Chapter 20: Working with Order Summary Information

Purpose: Use the Display Order Summary Screen to:

• Review all of the items ordered for the current order plus any recipient orders. The Order Summary screen lists each item ordered for each shipping address so you can verify the items ordered.

• Accept the order information for the recipient you are currently working with and switch to another recipient so you can work with the order information for that recipient. When you select another recipient, the system advances you to the order header screen for the recipient you selected.

• Copy an item from a recipient to the recipient you are currently working with. When you copy an item, the system adds an order line to the current order ship-to for each item copied.

• Review the order totals in the customer's currency.

Foreign currency view: The foreign currency view is not necessary or correct if you:

• process orders in multiple currencies by offer (the Multi Currency by Offer (E03) system control value is set to Y). In this situation, the dollar values on the order are already in the customer's currency.

• use alternate currency pricing (the Use Alternate Currency Pricing (H89) system control value is set to Y). In this situation, you can review the order totals in the foreign currency on the Alternate Currency View Screen.

This screen is available from Order Entry only.

In this chapter:

Display Order Summary Screen

Switching to Another Recipient

Copying Items from One Recipient to Another

Display Selected Items Screen

Select Order Recipient Screen

Displaying Order Totals in Foreign Currency

Important Information

Display Order Summary Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to review the items ordered for each recipient on the order.

How to display this screen: Press F17 on the Work with Order Screen, Work with Order/Detail Screen, or Work with Order/Recap Screen.

OER0736 DISPLAY Display Order Summary 4/02/98 8:51:13

Enter The KL Mail Order Company

Order #: 2561 # Rcp: 3 Prepaid: 25.00 Balance: 53.50-

Current Recip: 3

Merch Frt Frt+ Chg Tax Hnd Total

70.00 .00 .00 .00 4.50 4.00 78.50

Opt Shp Name Ln# Qty Item COLO STYL SIZE Via Price Whs SA

Type option, press Enter

1=Select recipient and accept current 3=Copy item to current recipient

1 B MIRANDA 1 1 IT87 1 5.00 40


2 T BOTTGER 1 1 S8R 1 40.00 40


2 2 1 S8U 1 .00 40


2 3 1 S8Y 1 .00 40


3 L LETENDRE 1 1 VSB8 1 25.00 3


F3=Exit F7=Foreign currency display F8=Display items selected to copy

F9=Accept/Switch to another recipient



Order #

The number of the order you are currently working with.

Numeric, 9 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.

# Rcp (Number of recipients)

The number of recipients on this order. This is the number of shipping addresses on the order.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.


The total dollar amount prepaid on this order using checks, credits, gift certificates, and coupons.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only, calculated by the system.


The balance due on the order, calculated by subtracting the order total (current order plus all recipient orders) from the prepaid amount.

If the balance is 0, this means that the customer prepaid the entire order. If the balance is negative, there is a balance due that will be charged to the customer.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only, calculated by the system.

Current recip (Current recipient)

The ship-to number indicating the recipient you are currently working with.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Merch (Merchandise)

The total dollar value of merchandise on this order, which is calculated by multiplying the quantity ordered by the item's price. This amount does not include charges for freight (shipping), sales tax, or handling.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only, updated by the system.

Frt (Freight)

The total charge for shipping the current order plus any recipient orders.

Shipping charges are based on the freight method defined for the source code used on the order.

This amount also includes any service charges by ship via and order weight charges by ship via. See Fulfillment Chapter 30: Working with Ship Via Codes (WVIA).

This amount does not include any additional charges associated with shipping this item (see the Frt+ field for these totals).

This field is blank if no freight is charged on the order (Calc freight = N).

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only, updated by the system.

Frt+ (Additional freight)

The total additional freight charges on the current order plus any recipient orders.

Additional freight charges can be defined for a shipper in the Ship Via file. For example, a shipper can charge a premium for overnight or Federal Express deliveries.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only, updated by the system.

Chg (Additional charges)

The total extra charges added to the current order and any recipient orders.

This can be an additional service charge defined for the source code or offer used on the order, an additional shipping charge for an item on the order, a guaranteed service charge defined for the offer, or any type of miscellaneous charge or credit added to the order.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only, updated by the system.


The total sales tax on the current order and any recipient orders, based on the merchandise dollar value of the order and, optionally, freight and special handling. Tax does not accumulate here for orders subject to VAT and tax-inclusive pricing.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only, updated by the system.


The total charge, on the current order and any recipient orders, for special handling, gift wrapping, or duty.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only, updated by the system.


The grand total of all charges on the current order and any recipient orders. This includes merchandise, freight, additional freight, additional charges, tax, and handling.

Numeric, 11 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only, updated by the system.

Shp (Ship To number)

The number of the shipping address on the order.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only, assigned by the system.


The initial and last name or company name of the customer the order is shipping to. The customer or company name only displays next to the first detail line for each customer.

Alphanumeric, 10 positions; display-only.


The line number of this item on the order.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

Qty (Quantity)

The number of units ordered of the item.

Numeric, 5 positions; display-only.


A code for a unit of inventory that you sell.

Alphanumeric, 12 positions; display-only.


The style of the item, such as its color or size.

Alphanumeric, one 14-position field (full SKU) or three 4-position fields (split SKU).


A code for the carrier or service that will deliver the order.

Ship via codes are defined in and validated against the Ship Via file.

Numeric, 2 positions; display-only.


The selling price of a single unit of this item.

The system calculates the price by taking into account any price breaks, source or order discounts. The system calculates the price using the pricing hierarchy in the System Control file.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2 place decimal; display-only, calculated by the system.

Whs (Warehouse)

A code for the warehouse the item will ship from.

Warehouse codes are defined in and validated against the Warehouse file.

Numeric, 3 positions; display-only.

SA (Ship alone code)

This value identifies whether the item can ship with other items.

Valid values include:

S = Ship alone: item cannot be shipped with other items. A pick slip prints for each unit ordered.

M = Multi-ship: item can ship with other items.

L = Picks print in location code sequence.

U = User-defined.

This information is taken from the Ship alone field in the Item file.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; display-only.

Item description (Unlabeled field below the Shp field)

The description of the item being ordered.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.

SKU description (Unlabeled field below the SKU field)

The description of the SKU for the item.

Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.

Extended price (Unlabeled field below the Whs field)

The total charge for this item, which is calculated by multiplying the price of the item by the quantity ordered.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only, updated by the system.

Screen Option


Accept the order information for the recipient you are currently working with and switch to another recipient.

Enter 1 next to a recipient to advance to the order header screen where you can work with the order information for the selected recipient. See Switching to Another Recipient.

Copy an item to the recipient you are currently working with

Enter 3 next to a recipient's order line that contains the item you wish to copy. See Copying Items from One Recipient to Another.

Display the order totals at the top of the screen in the customer's currency or in the system currency (as defined in the Local Currency Code (A55) system control value).

Press F7. See Displaying Order Totals in Foreign Currency.

Review the items selected to copy

Press F8 to advance to the Display Selected Items Screen.

Accept the order information for the recipient you are currently working with and advance to the Select Order Recipient screen

Press F9 to advance to the Select Order Recipient Screen.

Switching to Another Recipient

Purpose: Enter 1 next to a recipient at the Display Order Summary Screen.

An error message indicates if you enter 1 next to the recipient you are currently working with:


Selected ship to (3) must be different than current ship to (3).


When you enter 1 next to a recipient, the system accepts the order information for the recipient you are currently working with and advances to the Work with Order Screen or Work with Order/Detail Screen (depending on the value defined in the Default Version for Order Entry (A71) system control value) for the recipient you selected.

Copying Items from One Recipient to Another

Purpose: From the Display Order Summary Screen you can copy items from other recipients on the order to the recipient you are currently working with.

Copying items to current recipient: Enter 3 next to an item defined for a recipient other than the recipient you are currently working with. A message displays when you select an item to copy:


Item (S5Y) has been selected for copy to current recipient (3).


An error message indicates if the item you select to copy is already the order for the recipient you are currently work with:


Selected ship to (3) must be different than current ship to (3).


You can copy as many items from as many different recipients as you want. The system logs the items that you have selected and does not copy them to the current recipient until:

• you enter 1 next to a recipient to accept the current recipient's information and switch to another recipient

• you press F3 to exit the screen.

• you press F9 to accept the current recipient's information and advance to the Select Order Recipient Screen.

When you accept the current recipient's order information, you advance to the Display Selected Items Screen. This screen lists each item that you have selected to copy to the current recipient. In order to continue with the order, you must confirm the items that you wish to copy or delete them from the copy list.

Item information copied: The system copies the item to the current customer including any changes you have made to the item or any special characteristics of the item. For example:

• if you changed the price of the item and then copied the item to the recipient you are currently work with, the system would copy the item with the price you defined.

• if the item is defined as a special handling item or custom special handling item, the system advances you to the Work with Special Handling Screen or Work with Custom Special Handling Screen where you can enter the handling charge and the handling information.

• if the item is defined as a set master item or a continuity item, the system copies the item and its components. If you copy a component item, the system copies the item with a price of zero and retains the no charge flag and price override code.

• if the item is an accompanying item, the system defaults the accompanying item to the current recipient's order.

The system also performs the normal edits for items selected to copy to the current recipient. For example, if the item selected to copy contains a ship via that is not valid with the current recipient's zip code, an error message displays:


Ship via (2) is not valid with ship to zip code (011).

Display Selected Items Screen

Purpose: Use this window to review the items that you have selected to copy to the recipient you are currently working with and:

• add the items to the current recipient's order

• delete selected items from the copy list

• remove all items contained in the copy list

How to display this screen: At the Display Order Summary Screen, copy an item to the current recipient (option 3) and then:

• Enter 1 next to a recipient, or

• Press F3, or

• Press F8, or

• Press F9.

OER0560 DISPLAY Display Selected Items 11/01/06 15:05:21

Ofr - Next Expected-

Opt Item COLR SIZE OTHR Qty Avail Price P/O Date Qty

Type options, press Enter.


KABNOSKU 5 19.00


KABSKU1 BLUE 4 20.50



Enter=Add lines F11=Remove lines




The code for the item you have selected to copy.

Numeric, 12 positions; optional.


The SKU of the item you have selected to copy.

Numeric, three 4-position fields (split SKU) or one 14-position field (full SKU); optional.

Qty (Quantity)

The number of units of the item you selected to copy. Optionally, you can change the order quantity. To change the quantity to zero, delete the item from the copy list.

Changing the quantity: Optionally, you can increase or decrease the quantity to order. If you clear the quantity, or change the quantity to zero, the system displays the Confirm Delete window when you press Enter. Press Enter to confirm the delete; otherwise, press F12 to retain the item.

Numeric, 5 positions; optional.

Avail (Available quantity)

The quantity of this item or SKU currently available to sell in all allocatable warehouses. This quantity includes only reservable locations, not locations defined as defective or return to-vendor. Item availability is calculated as follows:

On hand - Protected - Reserved - Reserve Transfer - Backordered = Quantity available

When this field is blank or this value is followed by a negative sign, the item is unavailable or on backorder.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only, updated by the system.

Ofr price (Offer price)

The most current single-unit price for the item. This may not be the same as the price that applies to the current order, based on the offer associated with the source code on the order header.

Numeric, 7 positions with a 2-place decimal.

Next expected PO date

The date that you expect to receive this item from your vendor, based on the date entered during PO Entry or calculated using the value in the Lead days field in the Vendor/Item record.

This is the date of the next purchase order you can use for new orders (that is, if there are earlier backordered orders already awaiting a purchase order that you expect to receive in the shorter term).

The next expected purchase order date is cleared once you receive the purchase order through Purchase Order Receipts.

If you receive purchase orders into suspense, you must run Batch Purchase Order Layering in order to update this field. Once the suspended stock is placed through Suspense placement, you must run Batch Purchase Order Layering again in order to clear this field. See Customer Service Chapter 116: Purchase Order Layering and Backorder Notifications.

Finished goods: The system uses this field for finished good items that are created through the work order process to indicate the date the finished good will be ready for sale if Use Work Order Processing (E37) is set to Y in the System Control file. The Expected due date for finished good items that displays here is taken from the date entered on the work order header. See Warehousing Finished Good Work Order Processing (WWOR) for more information on work orders.

Drop ships: This date is included for drop ship items only if the Assign Drop Ship Expected Ship Date (I59) system control value is set to Y. See that system control value for more information.

Numeric, 6 positions (MMDDYY format); display-only.

Next expected PO quantity

The number of units of this item ordered on a purchase order that will be available for new orders.

Numeric, 7 positions; display-only.

Item description (Unlabeled field below the item)

The description of the item.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.

Sku description

(Unlabeled field below the item description)

The description of the SKU. Included only for SKU’d items; otherwise, this line is blank.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.

Screen Option


Delete an item from the copy list

Enter 4 next to the item you wish to delete to delete it.

Add the items on the copy list to the current recipient's order

Press Enter. The system adds the items on the copy list to the current recipient's order. You can work with the items added to the order on the Work with Order Line Screen (Changing/Adding an Item).

Note: You can only add the items to the current recipient's order if you advanced to the Display Selected Items pop-up window by entering 1 next to a recipient or pressing F3 or F9.

Remove all items from the copy list

Press F11 to remove all items from the copy list. The system advances you to the Clear Selected Items pop-up window. Press Enter to confirm the delete of all items or press F12 to cancel

Select Order Recipient Screen

Purpose: Use this screen to select an existing recipient to work with or add a new recipient to the order.

How to display this screen: Press F9 on the Display Order Summary Screen.

OER1020 DISPLAY Select Order Recipient 4/02/98 10:06:04

The KL Mail Order Company

Order # : 2561


Opt Rcp Customer# Name Sts Merch Amt

Type options, press Enter.





2 46 BOTTGER, TROY W S 40.00



3 12534 LETENDRE, LINDA J S 45.00



F19=Add recipient



Order #

The number of the order you are currently working with.

Numeric, 9 positions; display-only.

Sold to

The number and name of the customer who placed the order.

Sold to customer number: Numeric, 9 positions; display-only.

Sold to customer name: Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.


The ship-to number of each recipient on this order.

Numeric, 3 positions; optional.

Customer #

A unique number assigned to each recipient on the order.

Numeric, 9 positions; display-only.


The name of each recipient on this order.

Alphanumeric, 40 positions; display-only.

Sts (Order status)

A code that indicates the current status of the order.

Valid values are:

S = Suspended

O = Open

H = Held

C = Canceled

X = Closed

The system places an order in a suspended status until the order is accepted (F9) and processed.

Enter a status code to display status codes that match your entry.

Alphanumeric, 1 position; optional.

Merch amt (Merchandise amount)

The total dollar value of merchandise on the order, which is calculated by multiplying the quantity ordered by the item's price. This amount does not include charges for freight (shipping), sales tax, or handling.

Numeric, 9 positions with a 2-place decimal; display-only, updated by the system.

Address (Customer address)

The address for each recipient on this order. The address consists of the street address, city, state and zip code.

Street address: Alphanumeric, 32 positions; display-only.

City: Alphanumeric, 25 positions; display-only.

State: Alphanumeric, 2 positions; display-only.

Zip code: Numeric, 10 positions; display-only.

Screen Option


Select a recipient

Enter 1 next to a recipient to advance to the Work with Order Screen or Work with Order/Detail Screen of the selected recipient.

Add a recipient to the order

Press F19 to create a new recipient for the order. See Chapter 11: Adding a Recipient Order.

Displaying Order Totals in Foreign Currency

Purpose: Use this function to convert, then display the order totals in the customer's currency.

Note: The foreign currency view is not necessary or correct if you process orders in multiple currencies by offer (the Multi Currency by Offer (E03) system control value is set to Y). In this situation, the dollar values on the order are already in the customer's currency.

Using this feature: Press F7 at the Display Order Summary Screen to convert the order totals to the customer's currency.

About currency conversion: When you press F7, the system gets the country code for the sold-to customer (which is the customer who placed the order), then checks the Currency file.

If a currency code has been defined for this country, the system multiplies each order total bucket by the conversion rate, and displays the order totals in the customer's own currency. This way, the order total is more meaningful to the customer.

Example: A customer calls from Italy to place an order. You enter the order, then press F17 to review the order totals. Next, you press F7 to display the totals expressed in the customer's own currency. The system performs the currency conversion immediately, using the current conversion rate from the Currency file, and updates the order totals appropriately.

Important Information

• The system issues a message if there is no currency record defined for the customer's country in the Currency file, and you will not be able to view the order totals in the customer's currency when you press F7:


No currency match found for country XXX.


• The value in the Total field is the sum of all other order totals fields (Merch, Frt, Frt+, Chg, Tax, and Hnd); no conversion is performed on this field.

• Currency values extending beyond 2 decimal places are rounded up or down to the nearest dollar value.

• The country code and the currency code must be the same for order totals conversion.

• The order totals are converted using the current currency rate. This means that the order totals you see on this screen may be different from the order totals at shipping time.

• Pressing F7 toggles between displaying the order totals in the customer's (foreign) currency or in the system currency.

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