Class: Configuration


new Configuration(optionsopt)

Defines a set of configuration values used to connect to an Oracle NoSQL Database.
Name Type Attributes Description
options Object <optional>
An object with the initial values to construct Configuration, the object has the following format: { storeName : '', storeHelperHosts: '', defaultDurability : Durability, defaultConsistency : Consistency, requestTimeout: 0, iteratorBufferSize : 0, readZones: [''], username: '', connectionAttempts : 0, proxy : ProxyConfiguration }
Name Type Description
storeName String Indicates the name of the store to be connected with.
storeHelperHosts Array Indicates the helper host to be used with this connection.
defaultConsistency Consistency Indicates the consistency used by default.
defaultDurability Durability Indicates the durability used by default.
requestTimeout Number The timeout used for any request to the proxy.
iteratorBufferSize Number The number of rows used as buffer by Iterators or Streams.
readZones Array Indicates the read zones to be used with this connection.
username String The username used when connecting to a server.
connectionAttempts Number The number of attempts to try when connecting to a server.
proxy Proxy The proxy configuration.