Contact Information tab

Employee contact information such as address, phone number, emergency contact person, and so on are entered in this tab. The following table describes all the fields on the Contact Information tab:

Table 4-2 Employee Administration – Contact Information Tab Field Description

Field Description

Address Line 1 - 2

Enter the employee’s street address.


Enter the name of the city of residence for the employee.


Enter or select the country of residence for the employee.


Select or enter the state or province of residence for the employee.

This field is dependent on the Country field. Depending on what country is selected, the system provides a drop-down list or a text box for entering the state or province.


Enter the county of residence for the employee.

Postal Code

Enter the postal code for the employee’s street address.

School District

Select the school district in which the employee resides.

In City Limits

Select this option if the employee’s address falls within the city limits.

In City Limits

Select this option if the employee’s address falls within the city limits.

Lives on Property

Select this option if the employee’s address is where the employee physically resides and not a post office box.

Phone Number

Enter the employee’s phone number.


Enter the extension at which the employee can be reached at the specified phone number.


Select this option to omit the employee’s phone number from the Employee Phone List Report.

Fax Number

Enter the fax number for the employee.

Other Number

Enter any alternate numbers where the employee can be reached (cell, pager, and so on).


Enter the employee’s email address.

Emergency Name

Enter the name of the employee’s emergency contact person.

Emergency Address

Enter the address of the employee’s emergency contact person.

Emergency Number

Enter the phone number for the employee’s emergency contact person.

Emergency Contact Relation

Enter the relationship between the employee and the emergency contact person (mother, father, and so on).