Organization Configurations

In Organization Configuration, you:
  • Determine how the organization behaves with respect to information transferred from the Point-of-Sale (POS) and to the POS

  • Specify how employee information is interpreted and the rules that govern whether or not an employee is accepted within the organization as a whole

The following table describes the fields and options in the Organization Configuration module.

Table 3-1 Organization Configuration Field Descriptions

Field Description

Transmit to POS

Select this option to transfer the social security number entered through web services down to the POS level.

PC Application Password Prefix Exclusion

Enter a value in this field to prohibit users with that prefix from logging in to the web services application.

PC Application Password Must be Numeric

Select this option to make users enter a purely numeric password for the PC Application Password.

Administer POS Password Centrally

Select this option to enforce POS Password administration from a central location.

Validate Payroll ID Before Uploading Employee

Select this option to enforce the application to validate an employee’s payroll identification number before any employee information is uploaded from the POS.

Allow User Defined Payroll ID

Select this option to enforce user defined payroll ID uniqueness by organization or organization level.

Hire Date Maximum Number of Days in Past

Enter the number of days in the past an employee may be hired.

For example, if an individual was hired on a date that falls one day after the end of a pay week, you can set the hire date to a day before to include the new employee in the pay cycle.

Hire Date Maximum Number of Days in Future

Enter the number of days in the future an employee may be hired.

For example, if an individual was hired on one day but cannot start working on that day, you can set the hire date to a day in the future so that the employee’s status is recorded.