Inventory Management

Performance Enhancements

  • You can configure and run multiple instances of the Export Menu Item Cost and Calculate Average Usage jobs in parallel.

  • You can now enable load balancing for the Automation Service by installing the service on multiple servers and configuring each instance to connect to the same master database.

  • Booking Sales jobs now process concurrently. You can set the database option AUTOMATION/BOOKINGSALESJOBMAXCONCURRENT to define the maximum number of Booking Sales jobs that can be run concurrently by an organization.

Tool for Monitoring and Analyzing the Jobs Queue

The Automation Service Activity Monitor allows you to:
  • Activate or deactivate Automation Service instances and organizations.

  • Temporarily exclude organizations from a job.

  • View the current and past workload for each organization.

  • View program errors, server messages, and database connection errors.

  • View SQL queries of jobs that took longer to execute.

Support for Oracle 12c

You can now install Inventory Management on Oracle 12c database servers.

Require a Company Name for Desktop Login

You can configure the Mobile Solutions application to require that users enter their company name when logging in using the desktop client.

To enable or disable this feature:

  1. Browse to and open Drive:\inetpub\wwwroot\POSWebServiceDirectory\web.config

  2. Set the value for the ConnectToMaster key to false to require a company name entry.

    For example:

    <add key="ConnectToMaster" value="false"/>