Standard Software Updates

You should be aware of which software updates are standard before you perform them. The Oracle FS System implements standard software updates by installing both the Oracle FS1-2 Controller Software and the Pilot Software, and if applicable, the Pilot OS.

Standard updates interrupt data access for a few seconds. However, the software can be updated without restarting the entire system and user applications do not lose access to the Oracle FS System storage arrays during the software update.

The Pilot does shut down and restart. When the Pilot shuts down, the connection between the Oracle FS System and Oracle FS System Manager (GUI) is disconnected. A message stating that the connection has been lost displays, followed by the login panel from which you can log back in. If the update is still in progress after you log back in, navigate to the Status Summary screen to view the status of the Pilots, Controllers, and Drive Enclosures.
Tip: To check the overall status of the system, go to the System Information screen. If the status is BOOT_STATE_PILOT, the update is still in progress.