Statistics Tools Overview

The Oracle FS System collects statistics data on many system operations. Each component of the Oracle FS System periodically collects key statistics covering such areas as read and write performance, block-level read and write performance, and error counts. You can download these system operation statistics from the Oracle FS System Manager (GUI) for analysis. The Oracle Flash Storage System Statistics Tools make it possible to process these statistics, which are in binary format, for analysis in statistical applications and spreadsheets.

The system operation statistics are historical compared to real-time statistics. These system operations are collected over intervals for a period of time, up to the point when you generated and downloaded the statistics. The corresponding time and duration are included in the statistics file for each system component.

When analyzing statistics, the real-time statistics on the GUI provide an instance of performance data, whereas the system operation statistics represent a longer period of time and include a system-wide collection of statistics. These statistics can help determine both whether the system is being fully utilized and the sizing for future system expansion

Statistical data captured in a binary format on the Oracle FS System is downloaded from the GUI Systems Logs page for processing on a client machine.

The Statistics Tools provided with the Oracle FS System make it possible to process this data into a format usable by statistical applications or spreadsheets. In that format, the statistical data can be used to perform the following tasks:
Note: Additional information on other statistics, including real-time statistics, is provided in the Oracle Flash Storage System Administrator’s Guide.