Product:App:SDC:Service - war



name path methods description
  • /change-sets/{csId}/access-control-flows/{name}
  • /change-sets/{csId}/access-control-flows
  • GET, PUT
  • POST
A RESTful resource for accessing control-flows. Supports operations such as importing and exporting control flows.
  • /change-sets/{csId}/activity-types
  • /change-sets/{csId}/activity-types/fastkey/{fastkey}
  • GET
A REST Web Service for managing Activity Types.
  • /change-sets/{csId}/app-triggers
  • /change-sets/{csId}/app-triggers/{atId}
  • GET
RESTful resource for managing application triggers.
  • /change-set-bundles/{id}/remove-change-set/last
  • /change-set-bundles/{bundle}
  • /change-set-bundles/{id}/remove-change-set
  • /change-set-bundles/{bundleId}/deployment
  • /change-set-bundles
  • /change-set-bundles/{id}/append-change-set/{changesetid}
  • /change-set-bundles/{id}/remove-change-set/{changeSetId}
  • /change-set-bundles/{bundleId}/deployment/pipelines/{pipe}/environments/{env}
  • /change-set-bundles/{id}
  • /change-set-bundles/{id}/append-change-set
  • PUT
  • GET
  • PUT
  • PUT
  • PUT
  • PUT
A REST Web Service for managing changesets and user sessions.
  • /change-sets
  • /change-sets/{id}/diffs
  • /change-sets/{id}/diffs/env/{envId}
  • /change-sets/{id}/deployments
  • /change-sets/name/{name}
  • /change-sets/{id}
  • /change-sets/{id}/diff/{type}/{resourceUrl}/{name}
  • /change-sets/sp/{spId}
  • /change-sets/{branchOne}/diffs/{branchTwo}
  • /change-sets/{id}/copy
  • GET
  • GET
  • GET
  • GET
  • POST
  • GET
A REST Web Service for managing changesets and user sessions.
  • /pipelines/{pipe}/environments/{env}/deployments/{csid}
  • /pipelines/{pipe}/environments/{env}/deployments
A RESTful resource for managing change set deployments. Note: the root-resource path specifies the pipeline ID and environment ID.
  • /edr-service/edrFields/{csId}
  • /edr-service/edrField
  • /edr-service/edrField/{csId}/{parentId}/{id}
  • GET
A RESTful Web Service for managing edr config data.
  • /environments/{id}
  • /environments/{id}/latest-deployed
  • /environments
  • /environments/name/{name}
  • GET
  • GET
A RESTful resource for managing environments.
  • /external-concepts/{csId}/{conceptId}
  • /external-concepts/{csId}/{id}
  • /external-concepts/{csId}
  • /external-concepts/{csId}/type/{type}
  • PUT
  • GET
A REST Web Service for managing External Concepts.
  • /pipelines/{pipe}/environments
  • /pipelines/{pipe}/environments/{env}/previous/{prevenv}
  • /pipelines/{pipe}/environments/{env}
  • GET
  • POST
A RESTful resource for managing pipeline environments. Note: the root-resource path specifies the pipeline ID.
  • /pipelines/{id}
  • /pipelines/name/{name}
  • /pipelines
  • GET
A RESTful resource for managing pipelines.
  • /change-sets/{csId}/schemas/{name}
REST Resource for creating schema definitions, such as JSON/XML schemas.
  • /policy/principal-in-role/{principal}/{role}
  • /policy/permissions
  • GET
The SDC application policy resource. Wraps the base OCECAS policy resource (which resides in common). Provides RESTful services that rely on access to SDC services and persistence stores not accessible from common.
  • /session
A REST Web Service for authenticating SDC REST API users. User who wish to perform other SDC REST operations must authenticate themselves by POSTing to the /session URL.

When the /session URL is POSTed to (with an empty body message) and the user has not already been authenticated then the user will be asked for their username and password. WebLogic authenticates the user based on the username and password and sends back a cookie representing the authenticated session. This cookie must be used in all subsequent REST operations to authenticate the user.

To logout of the session send a DELETE to the /session URL.

  • /services/{serviceProvider}/env/{envId}
  • /services/{serviceProvider}/env/{envId}/change-set/{csId}
  • GET
  • GET
A REST resource for presenting a pure view of service configuration to the UI. Able to assemble the required view data from various sources such as service data, change set and control flows. Much of this information is retrieved from service data, but some is obtained from an analysis of control flows, including the resources they access and the linked control flows they invoke (directly or indirectly). We prefer to hide all this considerable complexity from the JavaScript client, while creating the opportunity for the information to be used other clients in the future.
  • /change-sets/{csId}/service-data-objects/{objectType}/{objectGroup}
  • /change-sets/{csId}/service-data-objects/{objectType}/{objectGroup}/{objectName}
  • /change-sets/{csId}/service-data-objects/{objectType}
  • /change-sets/{csId}/service-data-objects/{objectType}/{objectGroup}/{objectName}/buildStatus
  • GET
  • GET
  • GET
A REST Web Service for managing service data objects.
  • /change-sets/{csId}/service-data/addToArray
  • /change-sets/{csId}/service-data
  • /change-sets/{csId}/service-data/delete
  • /change-sets/{csId}/service-data/dependencies
  • /change-sets/{csId}/service-data/rename
  • PUT
  • PUT
  • GET
  • PUT
A REST Web Service for managing External Concepts.
  • /statistics/records/{csId}/id/{refId}
  • /statistics/records/interval/{start}/{end}/{domain}
  • /statistics/definitions/{csId}/name/{name}
  • /statistics/definitions/{csId}
  • /statistics/records
  • /statistics/records/interval/{start}/{end}
  • /statistics/definitions/{csId}/{refId}
  • /statistics/definitions/{csId}/{id}
  • /statistics/records/name/{name}
  • GET
  • GET
  • GET
  • GET
  • GET
  • PUT
  • GET
A REST Web Service for managing Statistics and Stats Definitions.
  • /telemetry/records/name/{name}
  • /telemetry/records
  • /telemetry/records/interval/{start}/{end}/{domain}
  • /telemetry/records/interval/{start}/{end}
  • GET
  • GET
  • GET
  • GET
A REST Web Service for retrieving Telemetry entries.
  • /wsdl/{csId}
  • POST
A REST Web Service for managing WSDL imports.

Data Types


type description
Activity Describe an instance of an activity type in a control flow.
ActivityDifferences Class used to describe the changes made in an activity.
ActivityExit Describe an instance of an exit of an activity. Note that it is possible that more than one activities can be linked to an exit in order to provide flexibility in designing service-logic. Doing so all activities linked to the exit can effectively begin executing simultaneously as a separate sub-flow.
ActivityExitDefinition Describes an exit (available branch) of a particular activity type.
ActivityParameter Class used internally to describe a single activity parameter. It contains a list of activity parameter attributes, an associated external concept, as well as an associated service data item.
ActivityTypeDefinition Describes a single activity type, its characteristics, including its display name, its palette group, parameters, number of branches, and exits, as well as the required capabilities. Note. All attributes with public setters and getters that follow the standard Java bean naming conventions are exposed via the REST APIs.
AppTrigger Application Trigger model class. It is used for triggering a control flow based on a given protocol (e.g. SIP), a method (e.g. INVITE, REGISTER, SUBSCRIBE, etc.), and a given application (optional, not used, reserved for future) in a given change set. Note. All attributes with public setters and getters that follow the standard Java bean naming conventions are exposed via the REST APIs.
AppTriggers Container for application triggers.
BaseModel Base model class.
Capability Defines an activity capability.
ChangeSet This class contains the details of a change set which is a set of changes to a session or service that is grouped as a single deployable bundle in the OCECAS change management system. A change set can consist of both control flow and configuration changes. Note. All attributes with public setters and getters that follow the standard Java bean naming conventions are exposed via the REST APIs.
ChangeSetBundle A class is used to describe the details of a change set deployment, including its status like whether the change set deployment is active, or inactive, or retracted, information about conflicts this deployment has with other changes that are also based on its baseline change set, and etc. Note. All attributes with public setters and getters that follow the standard Java bean naming conventions are exposed via the REST APIs.
ChangeSetCopyStatus A class is used to describe the details of a change set deployment, including its status like whether the change set deployment is active, or inactive, or retracted, information about conflicts this deployment has with other changes that are also based on its baseline change set, and etc.
ChangeSets Container for a list of change sets.
ChangeType The enumerated types of change that a control flow can experience.
ConceptType Enum for the concept type.
ConflictPotential Change sets have a design time baseline, the base line change set that they were originally created from. More than one change set can be designed upon / created from a single base. Deployments have a deployment baseline, the deployment (within an environment) which they follow, like a link in a chain. Each deployment can have at most a single child deployment based on (linked to) it. We tolerate the deployment of two change sets based on the same base into a given environment only if there are no conflicts between the change set and the changes that it has 'inherited' by being deployed on a different deployment base (e.g. a child, or grand child (etc) of its original design time baseline). The reason we do this is to make it easier for (truly unrelated) change sets to be developed in parallel. Since change sets are editable even after deployment (in non-production environments), we need to be able to report conflicts that might have arisen since deployment, or which were known about but overridden at the time of deployment. This class is used to communicate that possibility to clients. It defines the branch (list of chained chain sets) that a change set deployment is exposed to via the above, and also any conflicts currently detectable against that branch. Deployment objects can optionally carry one of these objects in it, which allows the client to display the current conflicts to the user, thus allowing them to be resolved over time.
ControlFlow This class contains the details of a control flow, which is a logical, flowchart-like structure that consists of linked activities and decisions that specify the management and processing of a voice call or multimedia session. Note. All attributes with public setters and getters that follow the standard Java bean naming conventions are exposed via the REST APIs.
ControlFlowDifferences Class used to describe the changes made to activities between two versions of a control flow.
ControlFlowIdentity A simplified reference class to a particular version of a control flow without its content, suitable for transmitting in lists.
ControlFlowIdentityList A list of control flow identities.
ControlFlowUpdateResult A class is used to express the result of a control flow update, including whether the update is successful, the reason for failure if any, the issues during validation, and the detailed differences between the current and the previous version of the control flow. It helps the client code to decipher what happened, without having to parse messages.
Deployment A class is used to describe the details of a change set deployment, including its status like whether the change set deployment is active, or inactive, or retracted, information about conflicts this deployment has with other changes that are also based on its baseline change set, and etc. Note. All attributes with public setters and getters that follow the standard Java bean naming conventions are exposed via the REST APIs.
DeploymentBundle A class is used to describe the details of a change set deployment bundle. A bundle holds a group of deployments. For details about the change set deployments within the bundle, This class shares similar properties and methods as a single Deployment and in most cases the individual deployment should be used and the bundle properties and methods are not applicable. The bundle properties and methods are only applicable typically in set or update operations when all change set deployments in the bundle are to be set as specified by the properties within the bundle. For further details, please see the deployment class associated with the list of deployments within the bundle. Note. All attributes with public setters and getters that follow the standard Java bean naming conventions are exposed via the REST APIs.
Deployments Container for a list of change set deployments.
Difference A class is used to describe a single difference of a service resource/data in a change set.
Differences Container for a list of differences in a change set.
EdrField A class is used to describe the details of an EDR field. OCECAS provides a set of EDR fields in six different groups, namely Call Info EDR Group, Platform Info EDR Group, Web Request EDR Group, Chassis Info EDR Group, and User Data EDR Group, Note. All attributes with public setters and getters that follow the standard Java bean naming conventions are exposed via the REST APIs.
EdrFields A container for a list of EDR Fields.
EnvType Environment Type enumeration.
Environment A class is used to describe the details of an Environment. Two types of environment have been supported, namely, T (testing) and P (production). Staging is considered as a production environment. Note. All attributes with public setters and getters that follow the standard Java bean naming conventions are exposed via the REST APIs.
EventSource This class contains the details of an event source. When configuring a new exit in the Wait For Event activity, the event source is used to populate the Session attribute.
EventSources A container for a list of event sources.
EventType This class contains the details of a event type.
EventTypes A container for a list of event types.
ExActivity An external representation of an activity. Used by the access-control-flows resource.
ExActivityExit An external representation of an activity exit. Used by the access-control-flows resource.
ExActivityParameter An external representation of activity parameter. Used by the access-control-flows resource.
ExControlFlow An external representation of a control flow. Used by the access-control-flows resource. Note. All attributes with public setters and getters that follow the standard Java bean naming conventions are exposed via the REST APIs.
ExSchema Model object representing the external form of a Schema.
ExServiceDataItem A class is used to describe a service data item.
ExternalConcept A class is used to describe the details of an external concept. Note. All attributes with public setters and getters that follow the standard Java bean naming conventions are exposed via the REST APIs.
ExternalConcepts A container for a list of external concepts.
IssueType The enumerated types of issue. When adding an issue type: 1. Add an entry to the issueTypes ordinal array (above). 2. Add an entry to the GUI/nls/root/strings.txt file and then regenerate the translation.js files using the script.
KeyValue A simple key value pair used to represent each user session attribute. keep it serializable and no need to do version control.
Palette A container for list of activity types, which consist of activity type definition, exits, parameters, and branchCapabilities.
Pipeline A class is used to describe the details of a Pipeline. Pipeline exist as a concept on the management platform.  It consists of a backlog of change sets, and a sequence of environments, namely runtime domains where the change sets get deployed. Change sets are deployed to environments in the order defined in the pipeline, meaning that intermediate environments cannot be skipped. Note. All attributes with public setters and getters that follow the standard Java bean naming conventions are exposed via the REST APIs.
PipelineEnvironment A class is used to describe the details of Pipeline-Environment. It represents an environment in a pipeline. Note: the seems redundant nextEnvironment element is used for speeding up UI.
PipelineEnvironments A container for a list of Pipeline-Environments. It holds a sequence of environments in a pipeline.
ResourceType The list of supported resource types, as used in service data records. Note: there is NO GUI for viewing/editing the charging template for now. Users have to use RESTful APIs to create/update charging templates.
Schema Model object representing a Schema.
ServiceConfiguration All the configuration visible for an application/service..
ServiceConfigurations Container for a list of application configurations.
ServiceData A container for a list of service data items.
ServiceDataItem A class is used to describe a service data item.
ServiceProvider A class is used to describe the details of a service provider. Note. All attributes with public setters and getters that follow the standard Java bean naming conventions are exposed via the REST APIs.
ServiceResource Each valid service data item has an associated service data object, which is viewed as a resource in the application/service. This class is used to describe the service data objects.
Statistic A class is used to describe the type Statistic.
StatisticDefinition The type Statistic. Note. All attributes with public setters and getters that follow the standard Java bean naming conventions are exposed via the REST APIs.
StatisticDefinitions A container for a list of external statDefs.
Statistics A container for a list of external stats.
Telemetry The type Telemetry.
Telemetrys A container for a list of telemetries.
UserProfile Class representing management platform user profile information. Note. All attributes with public setters and getters that follow the standard Java bean naming conventions are exposed via the REST APIs.
UserSession Class representing a user session in the SDC management application.
ValidationIssue Describes a single validation issue pertaining to a flow. Does not contain any textual explanation, because issueType is used to form the key of a language specific rendering in the front end.


Default Namespace
type description
keyValue A simple key value pair used to represent each user session attribute. keep it serializable and no need to do version control.
resourcePermission The resource permissions for our application.
userProfile Class representing management platform user profile information. Note. All attributes with public setters and getters that follow the standard Java bean naming conventions are exposed via the REST APIs.
userSession Class representing a user session in the SDC management application.
activity Describe an instance of an activity type in a control flow.
activityDifference Class used to describe a single difference in an activity.
activityAspect An enumeration of all the parts of an activity that -can- be changed.
activityDifferences Class used to describe the changes made in an activity.
activityExit Describe an instance of an exit of an activity. Note that it is possible that more than one activities can be linked to an exit in order to provide flexibility in designing service-logic. Doing so all activities linked to the exit can effectively begin executing simultaneously as a separate sub-flow.
activityExitDefinition Describes an exit (available branch) of a particular activity type.
activityParameter Class used internally to describe a single activity parameter. It contains a list of activity parameter attributes, an associated external concept, as well as an associated service data item.
activityParameterAttribute This class is used to describe an attribute of an activity parameter. The value of an attribute can be a single string, or can be a list of sub activity parameters.
activityParameterDefinition Class to define how to present a parameter of an activity, including the data type, the widget type, labelings. a list of default parameter attributes, whether it is optional, whether it is a dynamic exit parameter, and whether it can accept immediate values from user input.
activityTypeDefinition Describes a single activity type, its characteristics, including its display name, its palette group, parameters, number of branches, and exits, as well as the required capabilities. Note. All attributes with public setters and getters that follow the standard Java bean naming conventions are exposed via the REST APIs.
appTrigger Application Trigger model class. It is used for triggering a control flow based on a given protocol (e.g. SIP), a method (e.g. INVITE, REGISTER, SUBSCRIBE, etc.), and a given application (optional, not used, reserved for future) in a given change set. Note. All attributes with public setters and getters that follow the standard Java bean naming conventions are exposed via the REST APIs.
appTriggers Container for application triggers.
baseModel Base model class.
capability Defines an activity capability.
changeSet This class contains the details of a change set which is a set of changes to a session or service that is grouped as a single deployable bundle in the OCECAS change management system. A change set can consist of both control flow and configuration changes. Note. All attributes with public setters and getters that follow the standard Java bean naming conventions are exposed via the REST APIs.
changeSetBundle A class is used to describe the details of a change set deployment, including its status like whether the change set deployment is active, or inactive, or retracted, information about conflicts this deployment has with other changes that are also based on its baseline change set, and etc. Note. All attributes with public setters and getters that follow the standard Java bean naming conventions are exposed via the REST APIs.
changeSetCopyStatus A class is used to describe the details of a change set deployment, including its status like whether the change set deployment is active, or inactive, or retracted, information about conflicts this deployment has with other changes that are also based on its baseline change set, and etc.
changeSets Container for a list of change sets.
conflictPotential Change sets have a design time baseline, the base line change set that they were originally created from. More than one change set can be designed upon / created from a single base. Deployments have a deployment baseline, the deployment (within an environment) which they follow, like a link in a chain. Each deployment can have at most a single child deployment based on (linked to) it. We tolerate the deployment of two change sets based on the same base into a given environment only if there are no conflicts between the change set and the changes that it has 'inherited' by being deployed on a different deployment base (e.g. a child, or grand child (etc) of its original design time baseline). The reason we do this is to make it easier for (truly unrelated) change sets to be developed in parallel. Since change sets are editable even after deployment (in non-production environments), we need to be able to report conflicts that might have arisen since deployment, or which were known about but overridden at the time of deployment. This class is used to communicate that possibility to clients. It defines the branch (list of chained chain sets) that a change set deployment is exposed to via the above, and also any conflicts currently detectable against that branch. Deployment objects can optionally carry one of these objects in it, which allows the client to display the current conflicts to the user, thus allowing them to be resolved over time.
controlFlow This class contains the details of a control flow, which is a logical, flowchart-like structure that consists of linked activities and decisions that specify the management and processing of a voice call or multimedia session. Note. All attributes with public setters and getters that follow the standard Java bean naming conventions are exposed via the REST APIs.
controlFlowAsService A simple view of a control flow as a service.
controlFlowDifferences Class used to describe the changes made to activities between two versions of a control flow.
changeType The enumerated types of change that a control flow can experience.
controlFlowIdentity A simplified reference class to a particular version of a control flow without its content, suitable for transmitting in lists.
controlFlowIdentityList A list of control flow identities.
controlFlowRevision A class is used to record information about a particular revision to a control flow.
controlFlowUpdateResult A class is used to express the result of a control flow update, including whether the update is successful, the reason for failure if any, the issues during validation, and the detailed differences between the current and the previous version of the control flow. It helps the client code to decipher what happened, without having to parse messages.
deployment A class is used to describe the details of a change set deployment, including its status like whether the change set deployment is active, or inactive, or retracted, information about conflicts this deployment has with other changes that are also based on its baseline change set, and etc. Note. All attributes with public setters and getters that follow the standard Java bean naming conventions are exposed via the REST APIs.
deploymentBundle A class is used to describe the details of a change set deployment bundle. A bundle holds a group of deployments. For details about the change set deployments within the bundle, This class shares similar properties and methods as a single Deployment and in most cases the individual deployment should be used and the bundle properties and methods are not applicable. The bundle properties and methods are only applicable typically in set or update operations when all change set deployments in the bundle are to be set as specified by the properties within the bundle. For further details, please see the deployment class associated with the list of deployments within the bundle. Note. All attributes with public setters and getters that follow the standard Java bean naming conventions are exposed via the REST APIs.
deployments Container for a list of change set deployments.
difference A class is used to describe a single difference of a service resource/data in a change set.
differences Container for a list of differences in a change set.
edrField A class is used to describe the details of an EDR field. OCECAS provides a set of EDR fields in six different groups, namely Call Info EDR Group, Platform Info EDR Group, Web Request EDR Group, Chassis Info EDR Group, and User Data EDR Group, Note. All attributes with public setters and getters that follow the standard Java bean naming conventions are exposed via the REST APIs.
edrFields A container for a list of EDR Fields.
environment A class is used to describe the details of an Environment. Two types of environment have been supported, namely, T (testing) and P (production). Staging is considered as a production environment. Note. All attributes with public setters and getters that follow the standard Java bean naming conventions are exposed via the REST APIs.
envType Environment Type enumeration.
eventSource This class contains the details of an event source. When configuring a new exit in the Wait For Event activity, the event source is used to populate the Session attribute.
eventSources A container for a list of event sources.
eventType This class contains the details of a event type.
eventTypes A container for a list of event types.
exActivity An external representation of an activity. Used by the access-control-flows resource.
exActivityExit An external representation of an activity exit. Used by the access-control-flows resource.
exActivityParameter An external representation of activity parameter. Used by the access-control-flows resource.
exActivityParameterAttribute An external representation of activity parameter attribute. Used by the access-control-flows resource.
exControlFlow An external representation of a control flow. Used by the access-control-flows resource. Note. All attributes with public setters and getters that follow the standard Java bean naming conventions are exposed via the REST APIs.
exEdrField The external form of an EDR field definition.
exExternalConcept An external representation of an external concept. Used by the access-control-flows resource.
exSchema Model object representing the external form of a Schema.
exServiceDataItem A class is used to describe a service data item.
exStatisticDefinition The external representation of a Statistic definition.
externalConcept A class is used to describe the details of an external concept. Note. All attributes with public setters and getters that follow the standard Java bean naming conventions are exposed via the REST APIs.
externalConcepts A container for a list of external concepts.
palette A container for list of activity types, which consist of activity type definition, exits, parameters, and branchCapabilities.
pipeline A class is used to describe the details of a Pipeline. Pipeline exist as a concept on the management platform.  It consists of a backlog of change sets, and a sequence of environments, namely runtime domains where the change sets get deployed. Change sets are deployed to environments in the order defined in the pipeline, meaning that intermediate environments cannot be skipped. Note. All attributes with public setters and getters that follow the standard Java bean naming conventions are exposed via the REST APIs.
pipelineEnvironment A class is used to describe the details of Pipeline-Environment. It represents an environment in a pipeline. Note: the seems redundant nextEnvironment element is used for speeding up UI.
pipelineEnvironments A container for a list of Pipeline-Environments. It holds a sequence of environments in a pipeline.
serviceConfiguration All the configuration visible for an application/service..
serviceConfigurations Container for a list of application configurations.
serviceData A container for a list of service data items.
serviceDataItem A class is used to describe a service data item.
serviceProvider A class is used to describe the details of a service provider. Note. All attributes with public setters and getters that follow the standard Java bean naming conventions are exposed via the REST APIs.
serviceResource Each valid service data item has an associated service data object, which is viewed as a resource in the application/service. This class is used to describe the service data objects.
resourceType The list of supported resource types, as used in service data records. Note: there is NO GUI for viewing/editing the charging template for now. Users have to use RESTful APIs to create/update charging templates.
statistic A class is used to describe the type Statistic.
statisticDefinition The type Statistic. Note. All attributes with public setters and getters that follow the standard Java bean naming conventions are exposed via the REST APIs.
statisticDefinitions A container for a list of external statDefs.
statistics A container for a list of external stats.
telemetry The type Telemetry.
telemetrys A container for a list of telemetries.
validationIssue Describes a single validation issue pertaining to a flow. Does not contain any textual explanation, because issueType is used to form the key of a language specific rendering in the front end.
issueType The enumerated types of issue. When adding an issue type: 1. Add an entry to the issueTypes ordinal array (above). 2. Add an entry to the GUI/nls/root/strings.txt file and then regenerate the translation.js files using the script.