Hierarchy Developer's Guide for Oracle Billing Insight > APIs for Customizing Oracle Billing Insight Hierarchy Manager >

ILinkTargetConfig Interface

The ILinkTargetConfig interface provides a contract for accessing the link target configuration. The link target provides business meaning to a hierarchy node. Table 21 describes the methods available for the ILinkTargetConfig API.

Table 21. ILinkTargetConfig Methods

java.lang.String getDescription()

Retrieves the method name which will be used to retrieve description string.

java.lang.String getDisplayName()

Retrieves the method name for displaying display name.

java.lang.String getExternalKey()

Returns the method name to be used as display external key properties.

java.util.List getLinkTargetEventHandlers()

Returns a list of event handler class names.

java.lang.String getTargetType()

Returns target type string for the link target.

java.lang.String getTargetTypeName()

Retrieves name string assigned for given target class.

IUnassignedObjectProvider getUnassignedObjectProvider()

Retrieves the name of class for retrieving unassigned objects.

IHierarchyXMLExchangeHandler getXmlExchangeHandler()

Returns full class name of XML exchange handler for handle this type of element in the XML import process.

java.lang.String getXmlTag()

Returns XML element tag name used for this type of link target.

boolean isStoredHierXRef()

Returns a Boolean indicating whether this type of link target, when handled in the OLAP side, is flatten out outside the hierarchy node table.

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