Oracle NoSQL Database
version 12cR1.3.3.4

Package oracle.kv.coherence

This package contains the public API for integration of Oracle NoSQL Database with Oracle Coherence.

See: Description

Package oracle.kv.coherence Description

This package contains the public API for integration of Oracle NoSQL Database with Oracle Coherence. These classes enable the use of NoSQL DB as the persistent backing for a Coherence distributed, or partitioned cache. There are 2 primary use cases that are supported.

The first case is when Oracle NoSQL Database is used solely as the persistent backing for Oracle Coherence-based applications. In this case, the format of data in the database is likely of limited concern, and the application should use the NoSQLBinaryStore module.

The second case is when Oracle NoSQL Database is used by both Oracle Coherence-based applications and non-Oracle Coherence applications. In this case, we suggest that the objects stored in the database be Avro schema-based. The NoSQLAvroCacheStore module is aware of Avro schema-based objects and will automatically store and retrieve them, using the Avro object format you configure. Since the objects have an associated Avro schema, we provide the NoSQLAvroSerializer module, which is a natural complement to NoSQLAvroCacheStore, and provides serialization functionality in the Oracle Coherence environment without the need to write additional code.

For either of the two use cases, you will use the Oracle Coherence cache configuration files to define a distributed-scheme cache, where a variety of configuration parameters can be specified to identify the Oracle NoSQL Database instance that will back the cache as well as parameters to control Consistency, Durability, and other store type-specific attributes.

In Coherence version 3.7.1, cache configuration parameters are specified as a few initialization parameters which are accessible by implementations that include a public constructor with a matching signature. You may refer to the following example for defining a NoSQL binary cache.


Since Coherence version 12.1.2, cache configuration parameters are specified within a custom XML namespace and are processed by the NoSQL Database namespace handler at runtime. The following example declares a kv namespace that is associated with the NoSQLNamespaceHandler namespace handler class.

<cache-config xmlns:kv="class://oracle.kv.coherence.NoSQLNamespaceHandler">

Please also refer to each cache store implementation class in this package for a complete list of configuration parameters that can be specified.
Oracle NoSQL Database
version 12cR1.3.3.4

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