading for the sixth aging bucket, which will print on screens and reports.

MSR0051 CHANGE Change System Control Value 11/17/99 16:17:19

Description . : A/R Aging 6 Column Heading

Code . . . . . 271+

Narrative . . .

Application . : A/R

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 1

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Code field: Enter the column heading for the sixth aging bucket, which will print on screens and reports. This column heading represents the number of days that an A/R account is past due for the sixth aging category. This is a 10-position, alphanumeric field.

If you enter a heading in this field, make sure you complete the system control values: A/R Aging 6 Days (B05) and A/R Aging 6 Credit Check (B11).

For more information: See Accounts Receivable Chapter 11: Printing the A/R Aging Summary Reports (MPAR), and Chapter 12: Printing the A/R Control Report (PARC) for samples of reports.

A/R Aging 1 Days (A99)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the number of days duration of the first aging bucket.

MSR0054 CHANGE Change System Control Value 11/17/99 16:18:31

Description . : A/R Aging 1 Days

Number . . . . 30

Narrative . . .

Application . : A/R

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 1

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Number field: Enter the number of days since the invoice date or the invoice due date that an A/R account will be considered past due for the first aging category. This is a 7-position, numeric field.

Whether you will age accounts by due date or invoice date is defined in the system control value, Age by Date Type (C02).

If you enter a number in this field, make sure you complete the system control values, A/R Aging 1 Column Heading (A93) and A/R Aging 1 Credit Check (B06).

A/R Aging 2 Days (B01)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the number of days duration of the second aging bucket.

MSR0054 CHANGE Change System Control Value 11/17/99 16:18:31

Description . : A/R Aging 2 Days

Number . . . . 90

Narrative . . .

Application . : A/R

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 1

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Number field: Enter the number of days since the invoice date or the invoice due date that an A/R account will be considered past due for the second aging category. This is a 7-position, numeric field.

Whether you will age accounts by due date or invoice date is defined in the system control value, Age by Date Type (C02).

If you enter a number in this field, make sure you complete the system control values, A/R Aging 2 Column Heading (A94) and A/R Aging 2 Credit Check (B07).

A/R Aging 3 Days (B02)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the number of days duration of the third aging bucket.

MSR0054 CHANGE Change System Control Value 11/17/99 16:18:31

Description . : A/R Aging 3 Days

Number . . . . 120

Narrative . . .

Application . : A/R

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 1

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Number field: Enter the number of days since the invoice date or the invoice due date that an A/R account will be considered past due for the third aging category. This is a 7-position numeric field.

Whether you will age accounts by due date or invoice date is defined in the system control value, Age by Date Type (C02).

If you enter a number in this field, make sure you complete the system control values, A/R Aging 3 Column Heading (A95) and A/R Aging 3 Credit Check (B08).

A/R Aging 4 Days (B03)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the number of days duration of the fourth aging bucket.

MSR0054 CHANGE Change System Control Value 11/17/99 16:18:31

Description . : A/R Aging 4 Days

Number . . . . 150

Narrative . . .

Application . : A/R

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 1

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Number field: Enter the number of days since the invoice date or the invoice due date that an A/R account will be considered past due for the fourth aging category. This is a 7-position numeric field.

Whether you will age accounts by due date or invoice date is defined in the system control value, Age by Date Type (C02).

If you enter a number in this field, make sure you complete the system control values, A/R Aging 4 Column Heading (A96) and A/R Aging 4 Credit Check (B09).

A/R Aging 5 Days (B04)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the number of days duration of the fifth aging bucket.

MSR0054 CHANGE Change System Control Value 11/17/99 16:18:31

Description . : A/R Aging 5 Days

Number . . . . 150

Narrative . . .

Application . : A/R

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 1

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Number field: Enter the number of days since the invoice date or invoice due date that an A/R account will be considered past due for the fifth aging category. This is a 7-position numeric field.

Whether you will age accounts by due date or invoice date is defined in the system control value, Age by Date Type (C02).

If you enter a number in this field, make sure you complete the system control values, A/R Aging 5 Column Heading (A97) and A/R Aging 5 Credit Check (B10).

A/R Aging 6 Days (B05)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the number of days duration of the sixth aging bucket.

MSR0054 CHANGE Change System Control Value 11/17/99 16:18:31

Description . : A/R Aging 6 Days

Number . . . . 180

Narrative . . .

Application . : A/R

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 1

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Number field: Enter the number of days since the invoice date or invoice due date that an A/R account will be considered past due for the sixth aging category. This is a 7-position numeric field.

Whether you will age accounts by due date or invoice date is defined in the system control value, Age by Date Type (C02).

If you enter a number in this field, make sure you complete the system control values, A/R Aging 6 Column Heading (A98) and A/R Aging 6 Credit Check (B11).

A/R Aging 1 Credit Check (B06)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether the credit checking process should evaluate the first aging bucket.

MSR0052 CHANGE Change System Control Value 11/17/99 16:36:46

Description . : A/R Aging 1 Credit Check

Yes/No . . . . N (Y,N)

Narrative . . .

Application . : A/R

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 1

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Yes/No field: If you enter Y in this field, the credit check process will evaluate a customer's outstanding balance for the first aging category you have defined in A/R Aging 1 Days (A99). If a balance exists, any new orders for this customer will be placed on hold.

If you enter a value in this field, make sure you complete the system control values: A/R Aging 1 Column Heading (A93) and A/R Aging 1 Days (A99).

If you enter Y for this system control value, you do not need to complete the remaining A/R aging credit check values.

A/R Aging 2 Credit Check (B07)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether you want the credit check process to evaluate the second aging bucket.

MSR0052 CHANGE Change System Control Value 11/17/99 16:36:46

Description . : A/R Aging 2 Credit Check

Yes/No . . . . N (Y,N)

Narrative . . .

Application . : A/R

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 1

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Yes/No field: If you enter Y in this field, the credit check process will evaluate a customer's outstanding balance for the aging category you have defined in A/R Aging 2 Days (B01). If a balance exists, any new orders for this customer will be placed on hold.

If you enter a value in this field, make sure you complete the system control values: A/R Aging 2 Column Heading (A94) and A/R Aging 2 Days (B01).

If you enter Y for this system control value, you do not need to complete the remaining A/R aging credit check values.

A/R Aging 3 Credit Check (B08)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether you want the credit check process to evaluate the third aging bucket.

MSR0052 CHANGE Change System Control Value 11/17/99 16:36:46

Description . : A/R Aging 3 Credit Check

Yes/No . . . . N (Y,N)

Narrative . . .

Application . : A/R

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 1

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Yes/No field: If you enter Y in this field, the credit check process will evaluate a customer's outstanding balance for the aging category you have defined in A/R Aging 3 Days (B02). If a balance exists, any new orders for this customer will be placed on hold.

If you enter a value in this field, make sure you complete the system control values: A/R Aging 3 Column Heading (A95) and A/R Aging 3 Days (B02).

If you enter Y for this system control value, you do not need to complete the remaining A/R aging credit check values.

A/R Aging 4 Credit Check (B09)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether you want the credit check process to evaluate the fourth aging bucket.

MSR0052 CHANGE Change System Control Value 11/17/99 16:36:46

Description . : A/R Aging 4 Credit Check

Yes/No . . . . N (Y,N)

Narrative . . .

Application . : A/R

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 1

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Yes/No field: If you enter Y in this field, the credit check process will evaluate a customer's outstanding balance for the aging category you have defined in A/R Aging 4 Days (B03). If a balance exists, any new orders for this customer will be placed on hold.

If you enter a value in this field, make sure you complete the system control values: A/R Aging 4 Column Heading (A96) and A/R Aging 4 Days (B03).

If you enter Y for this system control value, you do not need to complete the remaining A/R aging credit check values.

A/R Aging 5 Credit Check (B10)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether you want the credit check process to evaluate the fifth aging bucket.

MSR0052 CHANGE Change System Control Value 11/17/99 16:36:46

Description . : A/R Aging 5 Credit Check

Yes/No . . . . N (Y,N)

Narrative . . .

Application . : A/R

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 1

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Yes/No field: If you enter Y in this field, the credit check process will evaluate a customer's outstanding balance for the aging category you have defined in A/R Aging 5 Days (B04). If a balance exists, any new orders for this customer will be placed on hold.

If you enter a value in this field, make sure you complete the system control values: A/R Aging 5 Column Heading (A97) and A/R Aging 5 Days (B04).

If you enter Y for this system control value, you do not need to complete the remaining A/R aging credit check values.

A/R Aging 6 Credit Check (B11)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether you want the credit check process to evaluate the sixth aging bucket.

MSR0052 CHANGE Change System Control Value 11/17/99 16:36:46

Description . : A/R Aging 6 Credit Check

Yes/No . . . . N (Y,N)

Narrative . . .

Application . : A/R

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 1

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Yes/No field: If you enter Y in this field, the credit check process will evaluate a customer's outstanding balance for the aging category you have defined in A/R Aging 6 Days (B05). If a balance exists, any new orders for this customer will be placed on hold.

If you enter a value in this field, make sure you complete the system control values: A/R Aging 6 Column Heading (A98) and A/R Aging 6 Days (B05).

If you enter Y for this system control value, you do not need to complete the remaining A/R aging credit check values.

Accounting Values (B71, B72, B73)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the previous and current accounting year.

MSR0480 ENTER Edit Accounting Values 11/17/99 16:42:00

EZK Mail Order

Previous accounting year . 1999

Current accounting year . 2000

Application area . . . . . A/R

Application group . . . . ALL

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Previous Accounting Year (B71)

Enter the year that represents the accounting year for last year.

Current Accounting Year (B72)

Enter the year that represents the current accounting year. These two values allow you to review and compare financial data in A/R Inquiry for a period occurring last year with a period in the current year.

Invoice Processing Program (B82)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the batch program that processes A/R invoices.

MSR0051 CHANGE Change System Control Value 11/17/99 16:43:54

Description . : Invoice Processing Program

Code . . . . . ACR0082

Narrative . . .

Application . : A/R

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 1

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Code field: Enter the name of the batch program that processes invoices. This program reads all open items and determines which invoices to print. This is a 10-position, alphanumeric field.

MICROS provides the name of the system program that processes invoices. If you write your own program, or if MICROS modifies the program that processes invoices, you must enter the new program name in this field.

The base invoice processing program is ACR0282.

Invoice Print Program (B83)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the name of the program that prints invoices.

MSR0051 CHANGE Change System Control Value 11/17/99 16:46:38

Description . : Invoice Print Program

Code . . . . . ACR0444

Narrative . . .

Application . : A/R

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 1

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Code field: Enter the name of the program that prints A/R Invoices. This is a 10-position, alphanumeric field.

MICROS provides the name of the system program that prints invoices. If you write your own program, or if MICROS modifies the program that prints invoices, you must enter the new program name in this field.

The standard invoice printing program is ACR0280. If you set the Print Company Address on Invoice (D57) system control value to Y, you should use this program.

If you set the Include All Payment Types on Printed Invoice (D28) system control value to Y (to print invoices for all payment types, not just for orders paid on-account), enter ACR0327 as the Invoice Print program.

For more information: See Printing Invoices (PINV).

Statement Processing Program (B84)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the name of the program that processes A/R statements.

MSR0051 CHANGE Change System Control Value 11/19/99 8:48:00

Description . : Statement Processing Program

Code . . . . . ACR0289

Narrative . . .

Application . : A/R

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 1

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Code field: Enter the name of the program that processes A/R statements. This program reads all open items and determines whether to produce an A/R statement for a customer. This is a 10-position, alphanumeric field.

A/R statements can be printed using the Print Statements and A/R Inquiry functions.

MICROS provides the name of the system program that processes statements. If you write your own program, or if MICROS modifies the program that processes statements, you must enter the new program name in this field.

The base statement processing program is ACR0289. If you have the Validate Prefix (I27) system control value set to Y, the base A/R statement processing programs are ACR0515 (includes the same information as the base processing program) or ACR0526 (includes the customer sold-to number and the pick control number). See A/R Statement for samples.

Statement Print Program (B85)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the name of the program that prints A/R statements.

MSR0051 CHANGE Change System Control Value 11/19/99 8:49:34

Description . : Statement Print Program

Code . . . . . ACR0085

Narrative . . .

Application . : A/R

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 1

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Code field: Enter the name of the program that prints A/R Statements. This program controls the selection of statements (for example, date range) and the data that prints on the statement. This is a 10-position, alphanumeric field.

MICROS provides the name of the system program that prints A/R statements. If you write your own program, or if MICROS modifies the program that prints A/R statements, you must enter the new program name in this field.

The standard statement printing program is ACR0288. If you set the Print Company Address on Statements (D58) system control value to Y, you should use this program. If you have the Validate Prefix (I27) system control value set to Y, the base statement print programs are ACR0516 (includes the same information as the base print program) or ACR0525 (includes the customer sold-to number and the pick control number). See A/R Statement for samples.

Invoice Age to Start Generating A/R Statement (B86)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the minimum number of days the newest A/R open item must age before the system generates an A/R statement for the bill-to customer.

MSR0054 CHANGE Change System Control Value 11/19/99 8:51:44

Description . : Invoice Age to Start Generating A/R Statement

Number . . . .

Narrative . . .

Application . : A/R

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 1

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Number field: Enter the number of days that must elapse after the invoice date or invoice due date (based on the Age by Date Type (C02) system control value) before the system generates an A/R statement for the bill-to customer. This is a 7 position, numeric field.

A/R statement generation logic: This system control value works with the Invoice Age to Stop Generating A/R Statement (B87), Statement Interval (B88), and Age by Date Type (C02) to determine whether to generate A/R statements through Printing Statements (PSTS):

Is it too soon to generate a new statement for the bill-to customer? The system determines it is time to generate a new periodic statement for a bill-to customer by checking the Last statement date and determining whether the number of days specified in the Statement Interval (B88) system control value has passed.

Example: The current date is August 27. The Last statement date is July 24. The Statement Interval (B88) is 30. Since July 24 is more than 30 days earlier than August 27, it is not too soon to generate a new statement for the customer.

How are you evaluating invoice aging? The Age by Date Type (C02) system control value determines whether the system checks the invoice date or the due date for open items when determining the age of open items.

Are there any open items for the bill-to customer that fall within the statement period? The system looks for open items whose invoice date (if the Age by Date Type (C02) is set to INVOICE) or due date (if the Age by Date Type (C02) is set to DUE) between the Invoice Age to Start Generating A/R Statement and the Invoice Age to Stop Generating A/R Statement (B87). If there is at least one open item whose date is on or later than the Invoice Age to Start Generating A/R Statement, and is also earlier than the Invoice Age to Stop Generating A/R Statement (B87), the system can generate a statement for the bill-to customer.

Example: The current date is August 27. The Invoice Age to Start Generating A/R Statement is set to 1, and the Invoice Age to Stop Generating A/R Statement (B87) is set to 120. The Age by Date Type (C02) is set to DUE. If there is at least one open item for the bill-to customer whose due date is between April 29 (120 days earlier) and August 26 (1 day earlier), then the system can generate a statement for the bill-to customer. However, if the Age by Date Type (C02) is set to INVOICE, the system uses the invoice date for the open item rather than the due date to make this determination.

Which A/R open items to include on the statement: You can specify a range of dates when Printing Statements (PSTS) to indicate which open items to include on the A/R statement.

Example: The current date is August 27, and you enter an Invoice date range of July 1 to July 31. Only open items whose invoice dates are within that range of dates are included on the A/R statement.

This selection takes place regardless of the Age by Date Type (C02) setting that you use to determine whether to generate the statement. However, if you leave the Invoice date range blank when generating statements, all unpaid open items for the bill-to customer are included on the invoice, even if their dates are not within the Invoice Age to Start Generating A/R Statement and the Invoice Age to Stop Generating A/R Statement (B87).

Example: The bill-to customer’s earliest unpaid open item has an invoice date of January 15, and the latest unpaid open item has a date of August 10. These dates are not within the Invoice Age to Start Generating A/R Statement and the Invoice Age to Stop Generating A/R Statement (B87). If you leave the Invoice date range blank when generating statements, these open items are still included on the statement.

If you leave this field blank, the system generates an A/R statement for bill-to customers regardless of the invoice date or due date for the customers’ open items.

For more information: See Printing Statements (PSTS) for information and sample statements.

Invoice Age to Stop Generating A/R Statement (B87)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the maximum number of days an A/R open item can age before the system stops generating an A/R statement for the bill-to customer.

MSR0054 CHANGE Change System Control Value 11/19/99 12:06:19

Description . : Invoice Age to Stop Generating A/R Statement

Number . . . . 350

Narrative . . .

Application . : A/R

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 1

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Number field: Enter the maximum number of days that can elapse after the invoice date or invoice due date (based on the Age by Date Type (C02) system control value) before the system stops generating an A/R statement for the bill-to customer. After this date, you might send the account out for collection. This is a 7 position, numeric field.

For more information: See Invoice Age to Start Generating A/R Statement (B86) for a discussion of how the system determines whether to generate A/R statements for bill-to customers, and see Printing Statements (PSTS) for more information on generating statements and sample statements.

Statement Interval (B88)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the interval to wait before generating A/R statements for a bill-to customers.

MSR0054 CHANGE Change System Control Value 11/19/99 8:53:01

Description . : Statement Interval

Number . . . .

Narrative . . .

Application . : A/R

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 1

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Number field: Enter the number of days the system waits before generating the next A/R statement for a bill-to customer. This is a 7-position, numeric field.

The system use the Last statement date for the bill-to customer to determine whether it is too soon to generate another statement.

For more information: See Invoice Age to Start Generating A/R Statement (B86) for a discussion of how the system determines whether to generate A/R statements for bill-to customers, and see Printing Statements (PSTS) for more information on generating statements and sample statements.

Default Debit Open Item Type (B91)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the open item type that will default when creating a debit invoice.

MSR0051 CHANGE Change System Control Value 11/19/99 13:11:32

Description . : Default Debit Open Item Type

Code . . . . . IN

Narrative . . .

Application . : A/R

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 1

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Code field: Enter the open item type that will default in the A/R Type field on the A/R Open Item screen when a debit is created for an open item. When Billing creates open items, the value defined here is assigned to the debit invoice. This field is validated against the A/R Type file.

For more information:

• Accounts Receivable Chapter 1: Establishing Accounts Receivable Types (WART)

• Accounts Receivable Chapter 4: Working with Invoice Open Items

• Accounts Receivable Chapter 6: Work with A/R Open Items (WARI)

Age by Date Type (C02)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether open items age by the due date or the invoice date.

MSR0051 CHANGE Change System Control Value 11/19/99 12:08:41

Description . : A/R Age by date type

Code . . . . . DUE DUE INVOICE

Narrative . . .

Application . : A/R

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 1

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Code field: Enter the code that indicates which date to use when aging open items. Values are:

DUE = Due date

INVOICE = Invoice date

For more information: See Invoice Age to Start Generating A/R Statement (B86) for a discussion of how the system determines whether to generate A/R statements for bill-to customers, and see Printing Statements (PSTS) for more information on generating statements and sample statements.

Open Item Purge Days (C10)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the number of days after the open item is closed that it will be purged from the system.

MSR0054 CHANGE Change System Control Value 11/19/99 13:00:45

Description . : Open Item Purge Days

Number . . . . 90

Narrative . . .

Application . : A/R

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 1

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Number field: Enter the number of days after which closed open items are eligible to be purged from the system. When the next Purge Open Item program is run, open items that meet this criteria will be purged.

For more information: See Accounts Receivable Chapter 10: Purging (MOIP) and Resetting (TARO) for information on purging open items.

Default Credit Open Item Type (C12)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the open item type that will default when creating a credit invoice.

MSR0051 CHANGE Change System Control Value 11/19/99 13:04:15

Description . : Default Credit Open Item Type

Code . . . . . CR AA CR ON TS

1 2

Narrative . . .

Application . : A/R

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 1

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Code field: Enter the open item type that will default in the A/R Type field on the A/R Open Item screen when a credit is created for an open item. When Billing creates open items, the value defined here is assigned to the credit invoice. This field is validated against the A/R Type file.

For more information: See Accounts Receivable Chapter 1: Establishing Accounts Receivable Types (WART).

Default Deferred Liability Open Item Type (C13)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the open item type that will default when creating a deferred liability invoice.

MSR0051 CHANGE Change System Control Value 11/19/99 15:42:23

Description . : Default Deferred Liability Open Item Type

Code . . . . . DF

Narrative . . .

Application . : A/R

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 1

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Code field: Enter the open item type that will default in the A/R Type field on the A/R Open Item screen when a deferred liability invoice is created for an open item. When an order is prepaid in Order Entry, the value defined here is assigned to the deferred liability invoice. This field is validated against the A/R Type file.

For more information: See Accounts Receivable Chapter 1: Establishing Accounts Receivable Types (WART).

Deferred Liability Cash Post Method (C48)

Purpose: Use this screen to define how cash will be posted to Cash Receipts.

MSR0051 OPEN Change System Control Value 5/20/95 14:47:09

Description . : Deferred Liability Cash Post Method

Code . . . . . ORDER CASH RCPT

Narrative . . .

Application . : A/R

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 1

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Code field: Enter the code that will indicate how you will post cash (checks received for prepaid orders) to Cash Receipts. Values are:

ORDER: cash is posted on a per-order basis through Order Entry and Order Maintenance

CASH RCPT: cash is batched and posted directly to Cash Receipts

Cash will be posted to a default Bill To Customer account, if posting directly to Cash Receipts. If using the ORDER method, you must create a Bill To customer record to which all Cash Receipt transactions will post; see Default Cash Customer (C49). Cash Receipts will be captured in a summary basis under the default Bill To account number.

Cash will be posted on a detailed basis, if using the ORDER method.\

For more information: See Accounts Receivable Chapter 3: Working with Cash Receipts (WCRT).

Default Cash Customer (C49)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the default Bill To Customer number to which cash will post, if keying checks directly into Cash Receipts for Deferred Liability.

MSR0054 OPEN Change System Control Value 5/20/96 14:51:47

Description . : Default Cash Customer

Number . . . .

Narrative . . .

Application . : A/R

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 1

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Number field: Enter the Bill To Customer number to which cash will post when you batch prepaid orders and key the check totals directly into Cash Receipts. The default cash customer number is used as a summary account when using the CASH RCPT method of posting to Deferred Liability. See Deferred Liability Cash Post Method (C48).

You must define the default Bill To Customer account in the Bill To Customer file.

The Post Deferred Liability pop-up window appears automatically when you enter the deposit total during Cash Receipts to post the cash to deferred liability. This is where you type the default Bill To Customer number to post the cash.

For more information:

• Accounts Receivable Chapter 3: Working with Cash Receipts (WCRT)

• Customer Service Chapter 30: Creating and Updating Bill-to Customers (WCBT)

Default Deferred Liability General Ledger Account # (C63)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the default General Ledger number to which you will post Deferred Liability.

MSR0587 OPEN Change System Control Value 3/09/95 14:20:15

Description . : Default Deferred Liability General Ledger Number

Number . . . .

Narrative . . .

Application . : A/R

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 1

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Number field: Enter the General Ledger account number to which Deferred Liability will post for a prepaid order.

General Ledger account numbers are defined in and validated against the General Ledger Account file.

Deferred liability is cash paid by a customer before an actual order is shipped. You must post this cash to a default deferred liability account until the order is fulfilled (shipped).

When a prepaid order is fulfilled, the system:

• relieves the deferred liability account

• posts cash to the customer's account to whom you are shipping merchandise

The deferred liability account is empty when there are no orders waiting to be shipped.

For more information:

• See Accounts Payable Chapter 2: Working with G/L Accounts (WGLA) for information on General Ledger account numbers

• See Accounts Receivable Chapter 3: Working with Cash Receipts (WCRT) for information on posting deferred liability

Include All Payment Types on Printed Invoice (D28)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether to print invoices for all payment types or just for orders paid on-account (Accounts Receivable).

MSR0052 CHANGE Change System Control Value 11/27/95 11:11:17

Description . : Include All Payment Types on Printed Invoice

Yes/No . . . . (Y,N)

Narrative . . .

Application . : A/R

Applic group .

Sequence# . . .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Yes/No field: If you enter Y in this field, the system prints invoices for all forms of payment, such as for prepaid and credit card orders. This invoice may be used as:

• a packing list that accurately reflects all charges on the order (such as for shipping)

• a notice to the customer that the credit card has been charged

With this setting, a single invoice may reflect multiple forms of payment. The billing address prints on the invoice, if the invoice is for an order paid on-account; otherwise, the buyer's address (Sold To Customer) prints on the invoice. Additionally, if the Consolidated Invoice (B49) system control value is set to N, a separate invoice prints for each shipping address on the order.

The Invoice Print Program (B83) system control value must contain the program ACR0327 in order to print invoices for all payment types.

Note: Regardless of the setting of this system control value, you can only print invoices for A/R orders from the First Display Invoice Detail Screen in Invoice Inquiry. You must use the Printing Invoices (PINV) menu option to print invoices for non-A/R orders.

If you enter N, the system prints invoices only for orders paid on-account (Accounts Receivable).

For more information: You can print invoices using the Print Invoices program. See A/R Printing Functions.

Default Credit Limit for A/R Customers (D82)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the credit limit to assign to new bill-to customers automatically when you create them in Order Entry, Order Maintenance, and Work with Bill-to Customers.

MSR0056 CHANGE Change System Control Value 6/06/96 17:23:05

Description . : Default Credit limit for A/R Customers

Dollar amount .

Narrative . . .

Application . : A/R

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 1

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Value field: Enter the dollar value of the credit limit that you want to assign automatically to new bill-to customers. When you enter an order for a bill-to customer, the order goes on CL hold if the credit limit is less than the sum of:

• $total on-order, plus

• $total open A/R, plus

• $total of current order

The credit limit is a 7-position numeric field.

When you create a new bill-to customer through the Work with Bill-to Customer function, the default credit limit value displays in the Credit limit field, where you can override it. When you create a new bill-to customer through Order Entry or Order Maintenance, the credit limit assignment happens behind the scenes; however, you can use the Work with Bill-to Customers function afterward to override the default value.

Leave this field blank if you do not want to assign a credit limit automatically to new bill-to customers.

The system creates new bill-to customers automatically in Order Entry when you use an A/R payment type (pay category 3) if the Create/Assign Bill To Customers in Order Entry (A76) system control value is set to Y.

For more information:

• working with bill-to customers: Customer Service Chapter 30: Creating and Updating Bill-to Customers (WCBT).

• order hold reasons: Customer Service Chapter 79: Introducing Order Hold Reason Codes.

Default A/R Payment Terms (D83)

Purpose: Use this screen to define a payment terms code to assign automatically to new bill-to customers created through Order Entry, Order Maintenance or Work with Bill-to Customers.

MSR0054 CHANGE Change System Control Value 6/06/96 17:40:27

Description . : Default A/R Payment Terms

Number . . . . 01 02 03 04

05 18 90

Narrative . . .

Application . : A/R

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 1

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Code field: Enter the payment terms code to assign automatically to new bill-to customers. Terms codes define when payment is due, any possible discounts that may be taken, and the conditions for applying them. When you create a new bill-to customer through the Work with Bill-to Customer function, the default terms code displays in the Terms field, where you can override it. When you create a new bill-to customer through Order Entry or Order Maintenance, the terms assignment happens behind the scenes; however, you can use the Work with Bill-to Customers function afterward to override the default value.

The system creates new bill-to customers automatically in Order Entry when you use an A/R payment type (pay category 3) if the Create/Assign Bill To Customers in Order Entry (A76) system control value is set to Y.

The terms code, which is defined in and validated against the Terms file, is a 2-position numeric code.

Leave this field blank if you do not want to assign a terms code automatically to new customers.

Note: Terms codes are defined in the Terms Code file as applying to A/R (R), A/P (P), or both (B). Only terms codes that apply to either A/R or both A/R and A/P are valid entries in this field.

For more information:

• Accounts Payable Working with Terms (WAPT)

• Customer Service Chapter 30: Creating and Updating Bill-to Customers (WCBT).

Allow Order for New Bill-to Without Order Hold (D84)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether to place orders you enter for new bill-to customers, created through Order Entry, on hold automatically.

MSR0052 CHANGE Change System Control Value 6/06/96 18:18:50

Description . : Allow Order for new Bill To without Order Hold

Yes/No . . . . (Y,N)

Narrative . . .

Application . : A/R

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 1

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Yes/No field: Enter Y in this field to process orders for new bill-to customers you create in Order Entry without automatically placing them on hold.

The system creates a new bill-to customer automatically in Order Entry the first time you select an A/R payment type (pay category 3) for a new or existing customer in Order Entry. The new bill-to customer record uses the name and address information of the sold-to customer.

The system creates new bill-to customers automatically in Order Entry when you use an A/R payment type (pay category 3) if the Create/Assign Bill To Customers in Order Entry (A76) system control value is set to Y.

Enter N or leave this field blank to place orders for new bill-to customers on hold automatically. When you create a new bill-to customer in Order Entry by selecting an A/R payment type, the order will be assigned a hold reason of UB (unreferenced bill-to).

For more information:

• Customer Service Establishing Order Hold Reason Codes (WOHR)

• Customer Service Chapter 30: Creating and Updating Bill-to Customers (WCBT)

Net A/R Credits in Each Age ’Bucket’ When Aging A/R Items (E14)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether to age A/R credits by including them in the appropriate aging bucket based on when they were created.

MSR0052 CHANGE Change System Control Value 11/10/00 14:25:15

Description . : Net A/R Credits in each age 'bucket' when aging A/R items.

Yes/No . . . . Y (Y,N)

Narrative . . .

Application . : A/R

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 1

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Yes/no field: Enter Y in this field to include credit amounts in the appropriate aging buckets, where they are netted against debit amounts.

For example, the customer has an invoice open item for $200.00 that is 35 days past due, and a credit of $50.00 from that same period.

• if the system control value is set to Y: the total for the 31-60 aging bucket is $150.00 ($200.00 - $50.00).

• if the system control value is set to N or is blank: the $50.00 credit remains in the current aging bucket (that is, it does not age) and the total for the 31-60 aging bucket is $200.00.

Set this field to N or leave it blank to have A/R credits remain in the current aging bucket and not age.

For more information: A/R aging buckets are used in the reports produced through Printing the A/R Aging Summary Reports (MPAR). Before you produce these reports, you should age customer bill-to accounts. See About Aging for information on setting up aging buckets and how to age the accounts.

Process A/R Credits Immediately (E80)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether the system should process accounts receivable refunds automatically "behind the scenes."

MSR0052 CHANGE Change System Control Value 9/12/97 9:33:43

Description . : Process A/R Credits Immediately

Yes/No . . . . Y (Y,N)

Narrative . . .

Application . : A/R

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 99

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Yes/no field: Enter Y in this field to have the system process refunds for an accounts receivable pay type or alternate refund type automatically. The system creates a refund in a processed (P) status, and a credit open item against the bill-to account associated with the customer who placed the order.

In certain situations the system will prompt you on how to apply the credit open item when you process a return or exchange. The Apply Credit Balance pop-up window displays, presenting options such as selecting an unpaid invoice to credit, allocating the credit to unshipped lines on the current order, or flagging the credit to produce a refund check or a credit card credit.

In other situations, the system automatically creates an open credit A/R open item. You can use different menu options, including cash receipts and Work with A/R Items, to apply the credit to existing A/R invoice open items or select another disposition.


Window Displays?

Disposition of Credit


You enter a return or exchange by entering 17 next to an item, or return the entire order by pressing F17, and there is currently at least one A/R invoice open item in an open status for the order


Allocated and applied automatically against the open A/R invoices for the order

An accounts receivable pay type was used on the order, and at least some of the items have been picked and billed; the invoice open item is in dispute (status of D)

You enter a return or exchange by entering 17 next to an item, or return the entire order by pressing F17, and there are currently no A/R invoice open items in an open status for the order


You select disposition

An accounts receivable pay type was used on the order and A/R invoice open items for the order were previously paid; or,

The customer used a credit card pay type whose alternative refund type is an accounts receivable pay type

You enter a return by adding a line with a negative quantity


Automatically created in an open status

Any pay type creating an accounts receivable refund is used on the order



Automatically created in an open status (however, if the Method for Processing Overpayments in Order Entry (D70) system control value is set to AUTO/CONTR, or if it is set to OE PROMPT and you select to create a contribution at the prompt, a contribution will be created instead)

A prepaid pay type with an accounts receivable alternate refund type was used on the order

Cancel a prepaid order


Automatically created in an open status

A prepaid pay type with an accounts receivable alternate refund type was used on the order

If necessary, the system creates a new bill-to account record when it processes the credit (for example, when canceling a prepaid order for a new customer).

The refund appears in the Work with Refunds menu option in a processed (P) status; the refund type is accounts receivable (A).

Credit disposition options: The options available for applying the credit include:

• apply toward the current order

• produce a refund check

• produce a credit card credit (if a credit card was used on the order)

• apply toward an invoice on the customer bill-to account

• have the system apply toward invoices based on invoice date

When applying the credit, you can choose to have the system retain the credit open item if there is any remaining balance, or produce a refund check for the customer. See the descriptions of the Default Check Credit Open Item Type (E82) and Default Credit Card Credit Open Item Type (E83) system control values.

Set this field to N or leave it blank to create a refund record that is available for processing through Work with Refunds and Process Refunds.

For more information:

• returning or exchanging items, and on selecting how to apply a credit: Customer Service Chapter 70: Returning and Exchanging Items

• working with and processing refunds: Customer Service Chapter 102: Processing Refunds (MREF)

• using the Apply Credit Balance Pop-up window: Customer Service Chapter 73: Applying a Credit Balance

• defining pay types: Accounts Payable Chapter 5: Working with Pay Types (WPAY)

Allow A/R Credits as Payments (E81)

Purpose: Use this screen to define whether you can apply A/R credit open items as payment against new orders.

MSR0052 CHANGE Change System Control Value 9/12/97 12:27:38

Description . : Allow A/R Credits as Payments

Yes/No . . . . Y (Y,N)

Narrative . . .

Application . : A/R

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 99

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Yes/no field: Enter Y in this field if you want to be able to select open A/R credits, including on-account open items, to apply as payment in order entry or order maintenance.

When you enter an accounts receivable payment method on an order, the Select A/R Credit Open Item pop-up window displays automatically if:

• there are unallocated credit or on-account open items for the bill-to customer,

• the order does not have a credit balance, and

• the order is open.

Use this window to select credit open items. You can also display this window at the Enter Payment Method screen by pressing F20 if the order is open and has an accounts receivable payment method. Each open credit open item available to the bill-to customer (including on-account open items), and any credits already allocated to the current order, will display.

The window does not display automatically if, for example, you add an item to the order and thereby increase the order total.

Allocating credits: When you press F9 to accept your selections at this window, the system changes the status of each allocated credit from O (open) to A (allocated) and includes the allocated order number in the open item record. If you choose to allocate a credit toward the order and produce a refund check for the unused credit balance, the system also changes the open item type to the value defined in the Default Check Credit Open Item Type (E82).

Allocated open items are not eligible for application to invoice open items.

Non-allocated balance: The non-allocated balance field on the Enter Payment Method displays the amount of the order total that is not currently allocated to an A/R credit. When entering an order with an accounts receivable payment method, you can use this field to determine what balance, if any, you should assign to another payment method (such as a credit card).

Deallocating a credit: The open item will remain allocated until you bill or cancel the order. You also have the option of unallocating a credit by changing its status from A to O through cash receipts or A/R inquiry; this change deletes the allocated order number from the open item record as well.

Screen differences in order entry/maintenance: This system control value works together with the Display A/R Balance in OEOM (H98) value to determine whether the available A/R credit balance for the bill-to customer, the total A/R balance net of available credits, or no A/R information displays in the order entry/maintenance.

Allow A/R Credits as Payments

Display A/R Balance in OEOM

A/R Information Displayed

set to Y

set to Y

Total A/R balance, calculated as the total balance of open invoice open items, less the total balance of open credit open items (including disputed credit open items). Any credit open items that are allocated toward orders (the status is A) are not subtracted from the open invoice total; also, any credits of the Default Check Credit Open Item Type (E82) or the Default Credit Card Credit Open Item Type (E83) are not subtracted from the invoice total. See Display A/R Balance in OEOM (H98) for an example.

set to Y

set to N

Total A/R credits, excluding any credit open items that are allocated toward orders (the status is A), or any credits of the Default Check Credit Open Item Type (E82) or the Default Credit Card Credit Open Item Type (E83).

set to N

set to Y

No A/R information is displayed.

set to N

set to N

If you use the header version of order entry, the A/R information is located on the Work with Order Screen. If you use the header/detail version of order entry, the information is located on the Work with Order/Detail Screen.

Additionally, if the Allow A/R Credits as Payments system control value is set to Y, the available A/R credit balance displays on the Display More Options screen, available by pressing F10, and Work with A/R Open Items option is an available option at this screen.

Set this field to N or leave it blank if you do not want to allocate A/R credit open items as payment against new orders.

For more information:

• using the Apply Credit Balance Pop-up window: Customer Service Chapter 73: Applying a Credit Balance

• defining pay types: Accounts Payable Chapter 5: Working with Pay Types (WPAY)

Default Check Credit Open Item Type (E82)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the A/R open item type for the system to use when flagging a credit open item to produce a refund check.

MSR0051 CHANGE Change System Control Value 9/15/97 16:08:57

Description . : Default Check Credit Open Item Type

Code . . . . . 1 CR TS 1 2

Narrative . . .

Application . : A/R

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 99

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Code field: Enter the A/R type code for the system to use when you flag a credit A/R open item, including on-account open items, to produce a refund check to the customer. The existing credit open item A/R type codes display on this screen.

You set up A/R types through the Work with A/R Type menu option (fast path = WART). See Chapter 1: Establishing Accounts Receivable Types (WART) of the Accounts Receivable manual for more information.

You have the option of flagging a credit open item to produce a refund check through:

• the Work with A/R Items menu option (fast path = WARI; see Accounts Receivable Chapter 6: Work with A/R Open Items (WARI) for more information);

• the Display More Options screen (F10) in order entry or order maintenance, if the Allow A/R Credits as Payments (E81) system control value is set to Y;

• the Apply Credit Balance pop-up window in order maintenance. This window displays automatically when you need to determine the disposition of a credit balance if the Process A/R Credits Immediately (E80) system control value is set to Y.

You can also flag a credit to produce a refund check for any unused balance after applying the credit to a debit. This option is available through:

• the Select A/R Credit Open Item window. This window displays automatically in order entry if the Allow A/R Credits as Payments (E81) system control value is set to Y and you enter an accounts receivable payment method on the order. The window is also available if you press F20 in order entry or order maintenance if the system control value is set to Y and there is an A/R payment method;

• the Apply Credit Balance pop-up window in order maintenance;

• the Select Order for Credit pop-up window. This window is available through the Apply Credit Balance pop-up window.

The system changes the A/R type of the open item to the code you have defined in this system control value.

Finally, you can change the type of a credit open item to the value you define in this system control value in cash receipts or A/R inquiry..

For more information:

• screens that display in order maintenance: Customer Service Chapter 62: Introducing Order Maintenance and Chapter 144: Displaying More Options.

• Select A/R Credit Open Item window: Order Entry Chapter 4: Entering Orders Using Header Format.

About refund check open items: Once an A/R credit open item is flagged to produce a refund check, you cannot apply it to a debit through cash receipts or Work with A/R Items, or allocate it as payment of an open order. Credits flagged to produce refund checks are not included in the A/R credits total that displays in order entry or order maintenance; however, they are included in calculating the customer's accounts receivable total.

To "unflag:" You can change a credit open item that is flagged to produce a refund check back to a regular credit open item by changing the A/R open item type. This option is available in cash receipts (fast path = WCRT) by entering 2 next to the credit at the Pay Open Items screen. This option is also available in A/R inquiry (fast path = DARI) by entering 8 next to an open item. Similarly, you can use these same options to flag an open item to produce a refund check, provided it is a credit or on-account open item.

See Accounts Receivable Chapter 6: Work with A/R Open Items (WARI) and Chapter 7: Using A/R Inquiry (DARI) for more information.

To process checks: Use the Process A/R Refunds menu option (fast path = MARC) to generate refund checks for the A/R credits flagged to produce them. This menu option is similar to the Process Refunds menu option (fast path = MREF) except that it selects only open items flagged to produce refund checks or credit card credits, not open refunds created through standard refund processing.

Once you generate a refund check, the status of the credit open item will be processed (P).

See Customer Service Chapter 105: Processing A/R Refunds (MARC) for more information.

Leave this field blank if you never need to flag an open item to produce a refund check.

Default Credit Card Credit Open Item Type (E83)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the open item type for the system to use when flagging an A/R credit to produce a credit card credit.

MSR0051 CHANGE Change System Control Value 9/15/97 16:10:56

Description . : Default Credit Card Credit Open Item type

Code . . . . . 2 CR TS 1 2

Narrative . . .

Application . : A/R

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 99

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Code field: Enter the A/R type code for the system to use when you flag a credit A/R open item to produce a credit card credit the customer. The existing credit open item A/R type codes display on this screen.

You set up A/R types through the Work with A/R Type menu option (fast path = WART). See Accounts Receivable Chapter 1: Establishing Accounts Receivable Types (WART) for more information.

You have the option of flagging a credit open item to produce a credit card credit through:

• the Work with A/R Items menu option (fast path = WARI; see Accounts Receivable Chapter 6: Work with A/R Open Items (WARI) for more information);

• the Display More Options screen (F10) in order entry or order maintenance, if the Allow A/R Credits as Payments (E81) system control value is set to Y;

• the Apply Credit Balance pop-up window in order maintenance. This window displays automatically when you need to determine the disposition of a credit balance if the Process A/R Credits Immediately (E80) system control value is set to Y.

You cannot flag a credit to produce a credit card credit unless a credit card payment method was used on the original order. Normally, you would use this option in situations where the customer used a credit card pay type with an A/R alternate refund type on the order, and then requests a credit card credit rather than an A/R credit for a return or exchange.

The system changes the A/R type of the open item to the code you have defined in this system control value.

See Customer Service Chapter 62: Introducing Order Maintenance and Chapter 144: Displaying More Options for more information on the screens that display in order maintenance.

About credit card credit open items: Once an A/R credit open item is flagged to produce a credit card credit, you cannot apply it to a debit through cash receipts or Work with A/R Items, or allocate it as payment of an open order. Credits flagged to produce credit card credits are not included in the A/R credits total that displays in order entry or order maintenance; however, they are included in calculating the customer's accounts receivable total.

To "unflag:" You can change a credit open item that is flagged to produce a credit card credit back to a regular credit open item by changing the A/R open item type. This option is available in cash receipts (fast path = WCRT) by entering 2 next to the credit at the Pay Open Items screen. This option is also available in A/R inquiry (fast path = DARI) by entering 8 next to an open item.

See Accounts Receivable Chapter 6: Work with A/R Open Items (WARI) and Chapter 7: Using A/R Inquiry (DARI) for more information.

To process credits: Use the Process A/R Refunds menu option (fast path = MARC) to generate credit card credits for the A/R credits flagged to produce them. This menu option is similar to the Process Refunds menu option (fast path = MREF) except that it selects only open items flagged to produce refund checks or credit card credits.

Once you generate a credit card credit, the status of the credit open item will be processed (P).

See Customer Service Chapter 105: Processing A/R Refunds (MARC) for more information.

Leave this field blank if you never need to flag an open item to produce a credit card credit.

Salesrep Number to Use in P.O.S. Download File (F82)

Purpose: Use this screen to define the salesman number the system uses to load invoice information to the P.O.S. Download file.

MSR0054 CHANGE Change System Control Value 9/28/98 10:37:11

Description . : Salesrep Number to use in POS Download File

Number . . . . 0000034 0000067 0000299 0003434

0006767 0018812 5555555

Narrative . . .

Application . : A/R

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 99

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Number field: Enter the salesman number you wish the system to use to load invoice information to the P.O.S. Download file.

The system only selects invoice information for retail store replenishment orders that contain this salesman number. You can generate the P.O.S. Download file in Generate GPD POS Download. See System Operations Chapter 22: Generating the Point of Sale Download File (GGPD) for more information.

Leave this field blank if you do not want the system to load invoice information to the P.O.S. Download file for orders that contain a specific salesman number.

Display A/R Balance in OEOM (H98)

Purpose: Use this screen to indicate whether to display the customer’s total A/R balance, minus any credits allocated as order payment methods or flagged as credit card credits or check credits.

MSR0052 CHANGE Change System Control Value 6/21/02 13:53:48

Description . : Display A/R Balance in OEOM

Yes/No . . . . N (Y,N)

Narrative . . .

Application . : A/R

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 31

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Yes/no field: Enter Y in this field to display the current A/R balance for the bill-to customer associated with the sold-to customer in order entry.

Note: The current A/R balance is displayed in order entry only if the Allow A/R Credits as Payments (E81) system control value is set to Y.

The A/R balance that displays in order entry consists of the total balance of open invoice open items, less the total balance of open credit open items. Any credit open items that are allocated toward orders (the status is A) are not subtracted from the open invoice total; also, any credits of the Default Check Credit Open Item Type (E82) or the Default Credit Card Credit Open Item Type (E83) are not subtracted from the invoice total. Disputed open items are included in the total under their original categories, either credits or invoices. This calculation differs from the calculation of the Total A/R field in Using A/R Inquiry (DARI), which includes all credit open items in the calculation.


The customer has the following open items:








Total invoices:

open credit:

allocated credit:

credit card credit:

A/R balance in order entry:





75.00 - 20.00 = 55.00


Total A/R in A/R inquiry:

75 - (20.00 + 15.00 + 10.00) = 30.00

The A/R balance displays on the Work with Order Screen in the header format of order entry, and on the Work with Order/Detail Screen in the header/detail format.

Set this field to N or leave it blank if you do not want to display the A/R balance in order entry. Depending on the setting of the Allow A/R Credits as Payments (E81) system control value, the system displays total A/R credits or no A/R information in order entry. See Allow A/R Credits as Payments (E81) for a summary.

Retain A/R Batch Errors After Processing (I33)

Purpose: Use this screen to indicate whether to retain A/R batch payment records that are in error after processing, or to delete them automatically.

MSR0052 CHANGE Change System Control Value 9/16/03 10:08:18

Description . : Retain A/R Batch Errors after processing

Yes/No . . . . (Y,N)

Narrative . . .

Application . : A/R

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 99

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Yes/no field: Enter Y in this field to have batch payments in error remain after processing through High Speed A/R Payment Entry and Batch Processing (WABP).

Set this field to N or leave it blank if you do want to delete A/R batch payments in error after processing. Once you submit a batch for processing, all records in error are cleared.

Regardless of the setting of this system control value, A/R batch payments that are successfully processed are deleted from the A/R batch automatically.

Note: If this value is set to Y and then you change the setting, you will need to manually delete each batch that was retained before you reset the value; the system will not delete these batches automatically.

Display Additional Fields in A/R Batch Processing (I42)

Purpose: Use this screen to indicate whether to display the Sold to # and Pick ctr # when working with A/R batch payment.

MSR0052 CHANGE Change System Control Value 9/16/03 10:12:28

Description . : Display Optional Fields in A/R Batch processing

Yes/No . . . . Y (Y,N)

Narrative . . .

Application . : A/R

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 99

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Yes/no field: Enter Y in this field to display the Sold to # and Pick ctr # at the Enter Batch Payments Screen in A/R batch payment entry. You can then use these fields to identify an A/R invoice for payment.

Set this field to N or leave it blank if you do want to display these fields.

For more information: See High Speed A/R Payment Entry and Batch Processing (WABP).

Allow Underpayment in A/R Batch Processing (I44)

Purpose: Use this screen to indicate whether to apply A/R batch payments that are less than the invoice amount.

MSR0052 CHANGE Change System Control Value 9/16/03 10:17:57

Description . : Allow Underpayment in A/R Batch Processing

Yes/No . . . . (Y,N)

Narrative . . .

Application . : A/R

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 99

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Yes/no field: Enter Y in this field to have the system apply A/R batch payments that are less than the invoice amount through High Speed A/R Payment Entry and Batch Processing (WABP). However, you cannot apply A/R batch payments that do not have an amount greater than zero.

Set this field to N or leave it blank if underpayments should not be applied.

Regardless of the setting of this value, you cannot apply overpayments through batch A/R payment entry.

Process A/R Batch Automatically after Creation through IJCT (I95)

Purpose: Use this screen to indicate whether to automatically process A/R batches after they are created, or to retain them in open status so you can review them before submitting them for processing.

MSR0052 CHANGE Change System Control Value 8/24/04 14:00:11

Description . : Process A/R Batch Automatically after creation through IJCT

Yes/No . . . . N (Y,N)

Narrative . . .

Application . : A/R

Applic group . ALL

Sequence# . . . 99

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

Yes/no field: Enter Y in this field to have the ARBATCH_IN process in Working with Integration Layer Processes (IJCT) automatically submit each uploaded batch of A/R payments for processing as soon as the complete batch is received.

Set this field to N or leave it blank to have the ARBATCH_IN process retain the batch in open status for your review and submission. You need to press F9 at the Work with A/R Batch Payments Screen to process all the batches displayed on this screen.

You use the High Speed A/R Payment Entry and Batch Processing (WABP) menu option to review and work with uploaded A/R batches. See Uploading A/R Batch Payments for an overview.

Automatic A/R Write-off Values (K58)

Purpose: Use this screen to set up the system control values used for the Automatic A/R Open Item Write-off Process.

In order to use the automatic A/R open item write-off process:

• A value must be defined in the Dollar Limit for Automatic A/R Write-offs (K59) system control value, Number of Days Past Invoice Date for A/R Write-offs (K60) system control value, or both.

• A general ledger account number, division, and bank must be defined in the G/L Account to Offset Automatic A/R Write-offs (K61), Default Division (K62), and Default Bank (K63) system control values.

MSR1517 ENTER Edit Auto A/R Write Offs 9/18/09 11:32:09

KAB Co2 Karen Bottger Company

Dollar Limit for Automatic A/R Write-offs . . . . . . . .

Number of Days Past Invoice Date for A/R Write-offs . . .

GL Account to Offset Automatic A/R Write-offs . . . . . .

Default Division . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

Default Bank . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel

For more information: See Automatic A/R Open Item Write-off Process for an overview, required setup, and examples.

Dollar Limit for Automatic A/R Write-offs (K59)

Enter the dollar amount that the Balance for an A/R open item in the A/R Open Item file must be equal to or less than in order to qualify for the automatic A/R open item write-off process.

Example: If this system control value is set to 10.00, A/R open items qualify for the automatic A/R open item write-off process if the balance for the open item is 10.00 or less.

You can review the Balance for an A/R open item on the Work with Open Items Screen.

This dollar amount is associated with the currency defined in the Local Currency Code (A55) system control value.

In order to use the automatic A/R open item write-off process, you must define a Dollar Limit for Automatic A/R Write-offs (K59), Number of Days Past Invoice Date for A/R Write-offs (K60), or both.

If you enter a dollar amount in this system control value, you must also enter a general ledger number in the G/L Account to Offset Automatic A/R Write-offs (K61) system control value.

Leave this field blank if you do not want to use the automatic A/R open item write-off process or wish to use only the Number of Days Past Invoice Date for A/R Write-offs (K60) system control value to determine which A/R open items qualify for the automatic A/R open item write-off process.

Number of Days Past Invoice Date for A/R Write-offs (K60)

Enter the number of days that the Due date for the A/R open item in the A/R Open Item file must be older than the Invoice date (the Open item date in the A/R Open Item file) in order to qualify for the automatic A/R open item process.

Example: If this system control value is set to 30, A/R open items qualify for the automatic A/R open item process if the Due date is 30 days or older than the Invoice date (Open item date). For example, if the invoice date is 9/21/09, A/R open items whose due date is 8/22/09 or older qualify for the automatic A/R open item write-off process (9/21/09 - 30 days = 8/22/09).

You can review the Due date and Invoice open item date for an A/R open item on the Work with Open Items Screen.

In order to use the automatic A/R open item write-off process, you must define a Dollar Limit for Automatic A/R Write-offs (K59), Number of Days Past Invoice Date for A/R Write-offs (K60), or both.

If you enter a number of days in this system control value, you must also enter a general ledger number in the G/L Account to Offset Automatic A/R Write-offs (K61) system control value.

Leave this field blank if you do not want to use the automatic A/R open item write-off process or wish to use only the Dollar Limit for Automatic A/R Write-offs (K59) system control value to determine which A/R open items qualify for the automatic A/R open item write-off process.

G/L Account to Offset Automatic A/R Write-offs (K61)

Enter the general ledger account number the system uses to post the debit transaction for A/R open items that are automatically posted as write-offs during the automatic A/R open item process.

The system posts the following to the general ledger when you use the Automatic A/R Open Item Write-off Process.

Automatic A/R Write-off




G/L Account:

Sundry Cash Receipts Debit G/L



Defined in the G/L Account to Offset Automatic A/R Write-offs (K61) system control value

Division defined in the Default Division (K62) system control value

Required if a Dollar Limit for Automatic A/R Write-offs (K59) or Number of Days Past Invoice Date for A/R Write-offs (K60) is defined.

Note: You can only enter a 7 position general ledger account number in this field.

Leave this field blank if you do not use the automatic A/R open item write-off process.

Default Division (K62)

Enter the division code the system uses to post the credit transaction for A/R open items that are automatically posted as write-offs during the automatic A/R open item process.

The system posts the credit transaction to the A/R general ledger number defined for the division entered in this system control value.

Required if a G/L Account to Offset Automatic A/R Write-offs (K61) is defined.

Leave this field blank if you do not use the automatic A/R open item write-off process.

Default Bank (K63)

Enter the bank code the system uses when automatically posting A/R open item write-offs.

Required if a G/L Account to Offset Automatic A/R Write-offs (K61) is defined.

Leave this field blank if you do not use the automatic A/R open item write-off process.

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