Order Type Records (OT)

Table 20-10 Order Type Record Export Format

Field Field Type Description

Record Type

Varchar (255)

String must contain OT.

Revenue Center Number

Numeric (10)

Local revenue center number.

Order Type Number

Numeric (10)

Local order type number.


Varchar (255)

Order type name.


Numeric (7)

Number of orders for the order type.

Net Sales Total

Numeric (12,2)

Total value of taxable sales.

Num Guests

Numeric (7)

Total guest count.

Num Table Turns

Numeric (7)

Number of tables turned.

Order Type Master Name

Varchar (255)

Name of the Master Order Type.

Order Type Master Number

Numeric (10)

Point-of-Sale reference number for the Master Order Type.

Hour or Fixed Period

Numeric (10)

The OrderTypeTotalByPeriod parameter determines the period breakdown used in this field.

If the parameter is set to Hour, this field ranges from 0-36, where 25-36 refers to the first 12 hours of the following calendar day.

If the parameter is set to FixedPeriod, this field ranges from 1-96, with each number relating to a 15-minute period within a single 24-hour period. For example, 1 refers to 00:00:00 to 00:14:59.