Administration Guide for Oracle Billing Insight > Command Center Jobs and Configuration Parameters > Payment Jobs >

pmtARIntegrator Job

The pmtARIntegrator job uses an XSLT template to translate data extracted from Payment tables into a different file format. This job runs queries against the check_payments and creditcard_payments tables to populate a file formatted according to an XML template. Then it uses XSLT to transform that data into another file in the format specified by the XSLT template.

Parameters for Configuring the PaymentIntegratorTask Task

For the PaymentIntegratorTask task, configure the parameters described in Table 42.

Table 42. Parameters for Configuring the PaymentIntegratorTask

Full Path Name of XML Query File

Enter the path to the general query template file. The default path is EDX_HOME/payment/lib/payment_resources/ar/arquery.xml, which you can modify for your needs. In the path, EDX_HOME is the directory where you installed Oracle Billing Insight. Refer to the sample arquery.xml file, which shows a check query and a credit card query.

Check Query Name in XML Query File

Enter the value of the name attribute of the query element in arquery.xml, which is used for the query against the check_payments table. This query only works for the check_payments and check_payments_history tables. You can modify the values, or add new query elements.

Credit Card Query Name in XML Query File

Enter the value of the name attribute of the query element in the arquery.xml file. This query currently only works for the creditcard_payments and creditcard_payments_history tables. You can modify the values, or add new query elements.

Implementation of IARPaymentIntegrator

Specifies the implementation class for IPaymentIntegrator. The default parameter is The IPaymentIntegrator interface defines a method to use the Payment module to generate accounts receivable files in a specific format.

Full Path of AR Template File

The complete path to the payment source template file. The default path is EDX_HOME/payment/lib/payment_resources/ar/arflat_template.txt. The default file is a sample flat text template file that shows how to format output, which you can edit to meet your requirements. The other template file provided with the ARIntegrator job is arxml_template.xml.

Directory for Output AR File

Specify a directory to put the output file, EDX_HOME/payment/Output/AR, or another location.

Transform Output AR File to Another Format?

A flag, Y or N. This parameter is ignored unless an XML template is chosen. If the value is Y, then the pmtARIntegrator job takes the generated XML file in the output directory as XML input for the XSLT processor, reads the XSLT template, and transforms the data into a different file format.

Do not set this field to Y if the XSLT file used to transform the AR file to a different format is in TXT format. Only enter Y if the XSLT template file format is well-formed XML.

Full Pathname of XSLT File Used for Transform.

The XSLT template file. You can create your own XSLT template file in a different directory with a different name. The default template, arTransform.xsl, is a sample flat text file that shows how to format output, which you can edit to meet your requirements. You can find this file in EDX_HOME//payment/lib/payment_resources/ar.

After specifying the preceding parameters and scheduling the job, the pmtARIntegrator job generates an output file in output directory dependent on your check and credit card query criteria as specified in the arquery.xml file and the Java class You can modify the sample templates files and reimplement the IPaymentIntegrator interface to add features.

The XSLT template file must be well-formed XML or the pmtARIntegrator job fails with the error: java.lang.exception: javax.xml.transform.TransformerException.

Directory for Transformed File.

The directory for the final transformed file. The default is EDX_HOME//payment/Output/ar. In the path, EDX_HOME is the directory where you installed Oracle Billing Insight.

File Name Extension for Transformed File

The file extension of the final transformed file. The default is TXT.

Flexible Parameter 1

Optional parameter used in the AR query.

Flexible Parameter 2

Optional parameter used in the AR query.

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