Hierarchy Developer's Guide for Oracle Billing Insight > Extending Advanced Hierarchy Manager Use Cases >

Working with an External SSO System

In some client systems, data for accessing billing information is stored in an external single sign-on (SSO) system. While replicating information into Oracle Billing Insight is possible for some deployments, for others Oracle Billing Insight must work with an external access control system to provide hierarchical reporting functionality. For additional information about using an external SSO system, see Implementation Guide for Oracle Billing Insight.

Figure 18 shows the set of interfaces and base classes that are provided as part of the set of extension points.

Figure 18. SSO Extension Point Interfaces and Classes

In Figure 18, class myOwnHierarchyContext, myOwnAccessManager, and myOwnUnassignedObjectProvider are places where you can add custom logic for access control related integration.

In the myOwnHierarchyContext class, you can store any information you gathered from external systems: http session and/or internal tables.

The myOwnAccessManager class is based on the information you stored to determine what level of access control to give, which delegates to IHierarchyManager to actually do the hierarchy related work.

The myOwnUnassignedObjectProvider class can be any class you create, as long as it provides the correct list of unassigned objects for a given user and hierarchy position. The class can include code that queries an external system, or uses PL/SQL to retrieve a list of objects based on your business rules.

Figure 19 shows a possible interaction sequence.

Figure 19. Example SSO Interaction Sequence
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