3 Monitoring Network Integrity

This chapter describes procedures related to checking and monitoring the processes running on Oracle Communications Network Integrity.

The chapter also provides information about the tools that you use to check and monitor Network Integrity; and to maintain a historical view of application activity.

About Monitoring Tools

This section describes tools to monitor the following components:

  • JVM

    Use JVisualVM when you are working with the Sun Hotspot JVM for monitoring the heap size, garbage collection, and CPU usage of the application server. For more information, see the JVisualVM documentation at the following location:


  • Database

    To monitor and manage the Network Integrity database, it is recommended to use Oracle Enterprise Manager. With the Grid Control version of this product, you can also monitor the performance of the application servers and host systems in your Network Integrity installation. For more information, see the Enterprise Manager documentation at the following location:



    The AWR (Automatic Workload Repository) reports and ADDM (Automatic Database Diagnostic Monitor) features included in Oracle Enterprise Manager are particularly useful in helping to identify and correct any performance issues or bottlenecks in the database.
  • Operating System

    To monitor the operating system of your Network Integrity application servers and database servers, you can use any or all of the following Unix/Linux tools and commands:

    • iostat for disk activity statistics

    • mpstat for CPU statistics

    • netstat for TCP/IP network connections and protocol statistics

    • ps for CPU consumption, memory size, execution time, and so on, of individual processes

    • top for load averages, CPU and memory usage of the whole system and the top consuming processes

    • vmstat for virtual memory statistics

Monitoring Network Integrity

Regular monitoring of your system ensures fast recognition and resolution of any problems or issues. Among other things, monitoring the Network Integrity system involves monitoring the general health and performance of Network Integrity and monitoring the Oracle WebLogic server domain and servers.

Viewing General Health and Performance of Network Integrity

To view general application-related information for Network Integrity:

  1. Log on to the Enterprise Manager console using the administrator's credentials.

    The Farm screen appears.

  2. Expand Application Deployments in the left pane, and select NetworkIntegrity.

    The NetworkIntegrity screen appears.

    You can view the following information about the Network Integrity application:

    • Summary information

    • Modules currently deployed

    • Entry Points descriptions

    • Graph showing response and load time for requests

    • Most requested services and requests.

Monitoring an Oracle WebLogic Server Domain

You can monitor a domain and its health using the Enterprise Manager Console. To monitor the domain's health, refer to:


To monitor an Oracle WebLogic server domain:

  1. Log in to the Enterprise Manager console using the administrator's credentials.

    The Farm screen appears.

  2. Expand WebLogic Domain in the left pane and select the domain, DomainName, you want to monitor.

    The DomainName screen appears.

    You can view general information about the selected WebLogic domain.

Monitoring an Oracle WebLogic Administration or Managed Server

A server is any combination of hardware or software designed to provide services to clients. When used alone, the term typically refers to a computer which may be running a server operating system. Commonly used, the term refers to any software or dedicated hardware capable of providing any given services.

For information on monitoring servers using the Enterprise Manager, see the Oracle Enterprise Manager guide located at the following link:


For any server you can monitor the following:

  • General run time information

  • Server health

  • Server channels

  • Server performance

  • Garbage collection pause time

  • Server threads: Thread activity for the current server

  • Executing queues: You configure the server to use executing queues

  • Security: Monitor user lockout management statistics for a server

  • Default store statistics: View run-time statistics for the default store for the server

  • Default store connections: View run-time statistics for all of the active default store connections

  • JMS connections: Monitor statistics on all the active JMS connections on your server

  • SAF agents: Monitor statistics on all the active SAF agents on your server

  • JDBC data source: Monitor the activity of the data source (displays statistics associated with this JDBC data source)

  • JTA transactions summary: Monitor the summary of all transaction information for all resource types on the server

  • JTA, transactions by name: Monitor statistics about named transactions coordinated by the server

  • JTA, XA resources: Monitor statistics about transactions coordinated by the server for each transactional (XA) resource accessed by the server

  • JTA, non-XA resources: Monitor information about transactions in which non-XA resources on the server participate

  • JTA transactions: Monitor information about current transactions coordinated by the server or in which server resources participate

  • JTA recovery services: Monitor information about transactions that were processed by the server as part of recovery on server startup or after a failure

  • Workload: View statistics for the Work Managers, constraints, and request classes that are configured for this server

  • Timers: Monitor information about the timers used by a server

Monitoring Logging Levels

You should monitor the application server log files regularly to ensure that there are no exceptions that would indicate problems with the Network Integrity system.

Monitoring a Cluster

A cluster is a group of linked computers working so that they virtually form one system. The components of a cluster are commonly, but not always, connected to each other through fast local area networks (LAN). Clusters are usually deployed to improve performance or availability over that of a single computer, while typically being much more cost-effective than single computers of comparable speed or availability.

You can monitor clusters using the Oracle WebLogic Server Administration Console. To monitor the run-time status of clusters that are part of the current WebLogic Server domain, perform the steps documented at the Oracle Technology Network web site.

Monitoring Configured Schedule Events

If you redeploy the Network Integrity application for any reason, the Network Integrity application tracks the configured schedule events by comparing the active timers with the persistent schedule database records and creates the timers accordingly.

Network Integrity logs error messages if the container active timers conflict with the persisted schedule records. The Network Integrity administrator must monitor error messages related to the additional active timers and create a new schedule if the error messages are valid.

About Oracle Diagnostic Logging

The Oracle Diagnostic Logging framework, or ODL, provides plug-in components that complement the standard Java framework to automatically integrate log data with Oracle log analysis tools. In the ODL framework, log files are formatted in XML, enabling them to be more easily parsed and reused by other Oracle Application Server and custom developed components.

The ODL framework provides support for managing log files, including log file rotation. You can also define the maximum log file size and the maximum size of log directories.

You can view ODL-formatted log files through the web-based Oracle Enterprise Manager console. Using the Enterprise Manager you can aggregate and view the logging output generated by all components and applications running within OC4J from one centralized location.

For information on WebLogic server related log files, see the Oracle Fusion Middleware Configuring Log Files and Filtering Log Messages documentation at the following location:


About Java Logging and ODL

In the Java logging framework, applications record events by making calls on Logger objects, which are instances of the java.util.logging.Logger class. A Logger is a named entity that is associated with a system or application component. Each Logger is assigned a specific log level, and records events only at that level of severity or higher.

Logging messages are forwarded to a Handler object, which can in turn forward the messages to a variety of destinations for publication. The oracle.core.ojdl.logging package includes a Handler class, ODLHandler class, which generates the Logger output in XML-based ODL format.

Configuring the Network Integrity Log File

Enabling Java Loggers to output log messages in the ODL format is accomplished by mapping each Logger to the ODLHandler. This mapping is managed through a logging configuration file, logging.xml, which is generated by server in the DefaultDomain/config/fmwconfig/servers/DefaultServer directory.

For Network Integrity, all log files are managed and configured using the logging.xml file.

To manage logging for Network Integrity, configure the following two elements, or tags, within the logging-configuration root element of the logging.xml file:

  • Log handlers

    This element includes log_handler elements defining three different log handlers:

    • OC4J-handler

      This is the log handler for the Oracle logger.

    • oracle-webservices-management-auditing-handler

      This is the log handler for the oracle.webservices.management.auditing logger.

    • oracle-webservices-management-logging-handler

      This is the log handler for the oracle.webservices.management.logging logger.

    The following properties are specified in property sub-elements for each log handler:

    • Path

      Specifies the directory in which the handler generates log files.


      Oracle recommends that you do not modify this value.
    • MaxFileSize

      Sets the maximum size, in bytes, for any log file in the directory. When a file exceeds this limit, a new file is generated.

    • MaxLogSize

      Sets the maximum size, in bytes, for the log file directory. When this limit is exceeded, log files are purged, beginning with the oldest files.

  • Loggers

    This element includes a logger element defining the following parameters:

    • Name

      The Logger name.


      Oracle recommends that you do not modify this value.
    • Level

      This specifies the minimum log level that this logger acts upon. This level is set by default to the ODL NOTIFICATION:1 value, which maps to the INFO Java log level displayed on the Logger Configuration page in the Oracle Enterprise Manager console.

      Oracle recommends to not use FINE or lower logging levels for Network Integrity, because the logs could contain messages and stack traces that could pose a security risk to the system. See Network Integrity Security Guide for more information. By default, WebLogic Server uses a higher log level for Network Integrity.

    • useParentHandlers

      Indicates whether the logger should use its parent handlers. Because this value is set to false by default, the Oracle logger does not inherit the log level set for its parent, the root logger.


For some logs the handler is not mentioned. By default that log goes to console-handler.

In the following example the default log level is set to FINEST as the ODL Message Type: Log Level. This log level can be changed. Table 3-1 provides all other valid log levels.

   <log_handler name='NI-handler' class='oracle.core.ojdl.logging.ODLHandlerFactory' filter='oracle.dfw.incident.IncidentDetectionLogFilter'>
    <property name='path' value='${domain.home}/servers/${weblogic.Name}/logs/${weblogic.Name}-diagnostic.log'/>
    <property name='maxFileSize' value='10485760'/>
    <property name='maxLogSize' value='104857600'/>
    <property name='encoding' value='UTF-8'/>
    <property name='useThreadName' value='true'/>
    <property name='supplementalAttributes' value='J2EE_APP.name,J2EE_MODULE.name,WEBSERVICE.name,WEBSERVICE_PORT.name,composite_instance_id,component_instance_id,composite_name,component_name'/>
    <property name='logreader:' value='off'/>
    <property name='format' value='ODL-Text'/>
    <property name='useThreadName' value='true'/>
    <property name='locale' value='en'/>
    <property name='encoding' value='UTF-8'/>
    <property name="baseRotationTime" value="04:00"/>
    <property name="rotationFrequency" value="daily"/>
   <logger name='oracle.communications.integrity.auditlog' level='FINEST' useParentHandlers='false'>
    <handler name='NI-handler'/>

Table 3-1 Valid Log Levels

Java Log Level ODL Message Type:Log Level ODL Description



The logger inherits the log level set for its parent.



Log system errors requiring attention from the system administrator.



Log actions or conditions discovered that should be reviewed and may require action before an error occurs.



Log normal actions or events. This could be a user operation, such as login completed, or an automatic operation, such as a log file rotation.



Log configuration-related messages or problems.



Log trace or debug messages used for debugging or performance monitoring. Typically contains detailed event data.



Log fairly detailed trace or debug messages.



Log highly detailed trace or debug messages.

About ODL Log File Rotation and Naming

Using ODL, application server components write diagnostic log files to a logging directory (domain.home/servers/weblogic.Name/logs/weblogic.Name-diagnostic.log) mentioned in the ”path” property of the log_handler in the logging.xml file.

When the log file reaches the rotation point, it is renamed and a new log file, weblogic.Name-diagnostic.log is created.


You specify the rotation point by specifying the maxFileSize property of log_handler tag in the logging.xml file.

Segment files are created when the ODL log file weblogic.Name-diagnostic.log reaches the rotation point. That is, the weblogic.Name-diagnostic.log is renamed to weblogic.Name-diagnostic.logn, where n is an integer, and a newweblogic.Name -diagnostic.log file is created when the component generates new diagnostic messages.

About Size-Based Rotation

To limit the size of the ODL log, components use maxLogSize property of the log_handler in the logging.xml configuration file. Whenever the sum of the sizes of all of the files in the log directory reaches the maximum, the oldest archive is deleted to keep the total size under the specified limit.

For example, when the maximum directory size is reached, with the starting segment file named log9872, the following files could be present in the log file directory:

Table 3-2 Log File Directory Files

File Size













In this case, when log.log fills up, log.log9872 is removed and log.log is moved to the new file log.log9877. New diagnostic messages reuse log.log.

About Time-Based Rotation

For time-based rotation, you specify the following properties in the log_handler element in logging.xml configuration file:

  • baseRotationTime (Optional)

    The base time for the rotation. The format for the base time can be any of the following:

    • hh:mm, for example, 04:20. This format uses the local time zone.

    • yyyy-MM-dd, for example, 2006-08-01. This format uses the local time zone.

    • yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm, for example 2006-08-01T04:20. This format uses the local time zone.

    • yyyy-MM-ddThh:mm:ss.sTZD, where TZD is the time zone indicator. TZD can be Z, indicating UTC, or {+|-}hh:mm. For example, 2006-03-01T04:20:00-08:00 represents March 1, 2006 4:20:00 in US Pacific Standard Time time zone.


      If you do not specify baseRotationTime, the default value is Jan. 1, 1970, 00:00 UTC.
  • rotationFrequency

    The frequency of the rotation, in minutes. In addition, you can specify one of the following values: hourly, daily, weekly.

    For example, to specify that the log files are rotated every day at 4:00AM local time, or when they reach 2000000 bytes, use the following:

    <log_handler name="h1" class="oracle.core.ojdl.logging.ODLHandlerFactory">
         <property name="path" value="log"/>
         <property name="baseRotationTime" value="04:00"/>
         <property name="rotationFrequency" value="daily"/>
         <property name="maxFileSize" value=" 2000000"/> </log_handler>

About Logs in a Clustered Environment

In the clustered environment every server has its own configuration file logging.xml.

Searching for and Viewing Log Files

You can view ODL-formatted log files using the web-based Oracle Enterprise Manager console.

To search for the log messages:

  1. Log in to the Enterprise manager.

    The start page of your farm appears.

  2. In the left pane, expand WebLogic Domain.

  3. Select the DomainName for your domain to expand it.

  4. Right-click the ServerName of the server for which you want to view the logs, under the domain where the server exists, select Logs, then select View Log Messages.

    The Log Messages screen for ServerName appears.

  5. Do the following:

    1. From the Date Range list, select the appropriate value and enter the time value for which you want to view the logs in the corresponding fields.

    2. Select the appropriate Message Type for your search.

    3. From the Message list, select the appropriate option and enter the keywords in the corresponding box.

    4. (Optional) Click Add Fields to make your search specific.

    5. Click Search.

      The log messages are displayed.

Log Configuration using Fusion Middleware Enterprise Manager Console

The system administrator can create or edit log handlers and modify the logger levels using the Enterprise Manager console. Refer to "Configuring Settings for Log Files" in the Oracle Fusion Middleware Administrator's Guide 11g Release 1 for more details.