Managing Storage Domains

Occasionally, a storage administrator must perform certain management actions on a Storage Domain.

When an Oracle FS System starts up for the first time after installation, that system has one Storage Domain that contains all of the drive groups that are available in the system. That domain is referred to as the default Storage Domain. You can create additional Storage Domains by removing one or more of those drive groups from the default domain and adding them to new Storage Domains.

When you create a Storage Domain, ensure that sufficient storage capacity exists. You can add capacity to the Storage Domain in the following ways:
  • Remove drive groups from the default Storage Domain and add those drive groups to the Storage Domain.

  • Add more drives to an existing Drive Enclosure.

  • Add more Drive Enclosures.

You can create a Storage Domain without drive groups. Such a Storage Domain contains no storage capacity and therefore cannot be assigned to a logical volume.

Managing your Storage Domains involves the following activities:
  • Creating, modifying, and deleting the Storage Domains

  • Adding drive groups to the Storage Domain

  • Removing drive groups from the Storage Domain

  • Compacting and verifying the Storage Domains

  • Generating an auto‑tier effectiveness report

  • Viewing the auto‑tier storage capacity

The Oracle FS System provides some advanced options for controlling the QoS Plus feature, which is called Auto‑tier in the GUI. Use caution when performing any of the following activities:
  • Disabling the tier reallocation feature

  • Disabling the collection of tier reallocation statistics

  • Optimizing auto‑tier performance

  • Allocating the auto‑tier storage capacity