Implementation Guide for Oracle Billing Insight > Customizing Payment >

Updating the Back-End Billing System With a Top-Up Payment

Users can make a top-up payment against a prepay billing account. When a top-up payment is made, the account balance updates with the newly paid amount. You must notify the back-end service billing system that the service has been paid and credits need to be updated to allow the customer to continue using the service. Oracle Billing Insight provides the ITopUpPaymentPlugin plug-in for updating a back office system. You must implement the plug-in based on your own business rules.

To update a back-end billing system with a top-up payment using ITopUpPaymentPlugin

  1. Open the services.xma.xml file, located in the following directory. In the path, EDX_HOME is the directory where you installed Oracle Billing Insight.
    • UNIX. EDX_HOME\xma\config\modules\services
    • Windows. EDX_HOME/xma/config/modules/services
  2. Add your implementation class for ITopUpPaymentPlugin as a JavaBean definition, such as:

    <bean id="customerTopUpPaymentPlugin" class="com.edocs.common.payment.plugin. CustomerTopUpPaymentPlugin " scope="singleton"></bean>

  3. Replace the IPaymentServiceTarget Javabean content with the following code:

    <bean id="IPaymentServiceTarget" class="" scope="prototype">
    <property name="accountValidator">
    <ref bean="anonymousPaymentValidator"/>
    <property name="topUpPaymentPlugin">
    <ref bean="customerTopUpPaymentPlugin"/>

  4. Implement the com.edocs.common.api.payment.ITopUpPaymentPlugin interface. This interface provides the method postTopUpPayment(IPaymentTransaction pmtTransaction).
  5. Add the implemented class into the payment_custom.jar file, located in the following directories. For Windows, change the slashes and root as necessary.
    • EDX_HOME\J2EEApps\commandcenter\weblogic\command-center-weblogic-7.0.ear\lib
    • EDX_HOME\J2EEApps\selfservice\weblogic\selfservice-weblogic-7.0.ear\lib
    • EDX_HOME\J2EEApps\csr\weblogic\csr-app-7.0.ear\lib
    • EDX_HOME\payment\lib

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