Menu Item Sales Records (MI)

Table 20-13 Menu Item Sales Record Export Format

Field Field Type Description

Record Type

Varchar (255)

String must contain MI.

Revenue Center Number

Numeric (10)

Local revenue center number.

Order Type Number

Numeric (10)

Local order type number.

Menu Item Number

Numeric (10)

Local menu item number.

Menu Item Name

Varchar (255)

Local menu item name.

Price Level

Numeric (10)

The value stored in MENU_ITEM_PRICE.

Sales Count

Numeric (10)

Number of sales orders that included this item.

Sales Total

Numeric (12,2)

Total value of taxable sales for this item.

Discount Total

Numeric (12,2)

Total value of discounts for this item.

Return Count

Numeric (10)

Number of returned transactions.


Numeric (12,2)

Volume ratio against the number of items sold.

Prep Cost

Numeric (12,2)

Total value of costs for preparing the item.

Menu Item Master Name

Varchar (255)

Name of the Master Menu Item.

Menu Item Master Number

Numeric (10)

Point-of-Sale reference number for the Master Menu Item.