Integration Guide for Oracle Billing Insight > Integrating Oracle Billing Insight With Oracle BRM >

Integration Extension Points

Within the limitations and assumptions described in this topic, the following fields can be extended in some integrations of Oracle BRM and Oracle Billing Insight.

Service Number

The BRM_SERVICE_T table contains an extended column to store service agreement number. The service agreement number is shown for the billing account in the Oracle Billing Insight interface. The default rule for setting the service agreement number for an Oracle BRM service is:

  • Use the phone device ID (phone number) as the service agreement number.
  • If no phone device is associated with the service, then use the SIM device ID as the service agreement number.
  • If no phone device and no SIM device are associated with the service, then use the service ID as the service agreement number.

The same logic is used to set the service number in BRM Provider, BRM Adapter, and in the batch provisioning script. If you customize the logic for setting the service agreement number in one place, then change the logic in all three places.

In BRM Provider, customize the pkg_intg_load_prestg_billing. pr_load_service procedure to change the default behavior.

The batch provisioning script, ExportProvisioningFile.sql, is located in the EDX_HOME/integration/db/provider/brm/Scripts/ directory.

Service Owner Name

If service is associated with a device in your implementation, then Oracle Billing Insight uses DEVICE_T.DECSR as the service owner name by default. You must populate DEVICE_T.DECSR if it is you want it to display in the Oracle Billing Insight interface. If you do not want to use DEVICE_T.DECSR as the source of the service owner name, then customize the adapter handler.

Area Code

Oracle Billing Insight uses the area code to store the calling city, calling country and called city, and the called country. Since this data is not available in Oracle BRM, four extended columns are included in the following pre-staging tables:


If the information is available in your deployment, you can populate the column data as shown in Table 4:

Table 4. Extended Columns for Called and Calling City and Country
Extended Column Name
Sample Data





Anytown, CA










Anytown, CA






Customize the following procedures to set values for these extended columns:

  • pkg_intg_load_prestg_billing.pr_load_evt_sess_tlc_gsm
  • pkg_intg_load_prestg_billing. pr_load_evt_dl_sess_tlc_gsm

In Oracle BRM, a single transaction can be associated with multiple tariffs, however only one tariff can be shown with the CDR record in Oracle Billing Insight.

By default, BRM Provider gets the first tariff and extracts it with the CDR record to Oracle Billing Insight. You can change the default behavior by customizing the pkg_intg_load_stage_billing package implementation. The following procedures in the the pkg_intg_load_stage_billing package contain the default logic to get the tariff code:

  • pr_load_4000_cdr
  • pr_load_4900_cdr
  • pr_load_9500_pp_cdr
Tax Sub-charge Code

You can populate the tax sub-charge code using the SeedData.sql script, located in the EDX_HOME/integration/db/provider/brm/Taxes/ directory.

There is one top-level charge type with code 'Taxes' and several sub-charge type codes, such as 0 (Federal tax) and 1 (State tax).

You can change the tax charge type codes for your business needs. Change the following procedure, used to extract tax-related charges, to reflect the code changes:


A charge note can be extracted to describe the charges. By default, the fn_get_tax_charge_note field is used to generate the charge note. You can customize this behavior for your business needs.

The charge note does not appear in the Oracle Billing Insight interface, however you can customize your report to show the charge note in your interface if necessary.

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