Updating Employee Job Codes and Pay Rates

Employees can have multiple jobs and job codes. The longer an employee works for an organization, the more likely the employee needs more than one job code. The following steps explain how to perform this update:
  1. In Reporting and Analytics, click Labor Management, and then click Human Resources.
  2. In Human Resources Administration, click Employee.
  3. Search for and select the appropriate employee, and then click Edit.
  4. Click the Location Configuration tab. On the Job Rates secondary tab:
    1. Click Add Job Rate, and then select a new Location Name.
    2. Configure the other remaining fields based on the hourly or salary job code selection, and then click Update List.
  5. On the POS Configuration secondary tab:
    1. Select a Location Name, and then configure the remaining fields on the tab, including the employe security information fields.

      When you select the location, the Location Name field automatically populates.

    2. Click Update List.
  6. Click Save.