Hierarchy Developer's Guide for Oracle Billing Insight > Hierarchy Manager Concepts >

Hierarchy Life Cycle States

Once you create a hierarchy, it goes through the following states before being completely removed from the Oracle Billing Insight database:

  • Unpublished. When a hierarchy is first created, it is in an unpublished state. Unpublished hierarchies can only be available or accessed by its creator and system administrators. Changes made to the hierarchy are not versioned. Reporting is not available on an unpublished hierarchy.
  • Published. Once a hierarchy is published, structural changes made to the hierarchy will be versioned. A published hierarchy cannot be unpublished. A published hierarchy is available for public to use, and accessibility is controlled based on user's role and association with hierarchy. You can run reports on published hierarchies.
  • Expired. A published hierarchy can be expired by an administrator or a manager user. Once a hierarchy is expired from a given period, hierarchy information from the following period and onwards is removed. However, data for periods prior that expiring period, inclusive, is still available for editing and reporting.
  • Deleted. A user can delete a hierarchy, which marks the hierarchy as deleted in the database. Deleted hierarchies are not available for the user to access for any periods. Run a housekeeping batch job to physically remove all marked as deleted hierarchies from the database.

Figure 6 illustrates the state transition of a hierarchy.

Figure 6. State Transition of a Hierarchy
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