Implementation Guide for Oracle Billing Insight > Customizing User Management >

Adding a New Permission Set

You can add new permissions in Oracle Billing Insight, creating a unique set of application resource privileges.

To add a new permission set

  1. Open the azpolicy.xml file, located in the following directory:
    • UNIX. EDX_HOME/config/azcfg/policy
    • Windows. EDX_HOME\config\azcfg\policy
  2. Add the new permission set authorization XML to the file, using the existing permission authorizations as a guide. Assign principal roles to grant access to those users.
  3. Follow these steps to authorize access to application URLs:
    1. Open the security.xma.xml file, located in the following directory:
      • UNIX. EDX_HOME/xma/config/modules/security
      • Windows. EDX_HOME\xma\config\modules\security
    2. Add the new permission to the appropriate application URL mappings:
      • Self-Service application. Add the permission group to the AuthorizeMappingManager bean.
      • Assisted Service application. Add the permission group to the CSRAuthorizeMappingManager bean.

        The bean XML in the security.xma.xml file is shown here:

    <bean id="AuthorizeMappingManager" class="" scope="singleton">
    <property name="URLmapping"><value>/usermanagement/CompanyProfile_browse.action.*|/contact/Contact_browseCCL.action.*|/contact/Contact_displayUploadCCL.action.*|/contact/Contact_uploadCCL.action.*=perm_CompanyGeneral
    </value></property> </bean>
    <bean id="CSRAuthorizeMappingManager" class="" scope="singleton">
    <property name="URLmapping"><value>
    </value></property> </bean>

  4. Follow these steps if you want to authorize a particular UI component:
    1. Surround the code or resources you want to authorize with a tag called <authz:authorize>. For example, the following code controls access to the Company Profile subtab:

    <authz:authorize ifAnyGranted="perm_CompanyGeneral">
    <li><a href="${ctx}/${usermanagement}/CompanyProfile_browse.action" title="<s:text name="global.mainNavTab1.subNav3"/>">
    <s:text name="global.mainNavTab1.subNav3"/></a></li></authz:authorize>

    1. Separate multiple permissions by commas in the ifAnyGranted attribute. If any of the permissions in the list are granted, then the body of the tag is written.

      The authz:authorize tag can have the following attributes:

      • ifAllGranted. All the listed permissions must be granted for the tag to output its body.
      • ifAnyGranted. Any of the listed permissions must be granted for the tag to output its body.
      • ifNotGranted. None of the listed permissions must be granted for the tag to output its body.
  5. Invoke the authorization in the Java code, for example:

    IUser user = userSession.getUser();

    //get an AccessManager instance

    IAccessManager accessMgr =SecurityFactory.getAccessManager(user .getUserId());

    Map ctxParameters = new HashMap();

    Boolean prepay=userSession.getAttribute("PREPAY")!=null?(Boolean)userSession.getAttribute("PREPAY"):false;

    String[] values = {((Boolean)!prepay).toString()};


    //do authorize by AZEngine

    boolean isAuthorized= isaccessMgr.checkAccess("perm_PostPay", ctxParameters);

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