Number Look Up (NLU)

A Number Look Up (NLU) is a touchscreen button that you select to access a numbered list of one of the following items:
  • Discounts

  • Main Levels

  • Service Charges

  • Sub Levels

  • Tender/Media

You can use the touchscreen buttons configured for NLU in two ways to add items, charges, discounts, or tenders to a check.

  1. If you know the number of a discount, menu level, service charge, or tender, enter the NLU number using the on-screen numeric key pad, and then select one of the following functions keys:
    • Discount NLU

    • Main Level NLU

    • Service Charge NLU

    • Sub Level NLU

    • Tender/Media NLU

  2. If you do not know the number of a discount, menu level, service charge, or tender, select one of the function keys listed in Step 1.
  3. Select an item from the list or enter the NLU number of the relevant item in the dialog box, and then click OK.