Implementation Guide for Oracle Billing Insight > Customizing Payment >

Customizing the Payment Amount Format

You can customize the payment amount format for the following features:

  • Credit card registration fee
  • Minimum and maximum payment amounts
  • Two decimal pattern
  • Whether to allow payments greater or less than the amount due
  • Whether to enable the preNote feature

To configure the payment amount format

  1. Open the payment.xma.xml file, found in the EDX_HOME\xma\config\modules\payment directory.
  2. Modify the parameters in the paymentConfigurationBean section as needed:

    <bean id="paymentConfigurationBean" class ="com.edocs.common.payment.config.PaymentConfigurationBean" scope="singleton">
    <property name="creditCardRegisterFee">
    <property name="paymentAmountGreaterthanAmountDue">
    <property name="minimumPayAmount">
    <property name="maximumPayAmount">
    <property name="twoDecimalPattern">
    <property name="paymentAmountLessthanAmountDue">
    <property name="enablePreNote">

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