Cash Management Records (CASH)

Table 20-19 Cash Management Records Export Format

Field Field Type Description

Record Type

Varchar (255)

String must contain CASH.

Revenue Center Number

Numeric (10)

Local revenue center number.

CM Item Number

Numeric (10)

Local cash management item number.

CM Item Name

Varchar (255)

Local cash management item name.

Receptacle Type

Numeric (10)

0: Till

1: Safe

2: Deposit

Receptacle Number

Numeric (10)

Local receptacle number.

Receptacle Name

Varchar (255)

Local receptacle name.

Starting Amount

Numeric (12,2)

Starting bank amount in the Till.

Trans Amount

Numeric (12,2)

Total Point-of-Sale transactions for the Till.

OverShort Amount

Numeric (12,2)

Total amount over or short for the Till.

Deposit Amount

Numeric (12,2)

Total amount withdrawn (negative) or deposited (positive) for the Till.

Trans Datetime


Date and time of the transaction.

Trans Employee

Numeric (10)

Point-of-Sale reference number of the employee that processed the transaction.

Reference Info

Varchar (255)

Reference recorded for the transaction.