3 Using the Cartridge

This chapter provides instructions for using the Oracle Communications Network Integrity Optical UIM Integration cartridge. This chapter includes the following examples:

Creating a Discover Enhanced Huawei U2000 Scan

The Discover Enhanced Huawei U2000 scan discovers logical device hierarchies and models them as Network Device model hierarchies. This discovery scan also remodels the physical device hierarchy into a Huawei OptiX OSN 3500 physical device hierarchy by changing the specification on the equipment objects from TMF814 specifications to Huawei OptiX OSN specifications. When a Huawei specification is not found during remodeling, the original specification is retained.

To create a Discover Enhanced Huawei U2000 scan:

  1. Create a new scan.

    See the Network Integrity online Help for more information.

  2. On the General tab of the Create Scan page, do the following:

    1. From the Scan Action list, select Discover Enhanced Huawei U2000.

      The Scan Type field displays Discovery. The Scan Action Parameters area displays the TMF814Parameters scan parameter group.

    2. Set the following scan action parameters:

      • In the Username field, enter the user name for the target element-management system (EMS) or network-management system (NMS).

      • In the Password field, enter the password for the target EMS or NMS.

      • In the EMS Naming Service field, enter the EMS session factory CORBA object name.

      • From the EMS Naming Service Format list, specify whether the EMS session factory CORBA object name uses the plain or the stringified format.

      • (Optional) To pass custom object request broker (ORB) properties to the scan, enter name/value pairs in the ORB Properties field, separated by a semicolon. For example:

      • (Optional) To pass custom ORB arguments to the scan, enter name/value pairs in the ORB Arguments field, separated by a semicolon. For example:

      • (Optional) To filter the discovered managed elements (MEs) by name, enter a name in the Managed Element Name(s) field and set the Managed Element Name Qualifier list.

      • (Optional) To filter the discovered network elements (NEs) by name, enter a name in the Network Element Name(s) field and set the Network Element Name Qualifier list.

      • From the Collect Equipment list, specify whether you want to collect equipment holder objects.

      • (Optional) To set the number of equipment objects to retrieve with each EMS call, enter a value in the Equipment Fetch Size field. Leave this field blank to retrieve all equipment objects in a single EMS call.

      • From the Collect TP list, specify the type of termination points (TPs) you want to collect. To not collect any TPs, select None.

      • (Optional) To set the number of TPs to retrieve with each EMS call, enter a value in the Termination Point Fetch Size field. Leave this field blank to retrieve all TPs in a single EMS call.

      • From the Collect CTP list, specify the type of connection TPs you want to collect. To not collect any connection TPs, select None.

      • (Optional) To set the depth to which contained TPs are collected, enter a value in the Contained TP Collection Depth field. Leave this field blank to retrieve all contained TPs.

      • From the Cross Connect Collection Type list, select None.

      • From the Topological Link Collection Type list, select None.

      For all other fields, use the default values.

      See Network Integrity Optical TMF814 CORBA Cartridge Guide for more information.

  3. On the Scope tab of the Create Scan page, do one of the following:

    • Enter the EMS CORBA Loc URL, and click the Add Address icon.

    • Click the Import icon, and import the IOR file.

    • Paste the content of the IOR file and click the Add Address icon.


    All entries on the Scope tab must be unique. All entries are validated against the CorbaURLAddressHandler address handler.
  4. Make any other required configurations.

  5. Save the scan.

Creating a Discover Enhanced TMF814 Scan

The Discover Enhanced TMF814 scan discovers logical device hierarchies and remodels them as Network Device model hierarchies.

To create a Discover Enhanced TMF814 scan:

  1. Create a new scan.

    See the Network Integrity online Help for more information.

  2. On the General tab of the Create Scan page, do the following:

    1. From the Scan Action list, select Discover Enhanced TMF814.

      The Scan Type field displays Discovery. The Scan Action Parameters area displays the TMF814Parameters scan parameter group.

    2. Set the following scan action parameters:

      • In the Username field, enter the user name for the target EMS or NMS.

      • In the Password field, enter the password for the target EMS or NMS.

      • In the EMS Naming Service field, enter the EMS session factory CORBA object name.

      • From the EMS Naming Service Format list, specify whether the EMS session factory CORBA object name uses the plain or the stringified format.

      • (Optional) To pass custom object request broker (ORB) properties to the Discover Abstract TMF814 scan, enter name/value pairs in the ORB Properties field, separated by a semicolon. For example:

      • (Optional) To pass custom ORB arguments to the Discover Abstract TMF814 scan, enter name/value pairs in the ORB Arguments field, separated by a semicolon. For example:

      • (Optional) To filter the discovered managed elements (MEs) by name, enter a name in the Managed Element Name(s) field and set the Managed Element Name Qualifier list to a matching parameter value against collected MEs.

      • (Optional) To filter the discovered network elements (NEs) by name, enter a name in the Network Element Name(s) field and set the Network Element Name Qualifier list to a matching parameter value against collected NEs.

      • From the Collect Equipment list, select False.

      • From the Collect TP list, specify the type of termination points (TPs) you want to collect. To not collect any TPs, select None.

      • (Optional) To set the number of TPs to retrieve with each EMS call, enter a value in the Termination Point Fetch Size field. Leave this field blank to retrieve all TPs in a single EMS call.

      • From the Collect CTP list, specify the type of connection TPs (CTPs) you want to collect. To not collect any CTPs, select None.

      • (Optional) To set the depth to which contained TPs are collected, enter a value in the Contained TP Collection Depth field. Leave this field blank to retrieve all contained TPs.

      • From the Cross Connect Collection Type list, select None.

      • From the Topological Link Collection Type list, select None.

      For all other fields, use the default values.

      See Network Integrity Optical TMF814 CORBA Cartridge Guide for more information.

  3. On the Scope tab of the Create Scan page, do one of the following:

    • Enter the EMS CORBA Loc URL, and click the Add Address icon.

    • Click the Import icon, and import the IOR file.

    • Paste the content of the IOR file and, click the Add Address icon.


    All entries on the Scope tab must be unique. All entries are validated against the CorbaURLAddressHandler address handler.
  4. Make any other required configurations.

  5. Save the scan.

Creating an Assimilate Huawei Optical Circuits Scan

The Assimilate Huawei Optical Circuits scan assimilates the results from the Discover Enhanced Huawei U2000 scan and forms end-to-end synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) circuits.

To create an Assimilate Huawei Optical Circuits scan:

  1. Create a new scan.

    See the Network Integrity online Help for more information.

  2. On the General tab of the Create Scan page, do the following:

    1. From the Scan Action list, select Assimilate Huawei Optical Circuits.

      The Scan Type field displays Assimilation. The Scan Action Parameters area displays the OpticalAssimilationParameters scan parameter group.

    2. Set the following scan action parameters:

      • To assimilate VC12 circuits, select Assimilate VC12.

      • To assimilate VC3 circuits, select Assimilate VC3.

      • To convert the input results to the Intermediate Assimilation Model, select Process Discovery Results.

        Also, select Process Discovery Results when you run the first scan of a hierarchical set of assimilations scans.

      • To model partial circuits (in addition to complete circuits) from the Intermediate Assimilation Model, select Model Incomplete Circuits.

        Also, select Model Incomplete Circuits when you run the last scan of a hierarchical set of assimilation scans.

      • To specify that the scan is being run on the top and final level in a hierarchical set of assimilation scans, select Is Top Level Assimilation. The circuit matcher attempts to name all partial and complete circuits. When Is Top Level Assimilation is deselected, the circuit matcher attempts to name complete circuits only.

      For all other fields, use the default values.

  3. On the Scope tab, do the following:

    • Add one or more scans as input for the Assimilation scan.

    • From the Assimilate Input Scan Results list, specify how input scan results are assimilated:

      • To process input discovery scans simultaneously for all scan address and result groups for all scan runs, select All Scans, All Scan Addresses.

      • To process input discovery scans in parallel for all scan addresses and result groups by scan run, select Single Scan, All Scan Addresses.

      • To process input discovery scans in parallel for each scan address by scan run, select Single Scan, Single Scan Address.

    • From the Automatically Run Input Scans list, specify whether input scans are automatically re-run before the Assimilation scan is run. Choose one of the following options:

      • To not re-run input discovery scans before the assimilation scan, no matter how old the scan results, select Never.

      • To re-run all input discovery scans before the assimilation scan, no matter how recent the scan results, select Always.

      • To re-run input discovery scans before the assimilation scan only if the scan results are older than a specified value, select If Older than X.

      • To re-run input discovery scans before the assimilation scan only if the scan results are older than a custom value, select If Older than a Custom Age and enter a value in hours, days, or weeks.

  4. Make any other required configurations.

  5. Save the scan.

Creating an Import Logical Optical from UIM Scan

The Import Logical Optical from UIM scan imports logical optical data entities from UIM and models them in the Network Logical Device Model.

To create an Import Logical Optical from UIM scan:

  1. Create a new scan.

    See the Network Integrity online Help for more information.

  2. On the General tab of the Create Scan page, do the following:

    1. From the Scan Action list, select Import Logical Optical from UIM.

      The Scan Type field displays Import. The Scan Action Parameters area displays the Logical Optical UIM Import Parameters scan parameter group.

    2. In the Scan Action Parameters area, use the default values.

  3. Make any other required configurations.

  4. Save the scan.

Creating an Import Optical from UIM Scan

The Import Optical from UIM action imports physical devices, logical devices, and channelized connectivities from UIM. Channelized connectivities are modeled into the Network Integrity Model according to their rate code.

To create an Import Optical from UIM scan:

  1. Create a new scan.

    See the Network Integrity online Help for more information.

  2. On the General tab of the Create Scan page, do the following:

    1. From the Scan Action list, select Import Optical from UIM.

      The Scan Type field displays Import. The Scan Action Parameters area displays the Optical UIM Import Parameters scan parameter group.

    2. Select Import Logical Devices.

    3. Deselect Import Physical Devices.

    4. From the Scope list, select one of the following:

      • Select Equipment only to import physical and logical devices.

      • Select Equipment and STM Links only to import physical and logical devices and their channelized connectivities (topological links).

      • Select Equipment, STM Links, and Circuits to imports physical and logical devices and their channelized connectivities (topological links), and TDM facilities and connectivity trails.

    For all other fields, use the default values.

  3. Make any other required configurations.

  4. Save the scan.

Working with Discrepancies

The Optical UIM Integration cartridge allows you to detect and resolve discrepancies between your discovered data and your imported UIM data, including logical and physical device discrepancies and optical circuit discrepancies. When you resolve a discrepancy, the resolution is submitted to UIM by Network Integrity. See the Network Integrity online Help for more information about working with discrepancies.

Discrepancies on optical entities must be resolved in a specific order:

  1. Begin by detecting and resolving discrepancies on link entities.

  2. Next, it is possible to detect and resolve discrepancies on transport entities. A transport entity is an assimilated entity.

  3. Finally, it is possible to detect and resolve discrepancies on circuit entities. A circuit entity is an assimilated entity.

When the Optical UIM Integration cartridge is deployed to your run-time application, you can use Network Integrity for:

Detecting Physical Device Discrepancies for the Huawei OptiX OSN 3500

To detect physical device discrepancies for the Huawei OptiX OSN 3500:

  1. Create a Discover Huawei U2000 scan that discovers equipment data for Huawei OptiX OSN 3500 devices.

  2. (Optional) To run automatic discrepancy resolution, select the AutoResolutionParameter scan parameters and select Auto Resolve Discrepancies.

  3. Create an Import from UIM scan.

  4. Configure your import scan with the Detect Discrepancies option enabled.

  5. In the Scan Action Parameters area, filter the scan to import equipment data for Huawei OptiX OSN 3500 devices.

  6. Run the scans: first the discovery scan, then the import scan.

    The scan with Detect Discrepancies enabled must be run last. Discrepancy detection runs automatically after the import scan completes.

  7. Review and resolve any reported discrepancies. See "Resolving Discrepancies in UIM" for more information.

Detecting Optical Circuit Discrepancies for the Huawei OptiX OSN 3500

To detect optical circuit discrepancies for the Huawei OptiX OSN 3500:

  1. Create a Discover Huawei U2000 scan that discovers optical data for Huawei OptiX OSN 3500 devices.

  2. Create an Assimilate Optical Circuits scan that assimilates discovered optical data.

  3. Create an Import Optical from UIM scan that imports optical data for Huawei OptiX OSN 3500 devices.

  4. Configure your import scan with the Detect Discrepancies option enabled.

  5. Run the scans: first the discovery scan, then assimilation scan, then the import scan.

    The scan with Detect Discrepancies enabled must be run last. The assimilation scan must proceed the discovery scan. Discrepancy detection runs automatically after the import scan completes.

  6. Review and resolve any reported discrepancies. See "Resolving Discrepancies in UIM" for more information.

Detecting Device Discrepancies for Network Logical Devices

To detect device discrepancies for network logical devices:

  1. Create a Discover Enhanced TMF814 scan.

  2. In the Scan Action Parameters area, filter the discovery scan to return network logical devices.

  3. (Optional) To run automatic discrepancy resolution, select the AutoResolutionParameter scan parameters and select Auto Resolve Discrepancies.

  4. Create an Import from UIM scan.

  5. Configure your import scan with the Detect Discrepancies option enabled.

  6. Save the scan.

  7. Run the scans: first the discovery scan, then the import scan.

    The scan with Detect Discrepancies enabled must be run last. Discrepancy detection runs automatically after the import scan completes.

  8. Review and resolve any reported discrepancies. See "Resolving Discrepancies in UIM" for more information.

Resolving Discrepancies in UIM

To resolve discrepancies in UIM:

  1. Review the scan results for a scan with Detect Discrepancies enabled.

  2. On the Scan Details page, click Review Discrepancies.

  3. For every discrepancy you want to resolve, right-click the discrepancy and select Correct in UIM.

  4. Click Submit.

    The Optical UIM Integration cartridge calls the appropriate API to resolve the discrepancy in UIM.


When an Extra Entity and Missing Entity discrepancy are detected on a channelized connectivity entity with a single trail path, you cannot submit both discrepancies for resolution at the same time. UIM requires a connectivity to have at least one path. Therefore, you must first resolve the Entity+ discrepancy (which adds a trail path to the connectivity) and submit to UIM. Then you can resolve the Entity- discrepancy (which removes a trail path) and submit to UIM.