Implementation Guide for Oracle Billing Insight > Customizing Payment > About Payment Plug-Ins >

Creating an ACH Plug-In

The ACH cartridge supports a plug-in to modify ACH file generation. When the pmtCheckSubmit job runs for ACH, it calls the methods of the implementation of IAchPlugIn during numerous events. (You specify the implementation in the Command Center Payment Settings.) The default implementation is DefaultAchPlugIn, which implements two methods to extend functionality while generating an ACH file.

You can use the pmtCheckSubmit plug-in to do the following:

  • Change the default name of the ACH file.
  • Change the format of the ACH file that the pmtCheckSubmit job generates.
  • Create a remittance file in addition to the standard ACH file.
  • Deny a check or change the default information put into the ACH file.
  • Write addenda records for ACH. The implementation called AddendaCheckSubmitPlugIn gets the invoice information of a payment and writes them as addenda records.

Create your own implementation to accomplish these tasks. See Accessing Oracle Billing Insight Data Dictionary and Javadoc for information about writing an implementation of IAchIn.

To create an ACH plug-in

  1. Derive your implementation from the default implementation DefaultAchPlugIn.
  2. Overwrite the methods whose behavior you want to change.
  3. When compiling the class, include the payment-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar and payment_client.jar files in your Java classpath.
  4. Package this class into the payment_custom.jar file of each EAR file.

    See Packaging Oracle Billing Insight Payment Custom Code for information about redeploying EAR files.

  5. Change the payment settings in the Command Center to point to your new class.

    For more information about changing payment settings in the Command Center, see Administration Guide for Oracle Billing Insight.

Related Topics

Check Submit Job with Plug-In Workflow

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