Statistics Tools Terminology and Definitions

Oracle FS System statistics are organized by component, subcomponent, and statistics type.

The statistics are grouped by component (such as Drive Groups, any subcomponent, and statistic type, such as user interface. The statistics presented vary by component (for example, the statistics generated for Drive Groups are different than the statistics generated for the SAN LUN). The following table provides terminology and definitions of the component, subcomponents, statistics type, and how the statistics are organized. For a detailed description of the component and subcomponent statistics, refer to the fsstatsdefinitions.html file that is part of the statistics tool package.

Table 1 Statistics terms definitions
Term Description

An Oracle FS System software module.

The following software module components provide data that is included in the statistics file:
Block Services. Supply all read and write cache management, including mirroring
Common Internet File System. Provides Windows and other CIFS clients access to the Oracle FS System filesystems from network shares.
Diagnostic and Monitoring Services. Run diagnostics and monitors various components of the system
Data Protection Services. Provide the functions necessary for backup services
Meta File System. Provides a protocol neutral file system that supports files, directories, and other filesystem objects
Network File System. Provides UNIX, Linux, and other NFS clients access to the Oracle FS System file system by means of mount points
Redundant array of independent disks (RAID). Provides a disk subsystem that consists of a set of drives and a controller that operate as a single logical drive
Storage Area Network. Provides the host network with a SCSI interface to the Oracle Flash Storage System on a SAN Controller to LUNs
Virtual Server. The Virtual Server manages NAS-only File Servers that are used to assign security, network, and protocol access attributes. These attributes apply to all filesystems associated with the File Server. Includes virtual interfaces (VIFs).

The amount of time in seconds that data was collected

Statistics bundle

The portion of the system information collection that contains statistical data

Statistics column

A column heading in the statistics output that identifies a discrete statistic, such as Write_through_Ops (the number of write-through operations). These column headings are listed and described in the HTML file fsstatsdefinitions.html. The fsstatsdefinitions.html is downloaded with the statistics tools.

Stats time

The time the system began collecting data for the software module component statistics typeStatistics type

Statistics Type
The type of statistical data. Each component can contain different types of data:
Error statistics count operations that have failed.
User interface statistics are user-visible statistics normally shown on the GUI.
General statistics contain any detailed statistics that a component collects that cannot be classified as error or user visible statistics.

A constituent part of a primary component. Subcomponents are also known as resource types. The value of none is displayed if there is no subcomponent.

For a detailed description of the component and subcomponent statistics, refer to the fsstatsdefinitions.html file that is part of the statistics tools package. The statistics tools package includes the Oracle FS System fsstatsparser tool and the Oracle FS System fsstatsformatter tool. The statistics tools package is available for downloading from the Oracle FS System.