Implementation Guide for Oracle Billing Insight > Customizing User Management >

Customizing the Validation Code Generator

Validation codes are used to create a validation link for user enrollment confirmation, reactivating a locked user, and other actions. The characters in the verification code and its expiration time are customizable.

To configure the validation code generator:

  1. Open the security.xma.xml file, located in the following directory:
    • UNIX. EDX_HOME/xma/config/modules/security
    • Windows. EDX_HOME\xma\config\modules\security
  2. Edit the following constraints as required, located in the section for the IVCodeGenerator JavaBean:
    • length. An integer that represents the length of the verification code. The default value is 7. The value must be equal to or larger than 7.
    • exclude. A string that contains the characters that cannot appear in the verification code.
    • includeSpecial. Whether the validation code can include special characters such as %$(). Value can be true or false.
    • minUppercase. An integer, the validation code must contain at least this number of upper case letters.
    • minLowercase. An integer, the validation code must contain at least this number of lower case letters.
    • minNumber. An integer, the validation code must contain at least this number of digital characters.
    • expirationTime. An integer and a unit (D means day, H means hour, M means minute). For example, 4H means the verification code expires after four hours.

Using the Enrollment Validation API

The ISecurityProfileManager API provides the method checkValidationCode for validation code and security profile ID validation:

ISecurityProfileManager spManager = UserFactory.getSecurityProfileManager();
secProfile = spManager.checkValidationCode(secProfileId, validationCode);
If validate is expired, throw ValidationCodeExpireException
//ISecurityXMAService provides the method getValidationCode() to get a validation code.
LookupService lookUp = LookupServiceFactory.getInstance();
ISecurityXMAService securityXMAService = (ISecurityXMAService) lookUp.getModule("security");
IValidationCode = securityXMAService.createValidationCodeManager().getValidationCode();

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