Implementation Guide for Oracle Billing Insight > Using the Reporting Engine > Core Reporting Features >

Drilldown and Breadcrumb Link

The Reporting Engine allows you to build a breadcrumb link while you are drilling down from report to report.

To build drilldown link, define a <link> for a transformer column:

<report id="testrpt0">
<transformer id="tr1" dataSourceId="ds1">
<column id="invoice_number" name="Invoice number" >
<link title="Drill down to the invoice detail."><![CDATA[
=root ]]></link> </column> </transformer>

The <link> element instructs the Reporting Engine to build a drilldown link for each account number. You must construct the link, which must point to another report. The link will be parsed as a Velocity template.

This link also has a title attribute, which allows you add an HTML title to the link. In most browsers, the title will be displayed as popup help.

When you click an account number, you will drilldown to testrpt1 report. However, by default, there is no breadcrumb link built to allow you to go back to the testrpt0 report. To enable the breadcrumb link, add enableDrillUp=true to the column definition:

<report id="testrpt0">
<transformer id="tr1" dataSourceId="ds1">
<column id="invoice_number" name="Invoice number" "enableDrillUp"=true >
link title="Drill down to the invoice detail."><![CDATA[
report.action?reportId=testrpt1c&invoiceNumber=$row.get(1)&parameter(parentNode)=root ]]></link>

When this flag is set to true, and you drilldown from testrp0 to testrpt1, there will be a breadcrumb link in the testrpt1 view which allows you to go back to the testrpt0 report.

Currently, you must drill down from one report ID to another report ID, but the breadcrumb link will not work if you try to drilldown to the same report. This feature makes sense when you are viewing the same report but drilldown through hierarchy.

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