Administration Guide for Oracle Billing Insight > Command Center Jobs and Configuration Parameters > Payment Jobs >

pmtCheckSubmit Job

The pmtCheckSubmit job selects scheduled check payments that are ready to pay that DDN matches the job's DDN or, optionally, one of the DDNs listed in the Submit Checks for Multiple DDNs field. Checks that are ready to pay are those whose pay dates are scheduled for tomorrow or sooner. It then generates a batch file in the output directory. The output directory is defined in the configuration settings for the payment gateway DDN matching the Application.

The pmtCheckSubmit job uses the check's PID to get the latest check account information from the enrollment database, and then uses that to submit the check payment. If the PID is null, then the check's account information is used for check submission.

A check account can be deactivated, canceled or physically deleted from the database at the time the scheduled check is submitted. For example, if the check account is deleted, then the check will be canceled instead of submitted. If the check is deactivated to the pnd_active or bad_active state or is canceled, then you can configure this job to decide whether to cancel the payment or submit it.

A zero dollar amount check, which is a prenote, will not be submitted, and this job changes the check's status to Processed.

For ACH payments, you can put checks from other DDNs into the same ACH file, but each DDN must be in a separate batch. The DDNs must have the same immediate origination, immediate destination, immediate origination name, and immediate destination name.

The file naming convention for an ACH file is ppd_yyyyMMddHHmmssSSS.ach.

The format of the ACH file can be modified by editing the XML files in the following directory:

  • UNIX. EDX_HOME/payment/lib/payment_resources/ach/template/
  • Windows.EDX_HOME\payment\lib\payment_resources\ach\template

In the path, EDX_HOME is the directory where you installed Oracle Billing Insight. For help modifying ACH batch format, contact your Oracle sales representative to request assistance from Oracle's Professional Services.

After a check is submitted, its status in the database changes from Scheduled to Processed. If an error occurs during the check submission process, then the status of the check changes to Failed.

Table 35 shows the fields that the pmtCheckSubmit job updates in the check_payments table.

Table 35. Columns Updated in the Check Payments Table by the pmtCheckSubmit Job


Current time




For ACH payments: 27 for checking and 37 for saving.


For ACH payments: trace number.




ID of the summary report in the payment_log table.


Populated only if you are using the gateway payment ID to match a check returned from the ACH to a check in the Payment database. For more information, contact your Oracle sales representative to request assistance from Oracle's Professional Services.

About Scheduling and Holidays

By default, the Payment module allows a check payment to be scheduled on a bank holiday. The following rules explain when a Federal holiday qualifies as a bank holiday.

If the holiday is on:

  • A weekday, then it is a bank holiday.
  • Sunday, then the following Monday is a bank holiday.
  • Saturday, then even if the previous Friday is a Federal holiday, it is not a bank holiday.

The ACH is closed on bank holidays, but it is allowed to send a file to the ACH which requires transfer of money on holidays. The ACH processes the checks on the next available bank business day. However, some banks require ACH files to skip bank holidays. By default, the Payment module skips bank holidays.

When an ACH file is generated, all checks with the same pay dates are put into the same batch, and the batch entry effective date is set. That date is the suggested date for the ACH to process the checks in that batch. The following rules determine how the batch entry effective date is set:

  • If the pay date is today or earlier, then the batch entry effective date is set to tomorrow. Otherwise, the batch entry effective date is set to the pay date.
  • If the batch entry effective date is on a bank holiday, then it is moved to the next availed bank business date.

If you do not want to skip holidays when calculating the batch entry effective date, then modify the Payment Settings.

The CheckSubmit job consists of the CheckSubmit task.

Parameters for Configuring the CheckSubmitTask

Table 36 describes the configuration parameters for the CheckSubmitTask.

Table 36. Parameters for Configuring the CheckSubmit Task

Number of days before a check's pay date for it to be submitted

When a check payment is scheduled, a date must be specified when the check is going to be cleared. By default, a check payment will not be submitted to a payment gateway until one day before the scheduled pay date. The submission date can be changed by specifying a different value. The value of this parameter can be zero.

Modifying this field might require modifications to the JSP that checks for valid entries when a customer schedules a check.

For example, if the value is one and the job runs today, then all the checks whose pay dates are tomorrow or earlier will be selected to send to the ACH.

Payments made after the pmtCheckSubmit job runs will not necessarily be paid on the same day. It is recommended that you run this job at 11:59 P.M. to ensure that payments will be processed on the same day as they were made. If the job runs early in the morning each day, for example, at 2:00 A.M., then the job will not process payments scheduled during normal business hours on the same day, since it already ran that day.

Cancel payment if check account is canceled?

Specifies whether the scheduled payment must be canceled if the check account has been canceled. Normally, the value is Y. Use N if the plug-in is going to take actions dependent on this condition.

Cancel payment if account information is invalid?

The account information, contained in a prenote for the ACH, sent to the ODFI by the pmtConfirmEnroll job was returned as having incorrect account information. The user is enrolled, but the account is not valid.

Because the customer's enrollment failed, the customer will be sent an email. The customer must resubmit the information for that account, which must be verified before this account can be used to make a payment.

Submit payment if check account is pending?

When the customer adds a new checking account, it is in a pending state until the period specified by Days to Activate Pending Subscribers has expired. The value Y means submit the payment even if the account is pending. If the value is N, then the task does not submit the payment when the account is pending.

Submit checks for additional DDNs

List additional DDNs checks that the pmtCheckSubmit will submit to the payment gateway for processing, separated by semicolons.

Skip Holidays

Determines whether to send the ACH payment batch file to the ACH even when the bank is closed because of a holiday. The default is N, which means send the file even if it is a holiday. The federal holidays are listed on page 65.

Do you want to create ACH records in separate lines?

Indicates whether to create ACH output in separate lines. The values can be Y-Yes or N- No. The default is N.

Length of ACH Record (used for line separator)

Indicates the number of characters after which to create a new ACH record line. The default is 94. This parameter is applicable only when you set the parameter for creating ACH records in separate lines to Y.

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