Defining a Child Labor Law

  1. In Reporting and Analytics, click Labor Management, and then click Human Resources.
  2. In Human Resources Administration, click Admin, and then Could Labor Law.
  3. Click Add, and then on the General tab:
    1. Enter a Name for the child labor law.
    2. Enter the Minimum Age at which a minor employee can work and the Maximum Age at which the minor employee no longer needs any type of work permission.
    3. (Optional) Enter the maximum number of consecutive days that minor employees can work in the Maximum Consecutive Days field.
    4. If minor employees require an age certificate, select Age Certificate Reqd.
    5. If minor employees require a work permit, select Work Permit Reqd.
    6. If minor employees are not permitted to work on Sundays, select Sunday Exclusion.
    7. In the Effective From date editor, select from which date the law is active.
    8. (Optional) In the Effective To date editor, select when the law becomes inactive.
  4. Click the Overtime Rules tab, and select the overtime rules that apply to the labor law.
  5. (Optional) On the Work Restrictions tab:
    1. Select the earliest time and the latest time minor employees can arrive for a shift and depart from a shift respectively on school days and non-school.
    2. Select the Maximum Hours Per Day, Maximum Hours Per Week, and the Maximum Days Per Week minor employees can work on school days and non-school days.
  6. Click Save.