Labor Analysis Summary Report

The Labor Analysis Summary report presents an overview of regular pay, overtime, and hours, as described in the following table:
Column Shows Drill Down Report

Labor Categories

Shows all labor categories.

Labor by Day Part and Hour

Total Pay

Total monetary value of salaries paid.


Total Hours

Total amount of hours worked by all employees.


Theo Hours

Estimated work hours for all employees.


Avg Hourly Pay

Average hourly pay by labor category.


Regular Pay

Total monetary value of regular hours paid.


Regular Hours

Total number of regular hours worked.


Overtime Pay

Total monetary value of overtime hours paid.


Overtime Hours

Total number of overtime hours worked.


Net Sales

Net sales for the organization.


Labor Cost (% Net Sales)

The amount of labor required to accrue a certain amount of sales.


Variance to Theo Hrs

Variance with respect to forecasted or theoretical hours.


Avg Hourly Pay

Average hourly pay for the organization.


Sales Per Labor Hours

Monetary value of sales per labor hour.