Administration Guide for Oracle Billing Insight > Administering the Database >

Purging Administrator Activity

You can purge the audit history of the administrator activity from the ADMIN_ACTIVITY table.

You can purge the administrator activity for:

  • A specific administrator
  • All administrators

To purge administrator activities

  1. Go to the following directory:
    • UNIX. EDX_HOME/bin
    • Windows. EDX_HOME\bin
  2. Run the following command:
    • UNIX. ./ -connstr OLTP schema user_name/OLTP schema password@EBILL TNS name Input
    • Windows. purge_data.bat -connstr OLTP schema user_name/OLTP schema password@EBILL TNS name Input

      where Input is one of the following:

    • Purge administrator activity for a specific user ID: -adminactivity -user User ID
    • Purge administrator activity for all user IDs: -adminactivity -user -all
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