Summary (SUM)

Table 20-5 Summary Export Format

Field Field Type Description

Record Type

Varchar (255)

String must contain SUM.

Revenue Center Number

Numeric (10)

Local revenue center number.

Revenue Center Name

Varchar (255)

Local revenue center name.

Net Sales Total

Numeric (12,2)

Total net sales value.

Discount Total

Numeric (12,2)

Total value of discounts.

Service Charge Total

Numeric (12,2)

Total value of service charges.

Void Total

Numeric (12,2)

Total value of voided transactions.

Void Count

Numeric (7)

Number of voided transactions.

Return Total

Numeric (12,2)

Total value of returned transactions.

Return Count

Numeric (7)

Number of return transactions.

Tax Collected Total

Numeric (12,2)

Total value of collected taxes.

Non Taxable Sales

Numeric (12,2)

Total value of non-taxable sales.

Tax Exempt Total

Numeric (12,2)

Total value of tax-exempt sales.

Transaction Count

Numeric (7)

Number of transactions.

Guest Count

Numeric (7)

Total guest count.

Num Table Turns

Numeric (7)

Number of tables turned.

Total Order Time

Numeric (7)

Total speed of service time, in seconds.

Over Short Total

Numeric (12,2)

Over/short totals.

Sales Forecast

Numeric (12,2)

Forecasted sales.

Revenue Center Master Name

Varchar (255)

Name of the Master Revenue Center.

Revenue Center Master Number

Numeric (10)

Point-of-Sale reference number for the Master Revenue Center.