General Tab

The General tab is where typical HR information such as name, age, and social security number are entered. The following table describes the fields in the General tab:

Table 4-1 Employee Administration – General Tab Field Description

Field Description


Select an appropriate prefix (for example, Mr., Mrs., and so on) from the drop-down list.

First Name

Enter the first name of the employee.

Middle Name

Enter the middle name of the employee.

Last Name

Enter the last name of the employee.


Select an appropriate suffix (for example, IV, PhD, and so on) from the drop-down list.

Check Name

Enter the name of the employee that should appear on all checks.


Enter the employee’s social security number.

Date of Birth

Enter the employee’s date of birth (DOB).

If DOB qualifies the employee for minor status, the Work Permit and Age Certificate fields become active


Select whether the employee is male or female.


Select the employee’s ethnicity.


Select this option if the employee is a minor.

Exclude from EU Directives

Select this option to exclude the employee from the European Union Directives.

Allow Sub Minimum Wage

Select this option if the employee is eligible for wages less than the minimum wage standard.

External Payroll ID

Enter the employee’s existing payroll ID.

This field does not appear for all organizations. It is an option for organizations who already have payroll IDs established for their employees. If this field is available, then you must enter the employee’s payroll ID. If this field is not available, then the system auto-generates an employee ID.


Select the language for this employee.

This assignment dictates the language format of the Time Clock Application for the employee. By default, the language is set to the default language of the organization. For example, for the United States, France, and Portugal, the default languages are US English, French, and Portuguese, respectively

OT Exempt

Select this option to exempt the employee from overtime work and pay.

Age Certificate Information

Enter the Age Certificate information in the corresponding fields for minor employees.

When the DOB is entered, it triggers the need for minor employee information.

Work Permit Information

Enter Work Permit information in the corresponding fields for minor employees.

When the DOB is entered, it triggers the need for minor employee information.

User Alpha 1-5

Enter any alpha values for reporting in these fields.

User Numeric 1-5

Enter any numeric values for reporting in these fields.