Job Code Employee Detail Report

The Job Code Employee Detail report shows hour and pay details by specific employee, as described in the following table:
Column Shows Drill Down Report

Job Codes

Shows a list of employees by job code and location.

Drills into information screen showing employee-specific details such as clock-in and clock-out information and hours worked.

Total Pay

Total pay by employee.


Total Hours

Total work hours by employee.


Average Hourly Pay

Average hourly pay by employee.


Regular Pay

Monetary value of regular pay by employee.


Regular Hours

Number of regular work hours by employee.


Overtime Pay

Monetary value of overtime pay by employee.


Overtime Hours

Number of overtime work hours by employee.


Net Sales

Net sales for the organization.


Total Labor

Total monetary value paid to the employee.


Total Time

Total number of hours worked by the employee.


Average Hourly Pay

Average hourly pay of all job codes.


Labor Cost (% Net Sales)

Percentage of labor spent to accrue net sales.


Sales Per Labor Hours

Monetary value of sales per labor hour.