Chapter 11: Adding a Recipient Order

Purpose: Use this screen to send all or part of the order to another address.

In this chapter:

About Gift Orders

Alternating Display of Sold-to/Recipient Addresses

Recipient Entry Methods

Select Customer Sold To Pop-up Window

Scan Types

Alphabetic Scan

Numeric Scan

E-mail Address Scan

Using the Scan Screen

Copying the Sold To Customer Address

Recipient orders are secondary orders that you add to an order to ship to different customers or addresses. For example, you can place an order for yourself and a friend in a single phone call, on a single order.

The system assigns the first order an order number, you enter name, address, and item information, and then press F19 to accept the current order and enter the next order.

Adding a ship-to suffix to the order number: When you enter the second order, the system views this as a recipient order, related to the initial order. The system assigns this order (and any subsequent recipient order) the same order number, but increments the shipping suffix by 1 for every additional recipient address on the order.

Adding a sold-to record: The system also assigns a sold to customer number to the person or company receiving each recipient order and creates a separate record for each recipient address in the Sold To Customer file. The system updates the recipient customer record with an R in the Original mail type field to indicate that the customer was added to the Customer Sold To file as a recipient. This code is used for historical purposes to trace how the customer was added to the system.

If the Update Original Source Code for Recipient Customers (F90) system control value is set to Y, the system writes the source code defined for the sold to customer to the Original source field for a recipient customer.

Recipient orders as separate orders: Although the buyer on the order (sold-to customer) and the order number are the same for a multi-recipient order, each recipient order is considered a separate order on the system. You must define name, address and item information for each order recipient, but define payment information only once.

Press F10 to review the order totals across all recipients on the order. The Order Totals pop-up window summarizes the individual charges on each recipient order and displays balances for what the customer has purchased, paid and owes. See Chapter 16: Displaying More Options.

The system does not capture sales history for any of the recipients.

Switching from one recipient to another: As you work with the order, you can switch from one recipient to another through the Display Order Summary screen. At the Display Order Summary screen, you can change recipient order information, such as item information, before you process the order.

You can advance to the Display Order Summary Screen by pressing F17 on the Work with Order Screen, Work with Order Lines Screen (Adding Items to the Order) or Work with Order/Recap Screen. At the Order Summary screen you can:

• Review all of the items ordered for the current order plus any recipient orders. The Order Summary screen lists each item ordered for each shipping address so you can verify the items ordered.

• Accept the order information for the recipient you are currently working with and switch to another recipient so you can work with the order information for that recipient.

• Copy an item from a recipient to the recipient you are currently working with. When you copy an item, the system adds an order line to the current order ship to for each item copied.

• Review the order totals in the customer's currency.

E-commerce orders: Alternate shipping addresses for orders you receive through the web storefront can be created as order ship-to addresses. See System Operations Part I: E-Commerce Interface.

Email address and opt-in/out setting: The email address and opt-in/out setting are associated with the customer who places the order. When you enter a new email address, the system adds an email address for the customer placing the order; similarly, if you display the Select Customer Email Address Screen by prompting (F4) on the email address, the screen displays email address information for the customer placing the order. To review or work with the recipient’s email address or opt-in/out setting, you must advance to the Expand Name/Address Screen.

About Gift Orders

Another type of recipient order is a gift order. You identify an order as a gift order by entering Y in the Gift field. You can then press F2 to enter the address where the gift will be shipped. The gift recipient's address is entered on the same screen you use to enter the address for a recipient order.

If the gift recipient is not already a customer of your company, the system assigns a sold-to customer number to the recipient of the gift order, creates a separate sold-to customer record under this number and updates the original mail type field with an R (recipient) to track how the order was received on the system. This makes the gift recipient eligible for future mailings because the customer is already familiar with your product.

A gift order differs from a recipient order because:

• pricing information may not print on the pick slip, depending on your pick slip printing program

• the system does not print a SmartLabel on the pick slip if you use SmartLabel returns processing; see Using SmartLabel Returns Processing

• a gift acknowledgment card prints for the customer who placed the order (sold-to customer) to confirm that the gift has been shipped if the buyer is not eligible to receive a shipment confirmation email; see Automatic Generation of Gift Acknowledgement (B92) for more information

The system performs the same updates as with recipient orders.

The system does not capture sales history for the gift recipient.

Alternating Display of Sold-to/Recipient Addresses

Press F2 at the Work with Order Screen to review or enter the buyers (sold-to) address or recipient's address. Notice that the addresses of the customer who placed the order (sold to customer) and the customer who will receive the order alternate each time you press F2.

Recipient Entry Methods

Purpose: You can enter a recipient order in two ways:

• Press F19 on the Work with Order Screen, Work with Order/Recap Screen or Select Order Recipient Screen.

• Press F2 on the Work with Order Screen if the recipient is a gift order.

Confirm Missing Recipient Window

This window displays if you press F19 or F2 to add a recipient and then press F19 or F2 again without entering a recipient address:

Confirm Missing Recipient

Warning! Neither a recipient

or alternate ship to address

has been defined. Press the

Enter key to confirm or F12 to

return to the current order.


The system is looking for a recipient address. Press Enter to override this message and use the sold to address or press F12 to enter a recipient address.

When you press F19 or F2 to add a recipient to the order, the system advances you to the Work with Order Screen. On this screen, the customer address lines default in blank. Here you can:

• Enter in the recipient's address information. The system advances you to the Display Duplicate Sold To Window if the system finds a match to the address you entered; otherwise the system creates a new sold to customer record for the address.

• Press F4 on the name or company name fields to advance to the Select Customer Sold To Pop-up Window where you can scan for an existing customer

• Press F20 to default the sold to customer's name and address information in the recipient's address lines. You would use this option if you are shipping to the same address but to a different person. For example, a daughter is ordering a gift for her mother and they live in the same house.

Select Customer Sold To Pop-up Window

Purpose: Use this window to scan for an existing customer to update the recipient address lines.

A message displays when you select an existing customer address to default into the recipient address fields on the Work with Order Screen:


Customer (46) has been updated with changes!


This message indicates that the order has been updated with the recipient address.

How to display this screen: Press F4 on the First name, Middle initial, Last name or Company fields of the recipient address on the Work with Order Screen (header version) or the Work with Order/Detail Screen

Select Customer Sold To

EZK Mail Order

Customer . . . . .

Match code . . . .

Postal code . . .

Last name . .

First name . .

Company . . .

Telephone # . . .

Alt cust # . . . .

E-mail Address . .

F3=Exit F12=Cancel



Customer (Sold to customer number)

A number assigned by the system to identify the customer.

Enter a valid customer number in this field to default the address information to the recipient address fields on the Work with Order Screen.

Alphanumeric, 9 positions; optional.

Match code

A code the system assembles in the format you define through the Match Code function. The match code contains elements of the customer's name and address. The system assigns a match code to every customer on the system to identify duplicate customers and to detect fraudulent addresses.

Enter a full or partial match code to advance to the Scan Customer by Match Code screen.

Alphanumeric, 15 positions; optional.

Postal code

A postal delivery area. See Customer Service Chapter 15: Setting Up the Postal Code File (WZIP).

Enter a full or partial code to advance to the Scan Sold To by Postal Code/Company screen. This screen lists all customers by postal code in ascending (lowest to highest) numeric sequence, beginning with the code you entered.

If you enter a postal code, last name, and first name, you advance to the Scan Customer Sold To by Postal Code screen, which lists all customers alphabetically beginning with the postal code you entered.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; optional.

Last name

The sold to customer's last name.

Enter a full or partial name to advance to a Scan Cust Sold To By Last Name screen, which lists all customers alphabetically beginning with the name you entered. You can also include a full or partial first name along with a full (not partial) last name to restrict the scan further. Numeric, 25 positions; optional.

First name

The sold-to customer’s first name.

Enter the last name, first name, and postal code to advance to the Scan Customer Sold To by Postal Code screen, which lists all customers alphabetically beginning with the postal code you entered. You can also enter just the full (not partial) last name and full or partial first name to advance to the Scan Cust Sold To By Last Name screen.

Note: First name must be used in conjunction with Postal code, Last name or with just Last name for scanning. You cannot scan on first name alone. See Scan Types.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; optional.


The sold to customer's company name.

Enter a full or partial company name to advance to the Scan Customer by Company Name screen.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.

Telephone #

The daytime, evening or third (fax or mobile) phone number of the sold to customer.

The Third Phone Number Type (L53) system control value determines whether the third phone number is labeled the Fax or Mobile number.

You can define a telephone number format for each country to map to the phone numbers operators enter into the system. See Customer Service Chapter 14: Setting Up the Country File (WCTY).

Note: Your entry should include any formatting specified by the telephone number format for the country; for example, if the telephone number format for the United States is (111) 111-111, your entry should include the parentheses and hyphen.

Enter a full or partial phone number to advance to the Scan Customer by Phone Number screen.

Alphanumeric, 14 positions; optional.

Alt cust # (Alternate customer number)

An additional number to identify the sold to customer on the system. This can be a serial number or a customer number from another system.

Enter a full or partial alternate customer number to advance to the Scan Customer by Alternate Customer Number screen.

Alternate Customer Number Label Description

The field label name that displays on this screen is based on the name you enter in the Alternate Customer Number Label Description (H95) system control value; if you do not enter a name in this system control value, the field label is Alt cust #.

Example: If you enter the field label name PC MEMBER# in the system control value, the field label name that displays on this screen is PC MEMBER# instead of Alt cust #.

Alphanumeric, 15 positions; optional.

E-mail Address

The customer's email address.

This field is not case sensitive; an email address of matches an entry of ABC@COMMERCIALWARE.COM, and vice versa.

Alphanumeric, 30 positions; optional.

Scan Types

Purpose: Enter any combination of customer information in the scan fields. A scan screen displays that lists the customers who closely match the information you entered. Each scan screen (except the Scan Customer by Phone Number screen) includes the customer number, street address, city, state and postal code.

The types of scans that are available from the Select Customer Sold To pop-up window are:

• Match Code

• Postal Code/Last Name

• Postal Code/Last Name/First Name

• Postal Code/Company Name

• Last Name

• Company Name

• Phone Number

• Alternate Customer Number

• E-mail Address

How to scan? You can enter partial or full information into any of the scan fields. For example, you can enter M or Mae in the Last name field to located Mary Mae.

When you press Enter on the Select Customer Sold To Pop-up Window, the system advances you to a scan screen that lists customers who closely match the information you entered. The customers are listed alphabetically or numerically from the first record that matches the scan information until the end of the file.

Alphabetic Scan

Example: You receive this type of scan if you enter M in the Last name field:





Example: However, you receive this type of scan if you enter MAX in the Last name field:




Numeric Scan

Example: You receive this type of scan if you enter a 0 in the Postal code field:





Example: However, you receive this type of scan if you enter 017 in the Postal code field:




E-mail Address Scan

This scan is not case sensitive; an email address of matches an entry of ABC@COMMERCIALWARE.COM, and vice versa.

Using the Scan Screen

Purpose: There are several ways to select a customer for a recipient address from the scan screen, depending on whether the customer is listed.

If the customer is listed: Enter 1 next to the customer number to select the customer for the recipient address.

If you are not sure if this is the correct customer: Enter 5 next to a customer number to review more information about the customer, such as telephone number. If the customer is correct, press Enter the customer number.

If the customer is not listed: Continue your search by scrolling through customer records using the Shift/Roll or Page Down. More customer records are available if a + sign displays in the lower right of the screen. If you still cannot find the customer, return to the recipient address on the Work with Order screen and enter a new customer.

Note: If you scan on the Postal code, Last name or Company fields on this screen and then press F6 to create a new customer as an order recipient, the scan information you had entered defaults onto the related fields on the order. If your scan included a postal code, the related city, state and country also default.

Copying the Sold To Customer Address

Purpose: Press F20 to default the sold to customer's address into the recipient address fields.

Copying the sold to customer address into the recipient address fields is helpful if the recipient customer has an address similar to the sold to customer's address. For example, if a daughter is ordering a gift for her mother and they live at the same address, you can press F20 to default the sold to address into the recipient address fields and then override the Name field to enter the recipient's name.

If you scan for an existing customer by pressing F4 on the First name, Middle name, Last name or Company name fields, select a customer to default to the recipient address fields and then press F20 to copy the sold to customer address, an error message displays:


WARNING: Customer 26 is about to be changed.


If you then press Enter, the system overrides the address for the customer you selected from the Select Customer Scan screens with the address of the sold to customer. If you do not want the system to override the selected customer with the sold to customer address, you must press F12.

The system overrides this address information when you select an existing customer for the recipient address and then press F20 to default the sold to customer in the recipient address fields:

• first name, middle initial and last name

• company name

• street address

• apartment/suite number

• address lines 1, 2 and 3

• postal code

• city

• state

• country

• day/business phone number

• evening/home phone number

• fax/mobile phone number

Entering a Recipient Customer Purpose: You can enter the recipient's address information in the address fields on the Work with Order Screen for the recipient order.

You advance to the Work with Order Screen for a recipient order by:

• Pressing F2 to enter the gift recipient's address, or

• Pressing F19 to enter a recipient order shipping to a different address

How to complete this screen: To complete the recipient address information at the Work with Order Screen, you have several options. You can:

• Enter the recipient's information in the address fields.

• If the recipient customer has an address similar to the sold-to customer's address (for example, a daughter is ordering a gift for her mother and they live at the same address), you can press F20 to default the sold-to customer's address into the recipient address fields. See Copying the Sold To Customer Address.

• If the recipient customer is an existing customer, you can press F4 on the recipient address fields to select the customer from one of the Select Customer Sold To Pop-up Window.

Press Enter after you enter the recipient's address information.

The system validates you entries and highlights any fields you need to correct. Correct any fields and press Enter again.

The system verifies that the ship via (carrier) used on the previous order is still valid for the recipient address.

You can change any order information for a recipient order. For example, you can select a different shipping service. Any other recipient orders are not updated.

For a multi-recipient order (entering an order for the customer and a friend), the updates you make affect only the current recipient order. Additionally, you update the recipient customer when you update any of the customer-specific fields on the recipient screen.

Note: If you have already entered the order, and one or more items on the order are restricted from being shipped to the state or country of the ship to address you have selected, you cannot attach the new address to the order and a message will display when you press Enter:

One or more items on the order line are restricted to the new Shipping country/state.


See Merchandising Chapter 29: Entering Additional Item Information, for information on item/state restrictions.

Screen Option


Display the address of the buyer (Sold To Customer) or the recipient (Ship To Customer)

Press F2.

Select an existing customer to default to the recipient address fields.

Press F4 on the recipient address field. See Select Customer Sold To Pop-up Window.

Enter or confirm the billing address

Press F6. See Chapter 12: Assigning a Billing Address.

Enter or confirm the shipping address kept on file for the customer

Press F7. See Chapter 9: Using a Permanent Shipping Address.

Note: You cannot press F7 and select a permanent shipping address for the order if you entered an address for a gift recipient (with F2) or you are sending part of the order to another recipient address (with F19); otherwise, the system issues a message:


A permanent ship to cannot be assigned - recipient present.

Enter the items for the order

Press F8. See Chapter 4: Entering Orders Using Header Format or Chapter 5: Entering Orders Using Header/Detail Format.

Accept, validate and process the new order

Press F9. See Chapter 4: Entering Orders Using Header Format or Chapter 5: Entering Orders Using Header/Detail Format.

Reject (cancel) the new order

Press F11. See Chapter 4: Entering Orders Using Header Format or Chapter 5: Entering Orders Using Header/Detail Format.

Note: You cannot reject an order if it contains multiple recipients. When you press F11 to reject the order, you advance to the Select Order Recipient Screen where you can select an existing recipient or create a new recipient. If you wish to reject an order containing multiple recipients, you must cancel the order in order maintenance.

Enter payment information for the order

Press F15. See Chapter 4: Entering Orders Using Header Format or Chapter 5: Entering Orders Using Header/Detail Format.

Enter a credit or add a miscellaneous charge to the order

Press F16. See Chapter 15: Adding Miscellaneous Charges or Credits.

Review the totals for the current order plus any other related (recipient) orders

Press F17. See Chapter 16: Displaying More Options.

Enter or verify the complete address

Press F18. See Chapter 8: Expanding the Address.

Enter a recipient address

Press F19.

Copy the sold to customer's information to the recipient address lines.

Press F20. See Copying the Sold To Customer Address.

Enter or change additional order information regarding shipping and delivery

Press F21. See Chapter 13: Defining Order Properties.

Enter messages for the order, such as a birthday message or delivery instructions

Press F23. See Chapter 14: Adding Order Messages.

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