Oracle NoSQL Database Examples
version 12cR1.3.3.4
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z 


Address - Class in avro
Address() - Constructor for class avro.Address
address - Variable in class avro.MemberInfo
Address.Builder - Class in avro
RecordBuilder for Address instances.
age - Variable in class avro.MemberInfo
age - Variable in class coherence.Person
avro - package avro
A client application that illustrates the use of Avro bindings.
AvroSpecificExample - Class in coherence
This is a simple Oracle NoSQL Database client application that demonstrates an integration of an Avro Schema-based Oracle NoSQL Database application with Oracle Coherence.
AvroSpecificExample(String[]) - Constructor for class coherence.AvroSpecificExample
Parses the command line args, opens the cache.


BILL_INFO_TYPE - Static variable in class secondaryindex.BillInfo
An identifier used as the first String component of the Key's major path.
BillInfo - Class in secondaryindex
This class embodies the BillInfo schema.
BillInfo(String) - Constructor for class secondaryindex.BillInfo
BillInfo(String, String, String, String, String, long) - Constructor for class secondaryindex.BillInfo
BillInfo(Binding, Key, Value) - Constructor for class secondaryindex.BillInfo
BinaryStoreExample - Class in coherence
This is a simple Oracle NoSQL Database client application that demonstrates an integration of an existing Oracle Coherence application with Oracle NoSQL Database.
BinaryStoreExample(String[]) - Constructor for class coherence.BinaryStoreExample
Parses the command line args, opens the cache.
Binding - Class in secondaryindex
Implements a generic conversion between Value and Avro schema instances.
Binding(AvroCatalog) - Constructor for class secondaryindex.Binding
Bindings - Class in schema
Contains the Avro schemas and bindings used to perform serialization of the Value in a kv pair.
Bindings(AvroCatalog) - Constructor for class schema.Bindings
build() - Method in class avro.Address.Builder
build() - Method in class avro.FullName.Builder
build() - Method in class avro.MemberInfo.Builder
build() - Method in class coherence.Person.Builder
buildIndexes() - Method in class secondaryindex.IndexViewExample
Builds Index View(s) for the fields supplied on the command line.
buildIndexes(List<String>, String) - Method in class secondaryindex.IndexViewService
Builds an Index View(s) for primary DB records associated with the given schema.


checkArg(String) - Method in class secondaryindex.IndexViewExample.ExecutorParser
Used to extend the base arguments to additional ones.
city - Variable in class avro.Address
clearAddress() - Method in class avro.MemberInfo.Builder
Clears the value of the 'address' field
clearAge() - Method in class avro.MemberInfo.Builder
Clears the value of the 'age' field
clearAge() - Method in class coherence.Person.Builder
Clears the value of the 'age' field
clearCity() - Method in class avro.Address.Builder
Clears the value of the 'city' field
clearFirst() - Method in class avro.FullName.Builder
Clears the value of the 'first' field
clearFirstname() - Method in class coherence.Person.Builder
Clears the value of the 'firstname' field
clearLast() - Method in class avro.FullName.Builder
Clears the value of the 'last' field
clearLastname() - Method in class coherence.Person.Builder
Clears the value of the 'lastname' field
clearName() - Method in class avro.MemberInfo.Builder
Clears the value of the 'name' field
clearPhone() - Method in class coherence.Person.Builder
Clears the value of the 'phone' field
clearState() - Method in class avro.Address.Builder
Clears the value of the 'state' field
clearStreet() - Method in class avro.Address.Builder
Clears the value of the 'street' field
clearZip() - Method in class avro.Address.Builder
Clears the value of the 'zip' field
coherence - package coherence
Two client applications that illustrate integration of Oracle NoSQL DB with Oracle Coherence.
COST - Static variable in class secondaryindex.BillInfo
CountMinorKeys - Class in hadoop
A simple example demonstrating how to use the Oracle NoSQL DB Hadoop oracle.kv.hadoop.KVInputFormat class to read data from NoSQL Database in a Map/Reduce job and count the number of records for each major key in the store.
CountMinorKeys() - Constructor for class hadoop.CountMinorKeys
CountMinorKeys.Map - Class in hadoop
CountMinorKeys.Map() - Constructor for class hadoop.CountMinorKeys.Map
CountMinorKeys.Reduce - Class in hadoop
CountMinorKeys.Reduce() - Constructor for class hadoop.CountMinorKeys.Reduce
CountTableRows - Class in hadoop.table
A basic example demonstrating how to use the class oracle.kv.hadoop.table.TableInputFormat to access the rows of a table in an Oracle NoSQL Database from within a Hadoop MapReduce job for the purpose of counting the number of records in the table.
CountTableRows() - Constructor for class hadoop.table.CountTableRows
CountTableRows.Map - Class in hadoop.table
CountTableRows.Map() - Constructor for class hadoop.table.CountTableRows.Map
CountTableRows.Reduce - Class in hadoop.table
CountTableRows.Reduce() - Constructor for class hadoop.table.CountTableRows.Reduce
CUTOFF_LOGIN_DATE - Static variable in class schema.InputData


dataFileDir - Variable in class secondaryindex.IndexViewExample.ExecutorParser
DATE - Static variable in class secondaryindex.BillInfo
DATE_TIME_FORMAT - Static variable in class schema.KeyDefinition
delete(Key) - Method in class schema.WriteOperations
Calls KVStore.delete and performs retries if a FaultException is thrown.
delete(Key, ReturnValueVersion, Durability, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class schema.WriteOperations
Calls KVStore.delete and performs retries if a FaultException is thrown.
deleteIfVersion(Key, Version) - Method in class schema.WriteOperations
Calls KVStore.deleteIfVersion and performs retries if a FaultException is thrown.
deleteIfVersion(Key, Version, ReturnValueVersion, Durability, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class schema.WriteOperations
Calls KVStore.deleteIfVersion and performs retries if a FaultException is thrown.
deleteIndexKV(Key) - Method in class secondaryindex.IndexViewService
Deletes an Index View record for a user record being deleted.
deleteLOB(Key, Durability, long, TimeUnit, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class schema.WriteOperations
Calls KVLargeObject.deleteLOB and performs retries, at least until the specified timeout(s) have been exceeded, if a FaultException is encountered.
deleteRecord() - Method in class secondaryindex.IndexViewExample
Deletes record(s) in the primary DB and any related Index View record(s).
deserialize(PofReader) - Method in class coherence.PersonSerializer
Deserialize a Person object.
deserializeAny(Bindings, Key, Value) - Static method in class schema.KeyDefinition
Translates the given Key/Value to its corresponding Java object.
doLobOp(InputStream, long) - Method in class schema.WriteOperations.LobOp
Implemented for each LOB operation.
doOperation() - Method in class schema.RunOperation
Must be implemented to perform the operation.
doWrite(long) - Method in class schema.WriteOperations.WriteOp
Implemented for each write operation.
dropIndexes() - Method in class secondaryindex.IndexViewExample
Drops Index View(s) on the fields supplied on the command line.
dropIndexes(List<String>, String) - Method in class secondaryindex.IndexViewService
Drops Index Views on the given fields.


EMAIL - Static variable in class secondaryindex.BillInfo
equals(Object) - Method in class secondaryindex.BillInfo
execute(List<Operation>) - Method in class schema.WriteOperations
Calls KVStore.execute and performs retries if a FaultException is thrown.
execute(List<Operation>, Durability, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class schema.WriteOperations
Calls KVStore.execute and performs retries if a FaultException is thrown.
externaltables - package externaltables
Classes used in the simple External Tables Cookbook.


fieldMap - Variable in class secondaryindex.IndexViewExample.ExecutorParser
A map used to store field arguments for inserting and updating primary DB records.
first - Variable in class avro.FullName
firstname - Variable in class coherence.Person
formatDuration(long) - Static method in class schema.KeyDefinition
Formats a time duration for reporting purposes.
formatTimestamp(long) - Static method in class schema.KeyDefinition
Returns a timestamp String for the given time in millis.
FullName - Class in avro
FullName() - Constructor for class avro.FullName
FullName.Builder - Class in avro
RecordBuilder for FullName instances.


Gender - Enum in schema
Enumeration of Gender values.
GenericExample - Class in avro
A simple KVStore client application that represents a Value as a GenericRecord object using the Avro API, and serializes values using a GenericAvroBinding.
GenericExample(String[]) - Constructor for class avro.GenericExample
Parses the command line args, opens the KVStore, parses the Avro schemas and creates the Avro binding.
get(int) - Method in class avro.Address
get(int) - Method in class avro.FullName
get(int) - Method in class avro.MemberInfo
get(int) - Method in class coherence.Person
getAddress() - Method in class avro.MemberInfo.Builder
Gets the value of the 'address' field
getAddress() - Method in class avro.MemberInfo
Gets the value of the 'address' field.
getAddress() - Method in class externaltables.UserInfo
Returns the address attribute.
getAddress() - Method in class schema.UserInfo
Returns the address attribute.
getAge() - Method in class avro.MemberInfo.Builder
Gets the value of the 'age' field
getAge() - Method in class avro.MemberInfo
Gets the value of the 'age' field.
getAge() - Method in class coherence.Person.Builder
Gets the value of the 'age' field
getAge() - Method in class coherence.Person
Gets the value of the 'age' field.
getBillInfoPrefixKey() - Static method in class secondaryindex.BillInfo
getCity() - Method in class avro.Address.Builder
Gets the value of the 'city' field
getCity() - Method in class avro.Address
Gets the value of the 'city' field.
getCost() - Method in class secondaryindex.BillInfo
getDate() - Method in class secondaryindex.BillInfo
getEmail() - Method in class externaltables.UserInfo
Returns the email identifier.
getEmail() - Method in class schema.LoginSession
Returns the email identifier.
getEmail() - Method in class schema.LoginSummary
Returns the email identifier.
getEmail() - Method in class schema.UserImage
Returns the email identifier.
getEmail() - Method in class schema.UserInfo
Returns the email identifier.
getEmail() - Method in class secondaryindex.BillInfo
getFirst() - Method in class avro.FullName.Builder
Gets the value of the 'first' field
getFirst() - Method in class avro.FullName
Gets the value of the 'first' field.
getFirstname() - Method in class coherence.Person.Builder
Gets the value of the 'firstname' field
getFirstname() - Method in class coherence.Person
Gets the value of the 'firstname' field.
getGender() - Method in class externaltables.UserInfo
Returns the gender attribute.
getGender() - Method in class schema.UserInfo
Returns the gender attribute.
getGenderSchema() - Method in class schema.Bindings
getHostname() - Method in class secondaryindex.IndexViewExample.ExecutorParser
getHostUsage() - Method in class secondaryindex.IndexViewExample.ExecutorParser
getId() - Method in class secondaryindex.BillInfo
getImage() - Method in class schema.UserImage
Returns the image bytes.
getIndexFieldNames() - Method in class secondaryindex.IndexViewService.IndexMetadata
getIndexMetadatas() - Method in class secondaryindex.IndexViewService
Returns all Index View metadata.
getIndexName() - Method in class secondaryindex.IndexViewService.IndexMetadata
getIndexState() - Method in class secondaryindex.IndexViewService.IndexMetadata
getInputStream() - Method in interface schema.WriteOperations.LOBStreamListener
getLast() - Method in class avro.FullName.Builder
Gets the value of the 'last' field
getLast() - Method in class avro.FullName
Gets the value of the 'last' field.
getLastname() - Method in class coherence.Person.Builder
Gets the value of the 'lastname' field
getLastname() - Method in class coherence.Person
Gets the value of the 'lastname' field.
getLoginSessionBinding() - Method in class schema.Bindings
getLoginSessionSchema() - Method in class schema.Bindings
getLoginSummaryBinding() - Method in class schema.Bindings
getLoginSummarySchema() - Method in class schema.Bindings
getLoginTime() - Method in class schema.LoginSession
Returns the login time identifier.
getName() - Method in class avro.MemberInfo.Builder
Gets the value of the 'name' field
getName() - Method in class avro.MemberInfo
Gets the value of the 'name' field.
getName() - Method in class externaltables.UserInfo
Returns the name attribute.
getName() - Method in class schema.UserInfo
Returns the name attribute.
getName() - Method in class secondaryindex.BillInfo
getPhone() - Method in class coherence.Person.Builder
Gets the value of the 'phone' field
getPhone() - Method in class coherence.Person
Gets the value of the 'phone' field.
getPhone() - Method in class externaltables.UserInfo
Returns the phone attribute.
getPhone() - Method in class schema.UserInfo
Returns the phone attribute.
getPhone() - Method in class secondaryindex.BillInfo
getPortUsage() - Method in class secondaryindex.IndexViewExample.ExecutorParser
getPrimaryKV(List<String>, List<Object>, String) - Method in class secondaryindex.IndexViewService
Returns a Map mapping primary DB KV keys to their related values.
getRegistryPort() - Method in class secondaryindex.IndexViewExample.ExecutorParser
getSchema() - Method in class avro.Address
getSchema() - Method in class avro.FullName
getSchema() - Method in class avro.MemberInfo
getSchema() - Method in class coherence.Person
getSchema(String) - Method in class secondaryindex.Binding
Returns the Schema object for the given schema name.
getSchemaName(Value) - Method in class secondaryindex.Binding
Returns the schema name of value.
getSchemaName() - Method in class secondaryindex.IndexViewService.IndexMetadata
getSessionDuration() - Method in class schema.LoginSession
Returns the session duration.
getSessionLoginTime(Key) - Static method in class schema.KeyDefinition
Returns the login time in millis for a given LoginSession Key.
getState() - Method in class avro.Address.Builder
Gets the value of the 'state' field
getState() - Method in class avro.Address
Gets the value of the 'state' field.
getStoreKey() - Method in class externaltables.UserInfo
Returns a Key that can be used to write or read the UserInfo.
getStoreKey() - Method in class schema.LoginSession
Returns a Key that can be used to write or read the LoginSession.
getStoreKey() - Method in class schema.LoginSummary
Returns a Key that can be used to write or read the LoginSummary.
getStoreKey() - Method in class schema.UserImage
Returns a Key that can be used to write or read the UserImage.
getStoreKey() - Method in class schema.UserInfo
Returns a Key that can be used to write or read the UserInfo.
getStoreKey() - Method in class secondaryindex.BillInfo
getStoreName() - Method in class secondaryindex.IndexViewExample.ExecutorParser
getStoreUsage() - Method in class secondaryindex.IndexViewExample.ExecutorParser
getStoreValue() - Method in class externaltables.UserInfo
Serializes user info attributes into the byte array of a Value.
getStoreValue(Bindings) - Method in class schema.LoginSession
Serializes the only attribute, session duration, into the byte array of a Value.
getStoreValue(Bindings) - Method in class schema.LoginSummary
Serializes the summary attributes into the byte array of a Value.
getStoreValue(Bindings) - Method in class schema.UserImage
Deserializes the image into the byte array of a Value.
getStoreValue(Bindings) - Method in class schema.UserInfo
Serializes user info attributes into the byte array of a Value.
getStoreValue(Binding) - Method in class secondaryindex.BillInfo
Serializes bill attributes into the byte array of a Value.
getStreet() - Method in class avro.Address.Builder
Gets the value of the 'street' field
getStreet() - Method in class avro.Address
Gets the value of the 'street' field.
getTotalLoginCount() - Method in class schema.LoginSummary
Returns the total login count.
getTotalLoginDuration() - Method in class schema.LoginSummary
Returns the total login duration.
getUserEmail(Key) - Static method in class schema.KeyDefinition
Returns the email address for a given Key.
getUserImageBinding() - Method in class schema.Bindings
getUserImageSchema() - Method in class schema.Bindings
getUserInfoBinding() - Method in class schema.Bindings
getUserInfoSchema() - Method in class schema.Bindings
getZip() - Method in class avro.Address.Builder
Gets the value of the 'zip' field
getZip() - Method in class avro.Address
Gets the value of the 'zip' field.


hadoop - package hadoop
A client application that illustrates basic connectivity between NoSQL Database and hadoop.
hadoop.hive.table - package hadoop.hive.table
The Table API Hive Cookbook: documentation that describes how to run example Hive queries against data written via the Oracle NoSQL Database Table API.
hadoop.table - package hadoop.table
The Table API MapReduce Cookbook: example code for a MapReduce job, along with supporting code and scripts, that can be run against data written via the Oracle NoSQL Database Table API.
handle(IndexViewExample.Operation) - Method in class secondaryindex.IndexViewExample
hasAddress() - Method in class avro.MemberInfo.Builder
Checks whether the 'address' field has been set
hasAge() - Method in class avro.MemberInfo.Builder
Checks whether the 'age' field has been set
hasAge() - Method in class coherence.Person.Builder
Checks whether the 'age' field has been set
hasCity() - Method in class avro.Address.Builder
Checks whether the 'city' field has been set
hasFirst() - Method in class avro.FullName.Builder
Checks whether the 'first' field has been set
hasFirstname() - Method in class coherence.Person.Builder
Checks whether the 'firstname' field has been set
hashCode() - Method in class secondaryindex.BillInfo
hasLast() - Method in class avro.FullName.Builder
Checks whether the 'last' field has been set
hasLastname() - Method in class coherence.Person.Builder
Checks whether the 'lastname' field has been set
hasName() - Method in class avro.MemberInfo.Builder
Checks whether the 'name' field has been set
hasPhone() - Method in class coherence.Person.Builder
Checks whether the 'phone' field has been set
hasState() - Method in class avro.Address.Builder
Checks whether the 'state' field has been set
hasStreet() - Method in class avro.Address.Builder
Checks whether the 'street' field has been set
hasZip() - Method in class avro.Address.Builder
Checks whether the 'zip' field has been set
hello - package hello
An extremely simple client application that writes and reads a single record.
HelloBigDataWorld - Class in hello
An extremely simple Oracle NoSQL DB application that writes and reads a single record.
HelloBigDataWorld(String[]) - Constructor for class hello.HelloBigDataWorld
Parses command line args and opens the KVStore.
HOST_FLAG - Static variable in class secondaryindex.IndexViewExample.ExecutorParser
Flag strings
hostname - Variable in class secondaryindex.IndexViewExample.ExecutorParser


ID - Static variable in class secondaryindex.BillInfo
IMAGE_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class schema.KeyDefinition
incrementAndGet() - Method in class seqnum.SequenceNumber
Returns the next number in the sequence after it synchronizes with the store, making a maximum of noOfRetries atempts.
There are three possible outcomes when calling this method:
- the next number in the sequence is returned.
- the maximum number of retries is reached for trying to synchronize with the store and a RuntimeException is thrown
- other exception if thrown by the store
indexFieldNames - Variable in class secondaryindex.IndexViewExample.ExecutorParser
indexFieldValues - Variable in class secondaryindex.IndexViewExample.ExecutorParser
IndexViewExample - Class in secondaryindex
This is the "main" class for the IndexView example and implements all of the command line argument parsing and dispatch.
IndexViewExample() - Constructor for class secondaryindex.IndexViewExample
IndexViewExample.ExecutorParser - Class in secondaryindex
Parses command line arguments.
IndexViewExample.ExecutorParser(String[]) - Constructor for class secondaryindex.IndexViewExample.ExecutorParser
IndexViewExample.Operation - Enum in secondaryindex
IndexViewService - Class in secondaryindex
This class implements the methods for creating, updating and deleting Index Views.
IndexViewService(KVStore, Binding) - Constructor for class secondaryindex.IndexViewService
IndexViewService.IndexMetadata - Class in secondaryindex
A structure holding all info for an Index View.
IndexViewService.IndexMetadata(String, String, List<String>, IndexViewService.IndexState) - Constructor for class secondaryindex.IndexViewService.IndexMetadata
IndexViewService.IndexState - Enum in secondaryindex
An enum for the current status of an Index View.
INFO_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class schema.KeyDefinition
init(String[]) - Method in class secondaryindex.IndexViewExample
InputData - Class in schema
Boring static input data.
InputData() - Constructor for class schema.InputData
insertRecord() - Method in class secondaryindex.IndexViewExample
Inserts a record into primary DB and creates Index View record(s).
isIndexOrMetadata(Key) - Static method in class secondaryindex.IndexViewService
Checks whether the given Key is an index or metadata key.
isProperty(String) - Static method in class secondaryindex.BillInfo
Checks whether the given attribute name belongs to the BillInfo schema.


JsonExample - Class in avro
A simple KVStore client application that represents a Value as a JsonNode object using the Jackson API, and serializes values using a JsonAvroBinding.
JsonExample(String[]) - Constructor for class avro.JsonExample
Parses the command line args, opens the KVStore, parses the Avro schemas and creates the Avro binding.


KeyDefinition - Class in schema
Defines the use of Keys in this application.
KeyDefinition() - Constructor for class schema.KeyDefinition


last - Variable in class avro.FullName
lastname - Variable in class coherence.Person
LoadCookbookData - Class in externaltables
A class used in the External Tables Cookbook example to create sample records in the NoSQL Database.
loadData() - Method in class secondaryindex.IndexViewExample
Loads records.
LoadVehicleTable - Class in hadoop.table
Class that creates sample records and uses the Table API to populate a NoSQL Database with those records.
LOGIN_PROPERTY_NAME - Static variable in class schema.KeyDefinition
LOGIN_TIMES - Static variable in class schema.InputData
LoginSession - Class in schema
Holds the session duration attribute that is stored as the Value for the "/user/EMAIL/-/login/TIMESTAMP" Key.
LoginSession(String, long) - Constructor for class schema.LoginSession
Constructs a user object with its unique identifiers, the email address and login time.
LoginSummary - Class in schema
Holds the session summary attributes that are stored as the Value for the "/user/EMAIL/-/login" Key.
LoginSummary(String) - Constructor for class schema.LoginSummary
Constructs a user object with its unique identifier, the email address.


main(String[]) - Static method in class avro.GenericExample
Runs the GenericExample command line program.
main(String[]) - Static method in class avro.JsonExample
Runs the JsonExample command line program.
main(String[]) - Static method in class avro.SpecificExample
Runs the SpecificExample command line program.
main(String[]) - Static method in class coherence.AvroSpecificExample
Runs the AvroSpecificExample command line program.
main(String[]) - Static method in class coherence.BinaryStoreExample
Runs the BinaryStoreExample command line program.
main(String[]) - Static method in class externaltables.LoadCookbookData
main(String[]) - Static method in class hadoop.CountMinorKeys
main(String[]) - Static method in class hadoop.table.CountTableRows
main(String[]) - Static method in class hadoop.table.LoadVehicleTable
main(String[]) - Static method in class hello.HelloBigDataWorld
Runs the HelloBigDataWorld command line program.
main(String[]) - Static method in class schema.SchemaExample
Runs the SchemaExample command line program.
main(String[]) - Static method in class secondaryindex.IndexViewExample
main(String[]) - Static method in class seqnum.SequenceNumber
main(String[]) - Static method in class table.MapIndexExample
main(String[]) - Static method in class table.TableAPIExample
Run the TableAPIExample.
makeLoginSessionKey(String, long) - Static method in class schema.KeyDefinition
Returns a Key that can be used to access LoginSession Key/Value pairs.
makeLoginSummaryKey(String) - Static method in class schema.KeyDefinition
Returns a Key that can be used to access LoginSummary Key/Value pairs.
makeUserImageKey(String) - Static method in class schema.KeyDefinition
Returns a Key that can be used to access UserImage Key/Value pairs.
makeUserInfoKey(String) - Static method in class schema.KeyDefinition
Returns a Key that can be used to access UserInfo Key/Value pairs.
makeUserTypeKey() - Static method in class schema.KeyDefinition
Returns a Key that can be used as a parentKey to select all user Key/Value pairs when using KVStore.storeIterator or storeKeysIterator.
map(Text, Text, Mapper<Text, Text, Text, IntWritable>.Context) - Method in class hadoop.CountMinorKeys.Map
map(PrimaryKey, Row, Mapper<PrimaryKey, Row, Text, IntWritable>.Context) - Method in class hadoop.table.CountTableRows.Map
MapIndexExample - Class in table
This is an example of using map indexes.
MAX_SESSION_DURATION - Static variable in class schema.InputData
MemberInfo - Class in avro
MemberInfo() - Constructor for class avro.MemberInfo
MemberInfo.Builder - Class in avro
RecordBuilder for MemberInfo instances.
multiDelete(Key, KeyRange, Depth) - Method in class schema.WriteOperations
Calls KVStore.multiDelete and performs retries if a FaultException is thrown.
multiDelete(Key, KeyRange, Depth, Durability, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class schema.WriteOperations
Calls KVStore.multiDelete and performs retries if a FaultException is thrown.
MyFormatter - Class in externaltables
A simple Formatter and TableFormatter implementation used by the External Tables Cookbook example.


N_USERS - Static variable in class schema.InputData
name - Variable in class avro.MemberInfo
NAME - Static variable in class secondaryindex.BillInfo
newBuilder() - Static method in class avro.Address
Creates a new Address RecordBuilder
newBuilder(Address.Builder) - Static method in class avro.Address
Creates a new Address RecordBuilder by copying an existing Builder
newBuilder(Address) - Static method in class avro.Address
Creates a new Address RecordBuilder by copying an existing Address instance
newBuilder() - Static method in class avro.FullName
Creates a new FullName RecordBuilder
newBuilder(FullName.Builder) - Static method in class avro.FullName
Creates a new FullName RecordBuilder by copying an existing Builder
newBuilder(FullName) - Static method in class avro.FullName
Creates a new FullName RecordBuilder by copying an existing FullName instance
newBuilder() - Static method in class avro.MemberInfo
Creates a new MemberInfo RecordBuilder
newBuilder(MemberInfo.Builder) - Static method in class avro.MemberInfo
Creates a new MemberInfo RecordBuilder by copying an existing Builder
newBuilder(MemberInfo) - Static method in class avro.MemberInfo
Creates a new MemberInfo RecordBuilder by copying an existing MemberInfo instance
newBuilder() - Static method in class coherence.Person
Creates a new Person RecordBuilder
newBuilder(Person.Builder) - Static method in class coherence.Person
Creates a new Person RecordBuilder by copying an existing Builder
newBuilder(Person) - Static method in class coherence.Person
Creates a new Person RecordBuilder by copying an existing Person instance


optional(String) - Method in class secondaryindex.IndexViewExample.ExecutorParser
Methods for implementing classes.


parseArgs() - Method in class secondaryindex.IndexViewExample.ExecutorParser
parseTimestamp(String) - Static method in class schema.KeyDefinition
Parses the timestamp and returns the time in millis.
Person - Class in coherence
Person() - Constructor for class coherence.Person
Person.Builder - Class in coherence
RecordBuilder for Person instances.
PersonSerializer - Class in coherence
This class provides POF serialization of Person.
PersonSerializer() - Constructor for class coherence.PersonSerializer
Default constructor
phone - Variable in class coherence.Person
PHONE - Static variable in class secondaryindex.BillInfo
PORT_FLAG - Static variable in class secondaryindex.IndexViewExample.ExecutorParser
prepareForRetry(int, FaultException) - Method in class schema.WriteOperations.LobOp
Applies the appropriate logic to determine if a retry of the current operation can/should be made; updating the necessary state to prepare for and support such a retry.
primaryKey - Variable in class secondaryindex.IndexViewExample.ExecutorParser
put(int, Object) - Method in class avro.Address
put(int, Object) - Method in class avro.FullName
put(int, Object) - Method in class avro.MemberInfo
put(int, Object) - Method in class coherence.Person
put(Key, Value) - Method in class schema.WriteOperations
Calls KVStore.put and performs retries if a FaultException is thrown.
put(Key, Value, ReturnValueVersion, Durability, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class schema.WriteOperations
Calls KVStore.put and performs retries if a FaultException is thrown.
putIfAbsent(Key, Value) - Method in class schema.WriteOperations
Calls KVStore.putIfAbsent and performs retries if a FaultException is thrown.
putIfAbsent(Key, Value, ReturnValueVersion, Durability, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class schema.WriteOperations
Calls KVStore.putIfAbsent and performs retries if a FaultException is thrown.
putIfPresent(Key, Value) - Method in class schema.WriteOperations
Calls KVStore.putIfPresent and performs retries if a FaultException is thrown.
putIfPresent(Key, Value, ReturnValueVersion, Durability, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class schema.WriteOperations
Calls KVStore.putIfPresent and performs retries if a FaultException is thrown.
putIfVersion(Key, Value, Version) - Method in class schema.WriteOperations
Calls KVStore.putIfVersion and performs retries if a FaultException is thrown.
putIfVersion(Key, Value, Version, ReturnValueVersion, Durability, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class schema.WriteOperations
Calls KVStore.putIfVersion and performs retries if a FaultException is thrown.
putIndexKV(Key) - Method in class secondaryindex.IndexViewService
Creates Index View records for a newly inserted user record.
putIndexKV(Key, Value) - Method in class secondaryindex.IndexViewService
Updates Index View(s) for a user record being updated.
putLOB(Key, WriteOperations.LOBStreamListener, Durability, long, TimeUnit, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class schema.WriteOperations
Calls KVLargeObject.putLOB and performs retries, at least until the specified timeout(s) have been exceeded, if a FaultException is encountered.
putLOBIfAbsent(Key, WriteOperations.LOBStreamListener, Durability, long, TimeUnit, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class schema.WriteOperations
Calls KVLargeObject.putLOBIfAbsent and performs retries, at least until the specified timeout(s) have been exceeded, if a FaultException is encountered.
putLOBIfPresent(Key, WriteOperations.LOBStreamListener, Durability, long, TimeUnit, long, TimeUnit) - Method in class schema.WriteOperations
Calls KVLargeObject.putLOBIfPresent and performs retries, at least until the specified timeout(s) have been exceeded, if a FaultException is encountered.


queryRecord() - Method in class secondaryindex.IndexViewExample
Retrieves the primary DB record(s) associated with the Index View key argument(s).


registryPort - Variable in class secondaryindex.IndexViewExample.ExecutorParser
run(String[]) - Method in class hadoop.CountMinorKeys
run(String[]) - Method in class hadoop.table.CountTableRows
run() - Method in class schema.RunOperation
Calls the doOperation method and handles exceptions as needed.
run() - Method in class schema.WriteOperations.LobOp
Calls the doLobOp method and performs retries when a FaultException is thrown.
run() - Method in class schema.WriteOperations.WriteOp
Calls the doWrite method and perform retries when a FaultException is thrown.
runExample() - Method in class avro.GenericExample
Insert a kv pair if it doesn't exist, or read/update it if it does.
runExample() - Method in class avro.JsonExample
Insert a kv pair if it doesn't exist, or read/update it if it does.
runExample() - Method in class avro.SpecificExample
Insert a kv pair if it doesn't exist, or read/update it if it does.
runExample() - Method in class coherence.AvroSpecificExample
Insert a kv pair if it doesn't exist, or read/update it if it does.
runExample() - Method in class coherence.BinaryStoreExample
Insert a kv pair if it doesn't exist, or read/update it if it does.
runExample() - Method in class hello.HelloBigDataWorld
Performs example operations and closes the KVStore.
runExample() - Method in class schema.SchemaExample
Performs example operations and closes the KVStore.
runExample(String[]) - Method in class secondaryindex.IndexViewExample
RunOperation - Class in schema
Utility class to run a KVStore operation and handle FaultExceptions according to this application's policies.
RunOperation() - Constructor for class schema.RunOperation


schema - package schema
A client application that illustrates basic schema design.
SCHEMA$ - Static variable in class avro.Address
SCHEMA$ - Static variable in class avro.FullName
SCHEMA$ - Static variable in class avro.MemberInfo
SCHEMA$ - Static variable in class coherence.Person
SCHEMA_NAME - Static variable in class secondaryindex.BillInfo
SchemaExample - Class in schema
A KVStore client application that illustrates basic schema design.
SchemaExample(String[]) - Constructor for class schema.SchemaExample
Parses command line args and opens the KVStore.
secIndexUsed - Variable in class secondaryindex.IndexViewExample.ExecutorParser
A flag used by update and delete operations.
secondaryindex - package secondaryindex
A client application that illustrates basic Index View functionality.
seqnum - package seqnum
A simple implementation of a Sequence Number Generator.
SequenceNumber - Class in seqnum
A simple implementation of a Sequence Number Generator.
SequenceNumber(KVStore, Key, int, long) - Constructor for class seqnum.SequenceNumber
Creates an instance of the sequence number generator.
serialize(PofWriter, Object) - Method in class coherence.PersonSerializer
Serialize a Person object.
SESSION_DURATION_INCR - Static variable in class schema.InputData
SESSION_DURATIONS - Static variable in class schema.InputData
setAddress(Address) - Method in class avro.MemberInfo.Builder
Sets the value of the 'address' field
setAddress(Address) - Method in class avro.MemberInfo
Sets the value of the 'address' field.
setAddress(String) - Method in class externaltables.UserInfo
Changes the address attribute.
setAddress(String) - Method in class schema.UserInfo
Changes the address attribute.
setAge(int) - Method in class avro.MemberInfo.Builder
Sets the value of the 'age' field
setAge(Integer) - Method in class avro.MemberInfo
Sets the value of the 'age' field.
setAge(int) - Method in class coherence.Person.Builder
Sets the value of the 'age' field
setAge(Integer) - Method in class coherence.Person
Sets the value of the 'age' field.
setCity(String) - Method in class avro.Address.Builder
Sets the value of the 'city' field
setCity(String) - Method in class avro.Address
Sets the value of the 'city' field.
setCost(long) - Method in class secondaryindex.BillInfo
setDate(String) - Method in class secondaryindex.BillInfo
setDefaults(String, String, int) - Method in class secondaryindex.IndexViewExample.ExecutorParser
setEmail(String) - Method in class secondaryindex.BillInfo
setFirst(String) - Method in class avro.FullName.Builder
Sets the value of the 'first' field
setFirst(String) - Method in class avro.FullName
Sets the value of the 'first' field.
setFirstname(String) - Method in class coherence.Person.Builder
Sets the value of the 'firstname' field
setFirstname(String) - Method in class coherence.Person
Sets the value of the 'firstname' field.
setGender(String) - Method in class externaltables.UserInfo
Changes the gender attribute.
setGender(Gender) - Method in class schema.UserInfo
Changes the gender attribute.
setImage(byte[]) - Method in class schema.UserImage
Changes the image bytes.
setLast(String) - Method in class avro.FullName.Builder
Sets the value of the 'last' field
setLast(String) - Method in class avro.FullName
Sets the value of the 'last' field.
setLastname(String) - Method in class coherence.Person.Builder
Sets the value of the 'lastname' field
setLastname(String) - Method in class coherence.Person
Sets the value of the 'lastname' field.
setName(FullName) - Method in class avro.MemberInfo.Builder
Sets the value of the 'name' field
setName(FullName) - Method in class avro.MemberInfo
Sets the value of the 'name' field.
setName(String) - Method in class externaltables.UserInfo
Changes the name attribute.
setName(String) - Method in class schema.UserInfo
Changes the name attribute.
setName(String) - Method in class secondaryindex.BillInfo
setPhone(String) - Method in class coherence.Person.Builder
Sets the value of the 'phone' field
setPhone(String) - Method in class coherence.Person
Sets the value of the 'phone' field.
setPhone(String) - Method in class externaltables.UserInfo
Changes the phone attribute.
setPhone(String) - Method in class schema.UserInfo
Changes the phone attribute.
setPhone(String) - Method in class secondaryindex.BillInfo
setSessionDuration(int) - Method in class schema.LoginSession
Changes the session duration.
setState(String) - Method in class avro.Address.Builder
Sets the value of the 'state' field
setState(String) - Method in class avro.Address
Sets the value of the 'state' field.
setStoreValue(Bindings, Value) - Method in class schema.LoginSession
Deserializes the only attribute, session duration, from the byte array of a Value.
setStoreValue(Bindings, Value) - Method in class schema.LoginSummary
Deserializes the summary attributes from the byte array of a Value.
setStoreValue(Bindings, Value) - Method in class schema.UserImage
Deserializes the image from the byte array of a Value.
setStoreValue(Bindings, Value) - Method in class schema.UserInfo
Deserializes user info attributes from the byte array of a Value.
setStreet(String) - Method in class avro.Address.Builder
Sets the value of the 'street' field
setStreet(String) - Method in class avro.Address
Sets the value of the 'street' field.
setTotalLoginCount(int) - Method in class schema.LoginSummary
Changes the total login count.
setTotalLoginDuration(long) - Method in class schema.LoginSummary
Changes the total login duration.
setZip(int) - Method in class avro.Address.Builder
Sets the value of the 'zip' field
setZip(Integer) - Method in class avro.Address
Sets the value of the 'zip' field.
showIndex() - Method in class secondaryindex.IndexViewExample
Outputs field names, schema name and current status of all Index Views in Oracle NoSQL Database.
SpecificExample - Class in avro
A simple KVStore client application that represents a Value as a a POJO (or Plain Old Java Object) class that is generated by the Avro compiler tools and serializes values using a SpecificAvroBinding.
SpecificExample(String[]) - Constructor for class avro.SpecificExample
Parses the command line args, opens the KVStore and creates the Avro binding.
state - Variable in class avro.Address
STORE_FLAG - Static variable in class secondaryindex.IndexViewExample.ExecutorParser
storeName - Variable in class secondaryindex.IndexViewExample.ExecutorParser
street - Variable in class avro.Address


table - package table
The code and scripts in this package demonstrate some of the basic functions of the Oracle NoSQL Database table API, including creation and use of secondary indexes.
TABLE_NAME - Static variable in class hadoop.table.LoadVehicleTable
TableAPIExample - Class in table
This file includes a number of examples that demonstrate some of the features of tables and secondary indexes in Oracle NoSQL Database.
TableAPIExample() - Constructor for class table.TableAPIExample
TIME_FORMAT - Static variable in class schema.KeyDefinition
toFields(Value, List<String>) - Method in class secondaryindex.Binding
Given a list of Avro field names, extracts the field values from the value parameter.
toObject(Value) - Method in class secondaryindex.Binding
Returns the deserialized GenericRecord instance.
toOracleLoaderFormat(KeyValueVersion, KVStore) - Method in class externaltables.MyFormatter
toOracleLoaderFormat(Row, KVStore) - Method in class externaltables.MyFormatter
Converts Row from TableAPI to a string that will be consumed by ORA process.
toString() - Method in class externaltables.UserInfo
toString() - Method in class schema.LoginSession
toString() - Method in class schema.LoginSummary
toString() - Method in class schema.UserImage
toString() - Method in class schema.UserInfo
toString() - Method in class secondaryindex.BillInfo
toString() - Method in class secondaryindex.IndexViewService.IndexMetadata
toValue(GenericRecord) - Method in class secondaryindex.Binding
Returns the Value that conforms to the schema of the given GenericRecord.


updateRecord() - Method in class secondaryindex.IndexViewExample
Updates records in the primary DB and any related Index View record(s).
usage(String) - Method in class secondaryindex.IndexViewExample.ExecutorParser
USER_EMAIL - Static variable in class schema.InputData
USER_IMAGE - Static variable in class schema.InputData
USER_INFO - Static variable in class schema.InputData
USER_OBJECT_TYPE - Static variable in class externaltables.LoadCookbookData
USER_OBJECT_TYPE - Static variable in class schema.KeyDefinition
UserImage - Class in schema
Holds the image user attribute that is stored as the Value for the "/user/EMAIL/-/image" Key.
UserImage(String) - Constructor for class schema.UserImage
Constructs a user object with its unique identifier, the email address.
UserInfo - Class in externaltables
A simple class which represents a User in the External Tables Cookbook example.
UserInfo(String) - Constructor for class externaltables.UserInfo
Constructs a user object with its unique identifier, the email address.
UserInfo - Class in schema
Holds the collection of user attributes that is stored as the Value for the "/user/EMAIL/-/info" Key.
UserInfo(String) - Constructor for class schema.UserInfo
Constructs a user object with its unique identifier, the email address.


valueOf(String) - Static method in enum schema.Gender
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum secondaryindex.IndexViewExample.Operation
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
valueOf(String) - Static method in enum secondaryindex.IndexViewService.IndexState
Returns the enum constant of this type with the specified name.
values() - Static method in enum schema.Gender
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum secondaryindex.IndexViewExample.Operation
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
values() - Static method in enum secondaryindex.IndexViewService.IndexState
Returns an array containing the constants of this enum type, in the order they are declared.
verifyArgs() - Method in class secondaryindex.IndexViewExample.ExecutorParser
Called after parsing all args.


WriteOperations - Class in schema
Performs write operations and retries the operation when a FaultException occurs in order to handle transient network failures.
WriteOperations(KVStore, KVStoreConfig) - Constructor for class schema.WriteOperations
Creates a WriteOperations wrapper for a given KVStore.
WriteOperations.LobOp<R,E extends Exception> - Class in schema
Internal abstract class used to perform retries for a put or delete operation applied to a LOB.
WriteOperations.LobOp(WriteOperations.LOBStreamListener, long, TimeUnit, long, TimeUnit) - Constructor for class schema.WriteOperations.LobOp
Creates a concrete instance of this class representing the desired LOB put or delete operation with the requested parameters described below.
WriteOperations.LobOp(long, TimeUnit, long, TimeUnit) - Constructor for class schema.WriteOperations.LobOp
Convenience constructor for the deleteLOB operation.
WriteOperations.LOBStreamListener - Interface in schema
For any entity that invokes one of the following methods of the WriteOperations utility class, that entity must supply an implementation of this interface: putLOB putLOBIfAbsent putLOBIfPresent The getInputStream method specified by this interface returns an instance of InputStream for the LOB to which the desired LOB operation is applied; where the stream that is returned can be either a new stream or a reset stream positioned at the first byte of the associated LOB.
WriteOperations.WriteOp<R,E extends Exception> - Class in schema
Internal class used to perform retries for a write operation.
WriteOperations.WriteOp(long, TimeUnit) - Constructor for class schema.WriteOperations.WriteOp
Creates the write operation with the requested timeout parameters.


zip - Variable in class avro.Address
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Oracle NoSQL Database Examples
version 12cR1.3.3.4

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