Implementation Guide for Oracle Billing Insight > Customizing Payment > About Payment Plug-Ins >

Creating a Payment Reminder Plug-In

The payment reminder plug-in is invoked when the pmtPaymentReminder job runs. The pmtPaymentReminder job creates the following payment reminders:

  • Regular payment reminders
  • Check status notifications
  • Credit card and debit card status notifications

Each of these tasks has a corresponding plug-in. Use the com.edocs.common.payment.tasks.reminder.IPaymentReminderPlugIn API. The default plug-in implementation, com.edocs.commonpayment.tasks.reminder.PaymentReminderPlugIn, does nothing.

To create a payment reminder job plug-in

  1. Derive your implementation class from PaymentReminderPlugIn.
  2. Overwrite the methods that you want to change the behavior of.
  3. When compiling the class, include the payment-1.0-SNAPSHOT.jar and payment_client.jar files in your Java class path.
  4. Package this class into the payment_custom.jar file of each EAR file.
  5. Update the pmtPaymentReminder job configuration to use the new class.

    For more information about changing job settings in the Command Center, see Administration Guide for Oracle Billing Insight.

Related Topics

Payment Reminder Job with Plug-In Workflow

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