1 Overview

This chapter provides an overview of the Oracle Communications Network Integrity Optical UIM Integration cartridge.

About the Optical UIM Integration Cartridge

The Optical UIM Integration cartridge demonstrates end-to-end integration of TMF814 discovery and assimilation of your synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH) networks with Oracle Communications Unified Inventory Management (UIM).

The reference implementation contained in this cartridge discovers and models physical and logical entities for Huawei OptiX OSN 3500 devices. The physical and logical entities can be assimilated into end-to-end optical SDH circuits.

The reference implementation demonstrates full integration with UIM for import, discrepancy detection, and discrepancy resolution with all discoverable and assimilated entities.

The reference implementation demonstrates automatic discrepancy resolution. Automatic discrepancy resolution enables Network Integrity to automatically correct specific discrepancies without the user having to interact with the UI. Complete the reference implementation to specify the types of discrepancies that you want automatically resolved. The automatic discrepancy resolution reference implementation is built using Java. See Network Integrity Developer's Guide for more information.

For the Huawei OptiX OSN 3500 device model, this cartridge implements modeling of only a single shelf. This cartridge can be modified to support systems in your configuration that have a multi-shelf setup that use Huawei OptiX OSN 3500 extended subracks.

About the Physical and Logical Device Hierarchies

The Optical UIM Integration cartridge discovers your network using a TMF814 common object request broker architecture (CORBA) interface. This cartridge provides discovery actions capable of discovering both physical (equipment) and logical (interface) hierarchy details of managed elements (MEs). This cartridge uses the TMF814 CORBA interface as a discovery protocol to connect and retrieve details from network-management systems (NMSs) or element-management systems (EMSs).

Using this cartridge, you can build Network Integrity to capture and retrieve data about a network system from equipment and system vendors that have adopted the TMF814 standard.

The Optical UIM Integration cartridge can be used to discover the following network systems:

  • Synchronous optical networking (SONET)

  • Synchronous digital hierarchy (SDH)

  • Dense wavelength-division multiplexing (DWDM)

  • Asynchronous transfer mode (ATM)

  • Ethernet

This cartridge supports versions 2.0, 2.1, 3.0, and 3.2 of the TMF814 implementation for the ManagedElementMgr and EquipmentInventoryMgr managers.

This cartridge translates Multi Technology Network Management (MTNM) objects obtained during discovery into the Oracle Communications Information Model and then writes the objects to the Network Integrity database. The cartridge supports model correction to show only a single shelf.

To ensure scalability, this cartridge processes MEs individually. The duration of a discovery scan is proportional to the number and size of MEs to be discovered. You cannot pause and resume a scan, but you can stop a scan.

Import allows logical device and physical device hierarchies in UIM to be imported to Network Integrity to compare objects with discovered data.

Discrepancy detection compares the logical trees of what is discovered and what is imported from UIM. Filtering is required to set the boundaries of the comparator. For more information about discrepancy detection actions and processors, see Network Integrity Developer's Guide.

Discrepancy resolution allows the discovered logical device and physical device hierarchies to be created and updated in UIM.

About Cartridge Dependencies

This section provides information about dependencies that the Optical UIM Integration cartridge has on other entities.

Run-Time Dependencies

For the Optical UIM Integration cartridge to work at run time:

  • You must deploy the Address_Handlers cartridge to Network Integrity.

  • UIM must be installed and be accessible to Network Integrity.

The following components must be deployed to UIM:

  • UIM Integration web service

  • ora_uim_network_device

  • ora_uim_huawei_tdm_network_device

Design-Time Dependencies

The Optical UIM Integration cartridge has the following dependencies:

  • Abstract_CORBA_Cartridge

  • Address_Handlers

  • NetworkIntegritySDK

  • Optical_Model

  • OpticalAssimilation_Model

  • ora_ni_uim_ocim

  • ora_uim_huawei_tdm_network_device

  • ora_uim_model

  • ora_uim_network_device

  • TMF814_Model

  • TMF814Discovery_Cartridge

  • UIM_Integration_Cartridge

Opening the Cartridge Files in Design Studio

To review and extend the Optical UIM Integration cartridge, download the Oracle Communications Network Integrity Optical UIM Integration cartridge software from the Oracle software delivery website:


The software contains the Optical UIM Integration cartridge ZIP file, which has the following structure:

  • \UIM_Cartridge_Projects\

  • \Network_Integrity_Cartridge_Projects\

The Network_Integrity_Cartridge_Projects\Optical_UIM_Cartridge\ project contains the extendable Design Studio files.

See Network Integrity Concepts for guidelines and best practices for extending cartridges.

See the Design Studio online Help for more information about opening projects in Design Studio.

Building and Deploying the Cartridge

See the Design Studio online Help for information about building and deploying cartridges.