Implementation Guide for Oracle Billing Insight > Customizing the Assisted Service Application >

Assisted Service Application Files

The Assisted Service application WAR file contains the tiles (*.JSP) for the application. Under the war/src/main/webapp directory are a variety of packages containing tiles that address key agent view functions such as impersonating and finding an agent's customer (access-cust), enrolling the agent and searching for a customer's agent (manage-csr), enrolling the customer (manage-cust), and searching and managing organizations (manage-org).

Under the \web-actions\src\main\java\com\edocs\application\csr (compiled source) directory are action, form, and tag classes which comprise the model and controller of the Assisted Service application. The common package contains a variety of agent helper classes for logging in, enrolling, authentication, and configuration.

See the war/src/main/webapp/WEB-INF/classes directory for the struts configuration JavaBeans and forwarding actions for this Assisted Service application. The tiles configuration also resides in this file.

See the web-actions\src\main\config\csr.xma.xml file for how to configure access to the customer application from the Assisted Service application and the list of agent roles that are enabled.

The Oracle Billing Insight API Javadoc contains additional information about customizing the Assisted Service application. For information about accessing the Javadoc, see Accessing Oracle Billing Insight Data Dictionary and Javadoc.

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